Next Stop: Moon/ Sun?
I'm not sure what is more exciting:
- @ned having a new profile image on twitter
- or him retweeting a tweet from Justin Sun, which basically confirms the speculations around Sun acquiring/investing in Steemit (& potentially Steem).
Regardless, my gut is telling me that something big is going to happen!
And maybe we'll all soon be rewarded for hodling through the driest of dry times.
Most importantly, with a cryptocurrency, that has brought more real value to people and the whole crypto-ecosystem than the majority of other projects.

It can be said without doubt that changes will come to Steem, whether they're good or bad, we'll see. But I'd rather see changes, than stagnation and a slow death of Steem.
While Steem isn't just cherrytomatoes (wink) and gold behind the surface, in my opinion, the whole project is pretty much underrated.
And maybe it takes a Sun to kickstart this whole thing?
Whether you hate or love him; one thing is for sure: that man knows how to market himself & his projects.
Tron will be available on the latest Samsung phones in the blockchain keystore.
Samsung phone use is anticipated to surpass 1 billion+ users in the next few years.
And if he'd be involved with Steem, I'm betting 2 STEEM on it, that people will hear about Steem (and SMTs ;) ).
Which makes me excited for what's to come!
What are your thoughts? Next stop moon sun?
I don't even care if he will actually do something useful for Steem(it), that news alone should pump the price.
I mean, it's already pumping, but I don't know if it's related to this.
If next stop sun we all burn to death. Moon is better.
😂 😂 😆
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Both of them look very handsome in their twitter profile pics 🤗
that's important!
I'm ready for change, its been boring lol
ohh yes bro- it was a long time borring time- Time for some real fun now :-))))
Anything/Anyone is better than absent Ned...
Its nice to see all the excitement.
There are pro and cons to this, like everything else, and I hope the pro will outweigh the cons ;)
Ned may have retweeted that by error while practicing his guitar 🎸
Steem is my friend at all time T!
Posted using Partiko iOS
As important is that German banks now are allowed to add cryptocoins under equity investments. Just hope that steem will be in one basket once like in "small cap cryptocoins".
I saw this this morning and thought, aaah, it's true then!
with the actual aaah in your head??
thats cool
The actual aahhh!!
Hehe ;0)
Let's hope for Moon hehehe, people hate Justin...but truth is he fucking knows how to market or shill or whatever word that suits!!