Sharing Is Caring: Competition Is From The Banksters: STEEM Is Cooperation

Why all the pissing contests?
We see this throughout the cryptocurrency world. People are debating which currency will end up as "money". Many are going toe-to-toe trying to prove to the other which blockchain will win. Bitcoin is dead (for the 400th time) yet it keeps going on. What is sad is some people seem upset about that.
On here, we see a major bugaboo with people taking sides. The "war" is in full force with the battle lines drawn. Anger, greed, and hatred are the emotions.
The banksters would be proud.
Their mantra: I win, you lose...there is not enough so I am going to make sure you get none.
Our society is infected with this mindset. For many, recreation is spent watching events where people use war analogies. Win at all costs, defeat your opponent.
Of course, business is the same way. We need to crush the competition...send them to bankruptcy court. Do anything to get the deal. We win, they lose or you are out of a job. Everything is a zero sum game. For every debit there is a credit.
This is banksterism 101.
It is a world of scarcity. What is ironic is the banksters know it is a lie. They are living proof of abundance. Using their fiat, they acquire whatever they want. Business are owned by them. Politicians are bought and paid for. They wield their influence around without exception. Their stranglehold on the money supply enables them to buy their right hand (the government) while using the left to do the talking (the media). Couple this with an educational system they erected to teach obedience and you get a society full of people ready to tear each other apart.
Mine. Mine. Mine.
There is never enough
Greed is Good (Did you think I would omit the Hollywood brainwashing?)
These are ideas that are pounded in our heads.
Please for the love of whatever you believe in, stop; just stop!!!
It is time that people stop thinking that their thinking is correct. It is stuck in 2005. This is an entirely different world. There are alternatives to what you were led to believe. It is right before you.
We are entering the age of abundance. I wrote a couple articles detailing how the banksters are cooked. Blockchain is going to do to them what the Internet did to newspapers and magazines; obliterate them. This is something they have no more power to stop it than the print media world had. Decentralized systems thrive because of innovation, something that is crucial in a rapidly expanding technological world. Centralized systems simply are not be able to keep up.
Yet some still fear the defeated. I guess this is a reflection of what is within them. It is time to stop living with the mindset of fear and realize what is going on. There will be more cryptocurrency available on this planet than all the people can spend. Wall Street will be pumping the market cap into the trillions this year and we still will only be at the tip of the iceberg.
@wwf wrote about Steemit being a microcosm of the macrocosm. As above, so below.
There is nothing to fear because there is no scarcity. We do not get ahead by tearing each other apart. To capitalize on Steemit, one needs to give. It is through the cooperation with others, that we profit. Greed is not good; it is a cancer each of us needs to get rid of. At the same time, attacking those who are greedy means we still have not dealt with our fear.
People yearn for things then they do not know how to handle them. For so long people ached for freedom. Living in the bankster controlled state, freedom is a foreign concept. Enter the blockchain and STEEM: now there is total freedom and people do not like it. Sadly, it seems people want freedom for all as long as others are doing what is acceptable to them. Defy that idea and calls for big brother ring out.
At the same time, there is abundance here. Each week there are millions of dollars being issued but for some, that is not enough. "Enough is never enough". These people are trying to fill a hole with something that will not fill it. That is not what STEEM is all about. STEEM represents all that is possible in the world. Greed, anger, hatred...that is fiat. Compassion, love, freedom...that is STEEM. STEEM has the ability to change the world because it allows all that is good within us to come out.
I started the 1KSP program for one reason: to get as many people to 1,000 SP as possible. When I started it, I was long past that point so I could have kept on trucking (in fact, by helping others, I did). Instead, I realized how life changing $100K is to most people and, since I believe STEEM will be at $100 by year end, it was easy math. I got a greater thrill out of helping the first person to get to that level than I do about adding all the money to my account.
This deal isn't about me...I am set. No, I am not rich, yet. However, my account is over 11,000 which means I will have over $1M in STEEM by the end of the year. Couple that with my other currencies and I will be alright financially.
I write this not to brag but to show how little I, or anyone else, should care about that. STEEM is the land of milk and honey. There is no stopping this. Therefore, adding more SP has nothing to do with my eventual outcome. The reason why I want more SP is to give bigger votes to the people I support on here. That is what it is all about. Cooperation, not competition.
