STEEM Is A Social Media Blockchain: So Be Social!!!!

in #steem7 years ago

In my time on this site, I learned a great many things. One of the things that sticks out in my mind is how this place can be overwhelming.

When we first start on Steemit, the platform is a bit tricky. Unlike D.Tube and Zappl which are fairly familiar if one used the comparable social media sites, this contains a large learning curve. For many, it takes a while to figure out the wallet system alone. What is a SBD? Why is there STEEM and STEEM Power? How do I get either of them? These are all questions newcomers have.

Then we have navigating the site itself. This is a challenge which is hopefully being addressed. I will state that, at present, Steemit is one long feed of articles. This can make it a bit difficult to find anything. The tags helps a great deal although are mislabeled. Of course, if you are like me, you followed the world so your feed is fairly worthless. Nevertheless, it is manageable once you start to pare things down and learn some of the different aspects to the site.

It isn't only newcomers who get overwhelmed. Being here for some time created another dilemma for me: with so many great projects, where do I focus my attention. There are a lot of different things going on that it is easy to get lost in all there is to do. Everyone is looking for more help and, with this blockchain being so young, there are opportunities all around. At the same time, with tokens, we see, for the first time, the ability to finance a great many things.

Hence I head is spinning like a newcomer albeit for a different reason.

Yet there is one point that I must make to all newer people (and some older ones too).

STEEM is a blockchain that was designed to target the social media market. We see the content/reward system built into the blockchain that any app can take advantage of. So far, we have a handful of apps that align themselves well with the traditional social media sites. With each upgrade, all of them are improving and moving closer to being able to handle some serious traffic.

Of course, we know that this blockchain is at the forefront of introducing people to the tokenized world. Where else can people post, comment, and upvote while getting paid for doing it? (No I don't referring going on Facebook at work). Each time someone does something on this blockchain, it has a monetary value. Sure, when new and without much SP, it is a small number but it does grow over time.

We know that the opportunity for compensation is what brought a lot of people here. This only makes sense since many are on the traditional social media sites promoting STEEM (or the specific apps) as a place for one to do what he or she is already doing yet get paid for it. Since this is our marketing tactic, at this point, we should not shy away from it nor get upset when people arrive on here looking for money. It is what we told them was here. And it is...

However, there is another point that I need to stress. Even though this is a content/reward system, it is still a SOCIAL media blockchain. The apps that are on here are designed for people to interact. I was chatting with another member on here this morning and we discussed the fact that there are roughly 2 comments left on each post (on average). To me, that is tragic.

It is as if people forgot the "social" aspect of "social" media as soon as money entered the picture. I understand how this can happen yet it is the social aspect that entitles one to the money.

I am consistent in preaching people to comment, especially when new. There are a number of reasons for this.

A. People get to know you.

As I stated above, Steemit is a big stream of articles passing by. When one is new, especially if he or she arrived with no following, all posts are out on an island. How is anyone going to know you even exist let alone upvote your content? Yet I see this on a regular basis, some new person complaining that he or she didn't get any votes.

Here is the secret. Get commenting so people know you.

Also, in marketing it takes 7 contacts from a company before a prospect will even remember your company. The same holds true on here. If you leave one comment, do not expect the author to remember you. This is especially true if the person has a significant following. Those who get a ton of messages will get blurred together. Be consistent in your commenting along with putting up something that is applicable to the subject. I can tell you, a few words or a gif will not get you remembered by me. I would imagine the same holds true for others.

B. You Get Money

Newer people often complain about having little to no SP. That is true. If you do not have fiat to power up, this is a challenge. However, one way to move ahead is to comment a lot. I will let you in on a secret, whales and orcas upvote comments. It is amazing to watch the difference. You see a popular post with some of the heavy hitters and there will be comments that get more money than many posts. I received an upvote from a heavy hitter one day, it was worth 40 S.T.U. which, with SBD so high at the time, was worth well over $100.

