STEEM Blockchain: Developer's Paradise Leads To Huge Success!!!

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

We all get frustrated with the lack of communication from the development team. I do not know why people want to hear more from them.

Yesterday, we got an update and, I have to be frank, I don't know what language it was in. I ran it through Google translate but to no avail.

Developers are geeks. Do not take that as a negative, geeks are running the world. They are best tied to a laptop, juiced up on caffeine products, and coding for days at a time. They do not interact with all other people which makes sense since we are not as smart as them. Whatever they say, we just nod making like we know what is going on.

The post by Steemitblog is a prime example. Why do we want updates? It was nothing but API, Javascript, and Testnet. What the heck is that? They did mention Ruby yet lost me when I read about it. I thought they were talking about a stripper I met in Atlanta. Boy was I wrong.

I now know that Ruby is the tutorial put together for developers on how to program onto this blockchain.

As I said, this was a bunch of mumbo-jumbo until I got to this part....

We believe Steem’s unique properties can make it the blockchain of opportunity for developers, and we understand that the key to doing this is world-class developer resources. Building out these materials is a project we have wanted to prioritize for a long time, which is why we are ecstatic to see the team behind the dev portal making steady improvements to documentation.

Ah, that I understand.


Cha-ching. Now we are getting somewhere.

STEEM is only going as far as the people who design the applications take it. Being a blockchain that is developer focused makes sense. For the past number of months, I repeatedly stated to ignore price action and focus upon what is being developed. Nevertheless, I did not realize there was a dedicated effort by the development team to make sure that this was the preferred destination for developers.

Ruby, the tutorial not the stripper, makes a ton of sense. There are very few people in the world today who are experts at blockchain programming. It is still a new arena. However, there are millions of people who are adept at programming in general. These people are ideal for using these resources to be able to bridge the gap between what they know and developing working applications on here.

Now I get the f**k you attitude that many on here refer to from the development team. Growing the user base is not the primary objective at this time. Creating a utopia for developers is the primary focus. Giving them the tools required to develop the applications that us, mere, mortals will use is a necessary step. @ned's goal of tokenizing the internet is going to require a lot more people writing code.

So as much as it sucks, us users are the third layer on this pancake. The first is the blockchain. That is the base level. After that, the layer over the top of it is the developers and their creations. This is what provides us with the resources to utilize the blockchain.

Here is another interesting point that also affirms their commitment.

AppBase is software we developed that makes it easier for developers to write programs that use the Steem blockchain and gives us a mechanism to add new interfaces in a seamless way.

Add new interfaces...that is what it is all about. Any person in the technical field will tell you that seamless integration is crucial. It is why so many large companies struggle with legacy products. Integration with them, if possible, is a total nightmare.

Allowing developers the ability to create, test (via the testnet), and seamlessly integrate should be huge.

I am going to guess there will signs of progress very quickly from these changes/updates.

In my mind, this is taking the solid technical foundation originally created by @dan and moving it to the next level. Giving the developers the tools they need to hang stuff on here makes the entire ecosystem that much stronger.

The pricing action might not reflect it, but this announcement and the focus of the STEEM development team are going to make this blockchain very valuable.

So once again, we are left with having to be patient. Yet, contrary to rumors on here, the development team, ultimately, might know what they are doing.

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I hope I can be a lot more successful going forward. This platform is pretty unique and "complicated".

We are here so Early Gang just sit Back and Be Grateful for this Opportunity........ #steemwillmakeyourich

Gotta love that tag. 😎

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Yes, Steem is a great platform for developers, but to be frank without active investors delegating to these projects, they might as well just make html websites.

Powered by Steem only works when you actually have Steem to power it ;-)

Most developers find the time to develop new apps, but not necessarily have the money to invest in them.

Solve the delegation problem and you'll eventually get more active developers working on the Steem Blockchain.

Fail to solve that problem, and there are plenty of other cashed up blockchains looking for solid development teams.

That is true and hopefully the SMT development helps with that...providing easier access to funding for newer projects.

What is the delegation problem? @blockdeals

The delegation problem is, there is none. Getting delegations is a lot tougher to get than you'd imagine. Steemit INC delegations have dried up and the only options are finding a sponsor that see's value in your work.

To be honest if we started over again, we probably wouldn't until we found a delegation of Steem Power and that may have never happened.

But that's the catch-22 most investors want to see a product not a vision.

Our vision is sound and our platform is rapidly developing but there is no point in taking to the public, without Steem Power to drive it forward.

We will be at a cross roads soon, but until then we'll keep lobbying for delegations in the hope that we might find some.

Thanks @blockdeals

If I understand you correctly, delegation has interestingly become a new sort of fundraising. Delegators, are in a way, investors. The original delegations came from Steemit Inc; but for some reason, has dried up.

Hence, new delegations will need to come from the community, the free market per se.

Is my understanding correct?

Correct. The problem is the community still thinks Steemit INC will handle delegations, because they haven't made any public announcements regarding changes to funding, it's just what we've been told.

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another interesting assessment, there is definitely a lot going on at the geek level i wouldn't understand


I laughed my butt off with your language comment. I felt the same thing!

Cryptocurrency Related any man get success mean we are succeed coming soon.

Developers are the second layer on top of the blockchain. Users are only the third layer.

Thanks for bringing attention of Ruby to us non-technical people @taskmaster4450.

So in summary, Ruby is what would make the STEEM blockchain an attractive place to do development. The ability for developers to integrate their creations easily onto platform is a key part to attract developers to work on it.

Is my understanding of this correct?

I am not a developer but that is my understanding. Also, having the tutorials means that those with coding experience should be able to transition to coding on the STEEM blockchain.

Someone with more technical knowledge might be able to clarify things more but that is what I take away from it.

This gives me HOPE! Hence, I'm going to HODL! Keep that steem powered up guys! Patience is a virtue indeed. I look forward to your next update! Thank you so much for posting such valuable content. You are indeed contributing to the value of the steem blockchain one post at a time.