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RE: The unfair practice by @therealwolf associated with @smartsteem

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

You’re blacklisted for your low quality plagiarism series - „color challenge“, where you take photos that aren’t your own and promote them with hundreds of dollars. Disgusting!

And regarding the calculation accusations: you're known for becoming annoying by asking questions over and over again and are not accepting answers, because they probably aren't fitting your narrative, or you simply don't understand them. That's why you were kicked from the discord. I took my time to explain the calculations again, to your buddy xyzashu: But since it doesn't fit your narrative, you're still claiming unfair practice.

You're just a poor plagiarism author, abusing promotion services built for real content-creators. More bid-bots & services should blacklist people like you.


Whenever you're finished with this guy, I'd like you to have a look at this post:

It's at least 37 times better than this piece of shit post and I feel it's more deserving of this slot on the trending page. Anyone else seeing this is welcome to view as well. Upvotes would be appreciated, and go to a more deserving author than whoever wrote this pile of shit I just read, but I'm not in the business of begging for handouts. Just doing some networking to see where it leads me and since this douche wasted promotional services, I figured it's only fair to humanity that those promotional services get used properly. If there's one thing I learned in school, it was to not waste paper... whatever that means.

Thank you.

It's at least 37 times better

Why 37? Why not 69 times?

Because that's not how you math.

he actually owns the images he's posting - he's a wedding planner

doesn't change the fact that @mehta bid-bots these minimum effort posts purely for ROI (which also explains why he's so salty about not getting the ROI he's hoping for)

users like @mehta, interested in nothing other than value-extraction, are the real problem on steem!

I'm not a fan of bid-bots but I have come to accept them as a neccessary evil in the given economic ruleset, but seeing this post and your firm reply does give me a glimmer of hope.


I am doing only what is available at platform. I have not made the bidbots, votselling. These are their and i am using. How can you say they are low efforts pics? Go and take some pics of wedding, it is not too easy.
I am not cheating anybody. Always doing fair practice. I also wanted that bidbots should stop working and free votes should available at platform. But i can't wait for it. I also want vote in free. If you can give, provide me, upvote or downvote. I accept both but it should be free. If no bidbot or votesell is their, i will be very happy. Everyone get votes in free. Do it. I am waiting.
It took many hours to take a pic, make a post. when we not get return, what should i do. I have buy votes.

the problem is that people like yourself don't contribute anything, you don't even want to communicate anything really, you just want to grab a piece of the pie with minimum effort.

you're just recycling the catalogue of wedding location images you collect for your work in order to extract rewards from this platform.

just because it's possible to buy votes, that doesn't make it any less counter-productive for the platform, and that doesn't excuse your disproportionate expectation of making a return on it either.

I am not here to comment on the issue at hand, i just came by to express my satisfaction with your dissatisfaction about buying votes.

Paid upvotes are one of the biggest issues with steem token distribution, but actually, they should all have negative ROI to protect the reward pool from shortsighted farmers like yourself. That wouldn't fix the problem with distribution at all, but at least it would fix the problem with greedy content farming.

Thanks for your attention. Happy steeming.

प्रिये @mehta भाई वीडिंग फ़ोटोग्राफ़ी एक कला है जो ना समझे वो अनाड़ी है

@thetimetravelerz हाँ, आपने सही कहा.

Every couple of months, there is some guy complaining about the ROI.

Are you doing blacklist for this? Please, ask from your heart or just doing it for asking you some query, those you don't want to answer. This shows your intention and thinking. I think you are just justifying your action. Please, sit cam and think over it, not do action like a child. If you can understand, try to understand. I am waiting for a mature answer from you, after all you are a witness.
The picture have with me are mine and i have already proved at minnowbooster. You didn't ask me for any original source of photo. The MB asked from me and i gave them and they satisfied with those. I worked as a wedding planner at Udaipur, India and you can check it online.

Why are you repeatedly accusing me of not wanting to answer questions? I clearly did, the calculation is basically the same that you and your buddy wrote, but the data is not. The exchange price, the internal Steem price, etc. So if you continuously re-calculate based on your own data, then you'll get a different outcome. What you're doing right now is public laundering based on wrong facts - that alone is a reason for a blacklist.