I upvote most of the comments left on my posts. For that reason, I have a lot of comments typically left. I will alter the amount of upvote based upon the comment. I can tell you, depending upon my VP at that moment, many of my votes are worth .50-.60 STU which is over a dollar. Naturally, you are not going to retire off that but I write between 14-16 articles per week and I have many who comment on each one. It doesn't take a math genius to figure out how many votes they are getting.

There is money in commenting.

C. STEEM Needs It

There are many benefits to the system for having a large number of comments. To start, if my understanding of Google is correct, the bot it sends around cannot distinguish between the actual article and the comments. To the bot, it all is one piece on a webpage. This enhances the standing in the search rankings which is imperative. Online marketing is great but the only true way to grow is organic traffic from the search engines.

Also, comments create "conversations". This is the social aspect of the site. While there are other avenues to interact apart for the main site, this is a great way to help foster interaction. As I said, Steemit averages about two comments per post; if this is going to be a legitimate social media site, that number needs to grow by a factor of 10. Look at a site like Reddit and the number of comments it gets. Most posts that I see on there have 20-30 comments. There are actually conversations back and forth. The same is true on YouTube. Sure not every post has that but many do. That is what is needed her.

STEEM is a community. Just like when you move into a geographic area, you have the option of participating or isolating. If you stay in your house while never meeting anyone and complain about the fact nobody interacts with you, who's fault is that? Of course, if this goes on for a while, you could move out of that neighborhood and tell anyone who will listen how they were unwelcoming and rude there.

Isn't that what we see on here?

So get involved with the community. There are a group of people who, overall, understand how cryptocurrency and blockchain is going to change the world. We are at the early stages of this technology with mass adoption still a long way away. From an individual, carnal stand-point, this means, in my opinion, anyone on here now is going to profit handsomely over the next couple years. I hypothesize that those who are active will have their financial concerns removed.

Which brings up to the next point. From the humanistic view, we can make a radical difference. This community is different from what you encounter on the social media websites. If you come on here looking to post how crappy your life is like people do on Facebook, well all I can say is get ready to be alone. People here do not want to read about that. We all have issues; we all have down days; we all have families who are a pain in the ass.

What is being embraced here is the positive aspects of life that are natural and inherent in all of us. When one starts to realize there is success to be had here, even if it is not in hand as of yet, it motivates one to be bigger than him or herself. This is where interacting with others who are of like-mind and similar interests make a difference. Individually, it is tough to get much done. Yet, collectively, we can make tremendous headway.

And this occurs while sitting on top of one of the most powerful technologies the world has seen: blockchain.

So, in closing, if you want to be a negative nellie, moaning about the plight of your life, you can do that. If you want to isolate on here and expect everyone to come to you, that is your right. If you want to post stuff about how the future is horrible and we are all done for, there is nobody to stop you. If you want to be selfish and only concern yourself with the money you are getting out of this place, have at it.

However, all that will get you is shunned and alone. As I said, people on here see a bigger picture where the future impact that is enormous. Many people understand that resources are becoming available to not only end our own burdens financially, but also enrich the entire planet.

For those new, if you have a difficult time believing this, then I suggest you start commenting will run into a few of those people very quickly.

Be is a social site after all.

If you found this article to be helpful, please give it an upvote and a resteem.

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I always say, Steemit is still very small, I've seen that many people here came for money, others came for the freedom of the blokchain and the platform, but the vast majority is still to come. That means that even if you started on the wrong foot, if you did not talk to your neighbors, if you are not social, it is still not too late to start over, no matter how many mistakes you have made, the platform is still new.

Steemit is still in beta, and all the people that are currently participating, even the smallest fish in the ocean, are ahead of the large crowd of people that will be moving towards here in the future.

Absolutely @vieira.

We are still very early in this game. 600K for a social media site is nothing and that is registered users, bots, and duplicate accounts. We have 50K daily active which is nothing. Even a site with 5 million daily active users is not very big.

There is a lot of room for growth and we are going to get a lot bigger. STEEM will be much higher in the future.

