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RE: Moving to hive

in #steem6 years ago

Here’s what I don’t get: If you don’t like what he’s doing on proboards why not just ignore those accounts? To be honest, those are two topics I don’t get into much either, and this is because I don’t see evidence for it, yet, we have this super cool blockchain which allows for great debate, and that's awesome in my book.

I figure if we don’t like what someone is saying, it’s a perfect opportunity to challenge what’s being said in the comment section of the post, and if that gets boring, we can always just mute them from our world like changing a TV channel on a remote. Why resort to punishing people for their ideas?

To be perpetually at odds with someone that isn't harming you seems like a waste of energy, not only is it a waste of personal energy but it also drags others into that negative energy vortex too. It's great to have the ability to have so much fight power (FP), yet if it gets projected at people who aren't harming you, then it seems like a skill wasted on the wrong person.

Or worse, what happens when you get engaged by a real enemy IRL, and all of your FP is depleted on non-IRL ideological disputes? I say, save up some of that FP for the real bad guys, and then you'll have explosive power available on tap, should you ever need it. In the realm of the psyche, hate, unlike love, should be used very sparingly because of the damaging effect it has on both parties.