@ned's Vision And Why STEEM Will Continue To Lead Other Blockchains

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

I know at times I seem like a STEEM cheerleader. Certainly, this could get irritating at times. However, I want everyone to know this viewpoint is a result of delving into the information available. In other words, it is a well thought out conclusion.

Through my writing, I hope I can educate some and convey what is really taking place. It is easy to get caught up in negativity especially as price action is red for weeks on end. Since the middle of December, the price of STEEM has gone flat to down. Nevertheless, the activity on the blockhchain is upwards.

The Leading Blockchain

Steem is by the leading blockchain. People often look at the number of transactions done here on a daily basis as one of the main reasons for this conclusion. Another aspect to this is the fact that it is also technologically superior to many of the other blockchains. Both of these are true.

Nevertheless, one of the biggest advantages that Steem has is that there are real world applications.

At present, there are close to 3/4 of a million users on this network. We see close to 70K on here each day. These people are posting, commenting, and upvoting content hundreds of thousands of times in a 24 hours period.

Steem is not some far-fetched idea. It is operational with more being added each day. Many of the other blockchains, especially those ranked in the top 20 by market cap, cannot make this claim. People are speculating on the tokens in hopes that the developers accomplish what they set out to do.

On this network, we are past that. Applications are up and running. These real world uses inserted Steem at the head of the class.

The Larger Vision

When it comes to setting a goal, there are a couple questions that come to mind. The first is how big is the goal and the second, how attainable is it?

@ned set out a very simple vision for Steem: To Tokenize The Internet

That is why this blockchain aims to accomplish. To me, I would say that qualifies as a pretty big goal. But is it achievable?

There is one advantage this project has over many others. The Internet is already digitized. There is little change from what is already in operation in this regard.

This is much different than, say, digitizing the art world where tokens are created based upon the value of a painting enabling many to enjoy partial ownership of that asset. While this is a viable route for many physical assets in the future, it is a radical change from what people are present use to.

Change Where People Go

People are already accustomed to going to websites for different things. We log onto social media sites to post, comment, and upvote content. This has been on the Internet for years and billions are doing this each day.

It is said it is much easier to change where people do something as opposed to trying to change what they do.

This is the position Steem is in. Since the Internet is already digitized, we are not creating something that is unfamiliar to people. They also do not have to change how they go about things. The only difference is the name of the website they log into each day. Those who once used Facebook or Reddt now enter Steemit.com (or one of the other apps) to do the same thing. It is the where not the what.

Build It And They Will Come

Steem is a decentalized blockchain and some are just getting the insight into how powerful a concept that is. I stated that blockchain is 100 times more powerful, disruptive, and society changing than the Internet was. The reason for this is decentralization.

On Steem, there is a platform that is operational, advanced, and, basically, "state of the art". The development team keeps adding to it in an effort to improve some of the flaws (Hard Fork 20). This provides creators with the foundation to put up what they want AND what is needed.

We have a handful of applications on this blockchain at present. This will only grow in the future. Over the next few years you are going to see a multitude of web applications created on here. Basically, if there is something you can think up, there is a developer out there who, if he or she is not already doing it, can create it.

Because of the content/reward system built into the blockchain, it is possible that you eventually see everything that is on the Internet on this network in some form. Steem was designed to enable websites to ingrate right into it and utilize all that is on the blockchain. Think of all the different types of sites out there where content is created and users interact. All of this can be tokenized.

What better place to do that than Steem?

These are some of the reasons for my excitement with this blockchain. Being open source, anyone with the ability can come on here and add whatever he or she desires. Throughout the course of this year, I believe you will see many applications emerge which are modeled after other things on the 'Net.

Steem-azon anyone?

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Steem will find its way most modern websites and popular services because it works, it has a large user-base and it monetizes content. We will see so many new platforms and use-cases this year alone we will barely be able to keep track.

Steem deserves to be cheered!

that is simply not true.

STEEM is already ranked number one in the new Weiss Rating. It is the only coin ranked B+, while Cardano is B, ETH and EOS dropped to B-. STEEM's only negative point is chaotic governance by whales and skewed distribution. However, as time passes both governance and distribution will get better. Source

Why do you give Weiss any right to influence one's opinion ?

I know at times I seem like a STEEM cheerleader. Certainly, this could get irritating at times

Far from it @taskmaster4450, it is only those who do not understand where you (we) are coming from and where you (we) are headed. Your re-iterating this fact all the time is a source of courage to many and the reason we keep coming back for more. Thank you for your many encouraging posts.

What is so special about Steem is that every users owns a part of the network, and we vote for 30 witnesses to run the site. These can change, and have no official responsibility besides running the servers and voting on changes to the blockchain.

Anyway, this means that the community is responsible for keeping everyone else up-to-date, since there is no central person that is responsible.

Where else do we see a community controlling the platform as big as steemit ?

OMG ! What are you talking about ?

A bit more than a cheerleader, I see you as a
Crypto futurist, digital economist,pondering the multi opportunities you see now and what they will be,
based on some very solid evidence, that this platform is a burgeoning powerhouse...I have no doubt.

Hey if your not a cheerleader of steem and steemit then you shouldn't be here lol

It is very refreshing to see someone so committed to the success of their platform it shows true entrepreneurial spirit and I think steemit provides that to many people who have that same passion within them.

I know at times I seem like a STEEM cheerleader. Certainly, this could get irritating at times

It's not a problem, you can be a steem cheerleader all you want, it will never irritate someone like me because I am a big fan of steem and a believer in the potential steem wields.

Another aspect to this is the fact that it is also technologically superior to many of the other blockchains

There's absolutely no doubt in this. The steem blockchain is second to none and has absolutely no competition whatsoever . I have always hated crypto but steem has made its way into my life and has brought me fully into the world of crypto.

It is said it is much easier to change where people do something as opposed to trying to change what they do.

A perfect statement , would you believe if I tell you I have forgotten my Facebook password ? Well am sure you would take it with a pinch of salt but it's true. Can't remember the last time I visited Facebook. If I could do what I do on Facebook here for a better value, then why should I go back? Steemit has come to revolutionize the internet and very soon ,other platforms would take a que from steemit. Quite me anywhere .

We have a handful of applications on this blockchain at present.

Yea sure we have a lot of them and like you rightly said ,it will grow in future. If coz this is a decentralised system so anyone if free to do what comes to mind, as long as it's for the good of the system.

Hi @taskmaster4450
it's just a great article.
Steemit is the future of social networks. When I came here, he is my perverted perception. I began to look at things and nache, especially what concerns the Internet and social networks.
Today I have determined my course here. I support your ideas as necessary to raise your voice.
In fact, many people just do not know about us. For example, I previously spent part of my time in social networks such as facebook. But now I forgot about it. I see that this is a useless occupation.
People dependent on social networks are slaves to circumstances. Their opinion there is not worth anything. Their husky is worthless. They make big money.
But I believe the day will come when most will understand this and get rid of this dependence by going to projects like Steemit.
Thank you

As we continue to witness the dip in STEEM's market price, honestly I feel that it's a good thing because this helps to weed out users who are not serious in our blockchain technology. Those who decide to give up on the STEEM Blockchain due to the dip are most likely those that have never planned/already working on initiatives that contribute to the blockchain, so leaving our platform sure helps to maintain if not improve the standards of content here.