Dethroning Facebook will take time but it will happen. Once Steemit (or a similar network we don't know of yet) becomes really fast, usable, doesn't censor and plus, pays users, Facebook is done!

I agree @cryptoeagle.

For FB to be on the radar, I think someone needs to build an app with the functionality of that site. So far, Steemit looks like it is taking on Reddit, which is fine since they have 250M+ users.

FB has a lot of things that we do not see on this blockchain...perhaps someone is working on an app like that as we speak.

Hello taskmaster, just published an update to the app. Now you will see up to 300 coins plus other goodies, such as charts, prices etc. More to come! Hope you like it! Regards

Excellent my friend...looking good....was able to add another coin to my list since you expanded it out to 300...PRS....been using that search interface to earn myself a few tokens.

I love how you have the price on the front screen.

Awesome additions....I will do a write up for you in the next day or so.....I am very impressed.

Couple questions:

A) you going to do an IOS version?
B) any thoughts on the compressing of the data so it doesnt slow down as coins are added?

Hi task,
The IOs version is on the way, that one is outsourced, I haven't even seen the demo myself yet.

Compression can't be done because the data is coming from an API we don't control, however for future updates we'll let the user decide how many coins they want to have available so they will be able to show more or less depending on what they need :) regards

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Are you kidding? Commenting, publishing, even voting the contents of other people, if you are russian you must use the tag #ru in your post, so that people in your country see what you publish, I'm sure if you made an eye to that tag you will find useful information to start here.

Before joining Steemit, I've only gone on fb once or twice each year. Mostly because the negativity in others make me stay away for the sake of my sanity. But coming across this, I found myself immersed in learning. I've never had to dig deep for information on navigating a social media site before Steemit. But this place is addictive. I've stayed well below 25% voting power a lot before because I was reading through so much articles I appreciated. The commenting, to my surprise, came easy. I'm socially inept but I found myself commenting way more than I did in all the years combined in fb. I didnt know of comments being a source of potential upvotes then but I commented because a lot of articles were open for discussion and not the shallow, ego-stroking kind. There's so much to do here, so much to read. It does take effort for anything, from growing the numbers to learning the dos and donts. But I think, in the end, the learning curve and hurdles will be what separates those in for the long haul and those who are just casually strolling by (for the money or out of curiosity).

I agree @unspeakableme.

There is a learning curve yet it is well worth the effort. Many come on here only to leave in frustration. At that point, it is sad to see but there are many more who are waiting to join. For the moment, all of us need to take advantage of it and power up. When the numbers start arriving, it could get a bit hectic.

That is another reason I am looking forward to communities.

For the moment, all of us need to take advantage of it and power up. When the numbers start arriving, it could get a bit hectic.

Very true. Though a lot feel that we're already a little late to the party, if we compare it to those after us, they'd be feeling they are late to the party. It's all relative. The price of steem is steeper than it was last year but considering it's still going up, now is still a good time to load up and power up. It seems like 2018 will see Steemit grow exponentially if this first quarter is any indication.

I wonder if they plan to officially integrate communities in the platform though? I find that most communities are formed on and discord and then linked back here. So I'm wondering if they plan to eventually make it like facebook were communities are part of the platform itself. It would be way easier to find communities that way instead of accidentally finding out about so and so community in posts.

I realized too early that leaving meaningful comments on blogs is one of the profitable ways to take on steemit. It is a social platform alright and how does one get attention from big-wigs like you ,except by comments. It's true talk that a lot of people earn tidy sums from comments alone and in the process gets noticed. I can say that for myself. Thank you for the reminder.

I applaud you @edith4angelseu.

You are one who tends to get a fair number of votes from me on a weekly basis. It is my pleasure to give them to you...I appreciate you reading what I write and the time you take to leave a thoughtful, appropriate message.

Thank you too. I appreciate you immensely

Liked the post, and followed.

I think Reddit just has more subtopics and corners to it, so the content doesn't seem so overwhelming.

I'm a new user (just a few days) and I feel...overwhelmed.