Now, the things has changed by many communication. This is easy answer that exchange price is changed and you follow them. If that's the things, give the exchange price at that moment. I didn't see any major change in price when the cycle complete. All things are stable, if you have the proof give it.
The question is not that, it is your way of answer and action you took now and before this issue. You don't want to clarify the things and sent statement like a king and ruling the things without any answer. These all answer is after that your ruling action. Not like a steemians or witness.
You knew that for minor difference i never told you. You know very well.

At this point you’re the one I’d say is in the wrong. He’s tried to be civil but you keep defaming him over multiple posts. At this point you’re basically spending a lot of money to defame someone over a perceived slight.

Thanks for your understanding, I welcome it. Keep steeming.
Happy to see you here. I am glad to interact with you.
I never talk too much because i am weak in explaining the things/writing specially in English, my tongue language is Hindi. Thanks for your efforts.

I wouldn’t worry about language. I think most people understand what you’re saying even if it isn’t in perfect English 😊

Posted using Partiko iOS

Keep posting and enjoy the steemit.
You have lots of sense. Keep it and do you best in field of cryptos.

the pictures may be yours, but you're still just farming the reward pool to extract as much value from the platform with as little effort as possible...

you cannot imagine how pleased i am to see you bickering about not making the ROI you've been hoping for

the pictures may be yours

The thing is, they are not his, we have gone over that a few times in the past. He works with weddings, gets photos from other photographers for something in his business but has no license to post them online for profit. Not even convinced he has rights to use them in his business or that he has one.

he does run a small wedding-planning business with a small team under him, I've confirmed that and for myself and have no reason to doubt it. I agree that it's very unlikely he's taking these pictures himself but I would argue that he does have permission to republish them.

a lot of the images can be found on the web as various location-catalogues on the web present those same images as uploaded by the venue operators, too

really though, I don't even see why that matters so much, the behavior of squatting a variety of trending categories with this minimum effort "original" content via bid-bots should be enough reason to flag his content and ultimately blacklist him from the bid-bots

this really isn't so much an issue about copyright as it is about abusive behavior towards the platform's twisted economics

He's confirmed he doesn't take them himself nor does he have a license to sell them or make a profit off them.

¯\_ (ツ) _/¯

Do you have the license to right any things without having proof. Then what happens with @magicdice.
We always not rights, someone can be right.
By the way this is not the point of discussion here, the point is that how @therealwolf reacted for query.
You can right in your thoughts but truth may different.

Here, not is the question of ROI. Here quesion is that how @therealwolf communicate, behave and take action. He is a witness. You also knew that i difference in ROI doesn't effect my efforts. I knew this happens, but how he reacted is wrong. ROI ±5%, downvote i don't worry for that. I do my work without wrong wording and action. You can say, you did not like my bidbot action. But this post is for his action and communication as a witness.

well... if you couldn't make ROI with these bid-bots... I'm pretty sure you wouldn't post anything at all...

we all know you don't put in much effort anyways, but I'm still certain a lack of ROI would impact your barely made efforts... which would be a good thing for the ecosystem... because you'd stop farming the reward pool!

if free votes is available, no one want to pay for it. Stop bidbots or voteselling, i am very much happy.
Make a post have losts of efforts, get a photo from site, make a post, it require min 2-3 hours of work. Than you received 0.10 $ vote, what should you do. All are selling their vote. So i finally think for buying the votes. If it's available free i will be happy. I need not to sent post in trending. Only 10-15 $ post is good. It will serve the purpose.

Sure, if someone gave you money for free you wouldn't need to pay for ROI. That makes a lot of sense!

How about creating quality content, boosting that to trending to get attention every once in a while, and then receive some free votes and genuine followers because people actually enjoy the content.

That's the only legitimate scenario for bid-botting, everything else is reward farming, at least that's how I see things.

Your whole argument just underlines the fact that you don't care for the content but you just want more tokens.

I think you are genus and minded, you knew the things. You are a 100% true person. Enjoy steeming. Your each word is true and correct. I fan of you.
Thanks for all and keep voting me up and down, it's upto you. But all you knew the things correctly.

You edited the text that's why i again writing you. You never explain me the calculation behind it, just sending general answer. Like you mentioned over. When the bidbot cycle have only 35$ bids and @smartsteem vote value is around 66$ how a low return is possible.

leave it this is not the matter now. I understand more about this, you know very well. The matter is your communication and action, what you taken after that. and now you are also modifying the things on you sites. It shows, what you have in mind.

there is something even more disgusting , when you beg that 'pumpkin' account to give you witness vote