When others win, I win. That is the microcosm which is STEEM. It is also the macrocosm called the world. Fortunately, there are many on here who understand this entire concept and are living it. The world, well that might take a bit longer to catch up.
We are at the forefront of a changing world. Opportunity blessed us with an avenue that most will be joining at a later date. The world will be tokenized, that much we know. When the masses decide to get involved remains to be seen. In the meantime, we have the opportunity to build ourselves and others up so that we have the proper mindset to guide them. There is no you or I, there is just us.
If you would like to succeed on Steemit, rid yourself of the bankster's mindset. Stop thinking about what is in it for you. Instead, focus upon what you can positively bring to the site. Where can you be uplifting? We all have something to give, this is the ideal forum for it. This is a place of total freedom which many crave. With that freedom comes responsibility.
And just remember, the esteemed on here are not the greedy and the selfish. On Steemit, the ones who give the most are the ones who are treasured.
Banksters look to take; Steemians look to give.
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Brothers and sisters, can I get an Amen?
Amen my friend.
Oh, your words are so inspiring from start to finish!
I work like an ant for more than 20 years in a bank,
struggling to meet the goals and comply with quality processes
to help bulge the pockets of the owners, while the employees and the majority of clients live a lifetime working as slaves, and scarcely manage to subsist while life goes slowly. Without really enjoying it.
Greed is a cancer! very true, greed destroys, the world would be a kinder place if the milk and honey were distributed more evenly, after all, the excess can not go with us to the cemetery, while if it can help so many to solve your needs and improve your quality of life. The philosophy of steemit is this, and we must ensure that this principle of cooperation prevails.
Thank you for being part of this!
Thank you for your comment @samic.
I wish it was only the banksters who did that to people but that is all over.
I worked for a company 20 years who gave out a $25 give card each Thanskgiving for a turkey. They suddenly cut that out for one group of workers...all to save $25.
Yes, there are many injustices in the labor system throughout the world, government policies contribute to this as well. Now here we are building something wonderful.
I agree with almost every statement in this post.
On of the things I love the most about cryptocurrencies is the fact how easy to use they are compared to traditional banking. If my friends and I were in a restaurant one person could pay with cash and the others send him the money easily with a fingertip. Or we all send our share to an address provided by the restaurant.
Compare this to a situation where one person pays with cash and the next day everyone walks to his bank and filles a transaction, which is received in 2-5 days. That's rediculous.
**This is why I prefer cryptocurrencies(, even though only half of my friends think the same way...) **
That's one of the most inspiring things I've heard in recent memory. I really want to believe that you are right because for some time I've had the feeling that I want something to change regarding how I live my life and "working" in the traditional sense doesn't appeal to me anymore.
i do agree with you. i joined steemit 2 weeks back and i did found that ended steemit is for all people. though still new on this poltform with little steem dollars, i decided to keep each cent that i will have in order to benefit future increase in steemit values. some people take this for granted but with time, they will see it. there is no place on earth where just unknown people support and upvote your post without telling or pleading unto them. i only saw it on steemit. steemit is ended a platform of love, compassion, freedom, uganda, we do try to advertise steemit and we believe that slowly the world will be using steemit on their daily basis.
please, keep the fire burning as we follow your step
Thanks. This explains how i feel about all these flagging wars.. such nonsense
I agree with you, steem is the future all we need is cooperation and not competition.
People who refuse to cooperate and work with the rest of the community will be weed out in the end.
That's the advantage of a self regulated system.
I agree with you on this.
I am very new to Steem to understand the competition, but if the daily total prize is limited isn't it human nature that everyone will compete to win a bigger percentage of the loot? while progress of human civilization has been mostly led by cooperation, competition has also contributed a lot. I think its the same thing here
Great topic, yes, it is still the mindset of competition for scarce resource and lets crush the other guy... when we move into renewable, progressive, automated future it will be "hey, how can i share more with the other so they have more experiences", imagine that !
Idea of cooperation,not competition is very strong one. I support your vision and way of thinking. Many people come here at the beginning because of the money, however real price is in building a community and then, together building Steem Future. I look forward your next article.
I agree the money is the hook that draws them here.
However, the way I see things starting to unfold on here is one cannot make money unless they are willing to give to others.
There is a vicious cycle where one helps him/herself by helping others.
This has to be frustrating for the me first, last, and only crowd.
Nicely said. In the end it can be great lesson for humanity. Especially in these times when world is missing moral values.