Every time I hit refresh I am swarmed with a ton of articles that, like you said, seem mislabeled. Perhaps this has to do with the fact that people put up to five tags on posts.

I'm still loving Steem and can't help but find myself on the site on and off all day.

Have a good day!

You are going to be in luck....

The communities that is going to be implemented, from what I understand, are based upon subreddits. So we will have that feature here too.

It is fairly obvious the developers are modeling this after reddit..not facebook. That is the target audience they want along with the bloggers.

That's interesting. Like I said, I'm still trying to figure it out, but when I first came I was hoping it was more like a Facebook. Not sure why, especially because I am a frequent redditor and there are plenty of similarities between the two sites.

I'm looking forward to the subtopics you mentioned! Thanks for the heads up

Feel free to ask any questions you have @gratefulforitall.

By the way, love the username. You will do real well on here with that.

Come back by again.

Wow. Thank you. I really needed to hear that!

I just posted my first blog a few days ago (still working on my introduceyourself) and it went completely unnoticed. Definitely discouraging to put so many hours into something and have 2-3 people look at it haha. But it doesn't do anything to take away my enthusiasm for the site. Currently working on the next quality post and looking into fonts, banners, etc. Your format looks great! I've gotten some inspiration from it.


The best post in the world, if nobody sees it, is an isolated work of art.

Make sure you are concentrating most of your efforts on marketing yourself via interaction. Then when you put up an epic post, there are people who will see it.

I'll be looking back at your reply when I need some inspiration.

Thank you.

As I was waiting to be verified, I watched a vid interviewing the co-founders of Steemit. Dan and Ned some of the most intelligent things Ive ever heard when it came to Social media crypro currents and back end design.
I was a great way.. because as they stated in the interview and you have reiterated in this post is
And I think Ive taken what they and you have said about sucess On Steemit,
We are a Audience for one another
If one doesnt really see that and your just dancing for a dime... well you know the gig...
what is the main Steemit motto....Come for the rewards, Stay for the Community~*
keep writing timely post such as this and wealth will be a loyal friend.

Wow...I would love to see that interview....I will have to search for that....

@dan and @ned together....those were the days I guess.

Thank you for your support.

This is one interview,
They are brilliant.
...they are not together? What happened?

Once more proof why it I like swinging by your blog. Always the big picture. I love that a lot.

Commenting is indeed a fundamental tool that helped me to overcome making a one-man-show to connecting with others and start to move things.

Task, you hit the nail on the head. I finally learned how to post a dtube video and all I asked people to do was comment if my video was buffering! I wasn't even asking for upvotes, just feedback. I have received a few upvotes but not a single comment. I had changed my video to 720p resolution and just wanted to make sure it looked good. Hopefully I get some feedback in the next couple of days. I just want to make sure it's not my ISP that is buffering my videos.

Anyway, great post as usual. I'll upvote in the morning, as I'm below 90% VP right now. Until your next post. Ciao 😎

That's one long ass yet insightful article you have written.

People in FB have to difficulty in socializing for all their contacts are mostly their real friend. But in Steem, we gotta step out of our comfort zone and start talking to strangers. This may causes people not as active engaging in new relationship.

Still, one has to social or have no success in here. To most steemians, social brings more benefit than authoring new post.

What you say about comments on reddit, you need to take into account the posts you are seeing on reddit are the popular ones. There will always be forgotten post with zero comments' the same with YouTube, there will always be videos with less than 5 views. We never seen the movie because they are se deep is difficult to find them. But they are there.

About the number of users, you are totally right. Steemit is little. But I think it’s growing. And this concept (rewarding users for interaction) should eventually be the standard.

Ah, I'm glad I'm not the only one who "followed the world" upon joining, and now has a extremely (difficult) feed to think about sifting through.

Thank you for this article. I came to Steemit because a friend of mine told me I could make money through writing various things, but a lot of the reason I fell in love with the site was the community aspect.

It promotes positivity, which is something we need as a human race.