Future: A Day When Most Steemians Can Send Millions Of Dollars Anonymously To Fund Necessary Projects

in #steem7 years ago

Over the next few weeks, I am going to sprinkle in a series of articles about what the future is going to look like.

One of the benefits of researching and studying technology for so long is that it is possible to see where the trends are taking us. It is this insight that leads me to believe that STEEM is going to be huge and does have the ability to change the world. Humanity is entering into a new era, one where abundance and innovation reign supreme.

Some of these articles will deal in the abstract while others cover issues as they pertain to the trend.

This article is going to touch upon a controversial subject. That said, I do not want you to focus on the topic of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy but, rather, the way the funding unfolded.

According to an article on Inverse:

On Reddit, a user with the handle @PineappleFund announced their intention to donate $86 million worth of bitcoin to charitable causes. Groups that wanted to apply could simply do so through the Pineapple Fund website.

MAPS figured it was worth a shot and by the next day its logo had already appeared on the site under “charities supported.” They received 59.8 bitcoins (BTC) an amount initially valued at a million dollars. A ripple effect began: Four days later another anonymous donor donated 51.54 bitcoins. Six days later, Lunyr (LUN) tokens worth over $769,000 were anonymously given.


So this is what the bitcoin millionaires are up to?

This story hit close to home with me. To start, MDMA is a very controversial subject akin to bitcoin. We see the establishment panning both since it is different from the norm. Now I will be honest with you, I don't have any skin in the MDMA debate so I prefer not to focus upon that.

What I do want to focus upon is the ability for average people who increased their wealth through cryptocurrency being able to fill voids that the traditional avenues of funding do not. Here is an example where contributions for research and trials were difficult due to the nature of the "therapy". Nevertheless, people enriched by cryptocurrency were able to step up and provide what is needed.

To me, this has to stimulate the imagination. We are embarking upon an Age of Abundance. Few can take this seriously since they were reared in the scarcity model employed by the banksters. Nevertheless, the bitcoin millionaires proved that one could get into that arena for little money and have millions a few years later.

The same opportunity exists for Steemians. We are an early adopter of this technology meaning the potential payout can be huge. There are already many who have over $1M in STEEM. This is only the tip of the iceberg. Over the next 5 years, I hypothesize most who are on here now will end up in that category. This statement is aided by the fact that many who are involved with STEEM also own other cryptocurrencies. Each day we are interacting with a number of people who are going to have net worths in the tens of millions of dollars.

Steemians are a different, albeit, not a unique breed. As the Inverse article shows, there are many involved in the cryptocurrency world who desire to make a difference. While this is a particular subject most might not select, the intention is obvious to all of us on here. We want to change the world and improve humanity. It is evident that progress in the fields of science, medicine, and anything else that could improve humanity was stifled unless someone could profit from it. Regulators and government henchmen were enlisted in the effort to enslave humanity.

For more than a century, it worked.

Those days are coming to an end. What this article depicts is the notion that a fringe idea that is not only ignored by the mainstream, but actively fought against, can get funded. Steemians are going to be in the same position at some point.

I often write about this blockchain changing the world. The reason I feel that way is because success on here is predicated upon the idea of being concerned about others. We cannot sign up for Steemit and just take. That will leave one with very little. It is only through the engaging and helping of others will one get consistent upvotes him or herself.

This mindset will stretch far beyond this blockchain. When a Steemians achieves the state of financial abundance, what does he or she do with the money? Sure there will be many who buy the toys, cars, houses, etc. However, in the Age of Abundance, that is not going to be very difficult. In a future article, I will explain how we are going to see the price of many things actually come down over time.

What do people who are focused upon changing humanity do when they have a whole bunch of money?

I am going to guess that Steemians will do exactly what happened in this article. They will fund projects they feel will benefit humanity. Whatever the source of the suffering, you will find a Steemian there trying to resolve it. It is amazing what can be accomplished when one comes at a problem with a big checkbook. Instead of using the monetary system and wealth to further enslave people, the new Age will see these things used to lift humanity up.

People are often worried about massive inflation due to the creation of cryptocurrencies. This is nothing to be concerned about. As I stated, inflation in the traditional sense is going to disappear since there are technological reasons which make it difficult to exist. Also, inflation isn't difficult when scarcity exists. However, when you are in an abundant age, there are no "too few goods" to be chased. There will be more than enough for everybody.

Besides, when people are not concerned about amassing more material things, since they are plentiful, money tends to flow elsewhere. When talking about helping humanity, there is no scarcity of projects that need funding. This is true now and will be in the future. Again, whatever the cause of suffering, you will most likely find a Steemian there trying to fix it. This is the power of a group of people who are focused upon making things better. If you think we are doing a good job so far, wait until STEEM is a few hundred dollars apiece.

So on a day when the crypto world is falling apart and Jamie Dimon is smiling because the price of the fraud is dropping (smiling because he can buy cheaper), think about what you are going to do when STEEM is $400 or $500 apiece. At that price, there will be well over $100B looking for a place to go.

I am willing to bet Steemians put it to good use.

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Pictures by Google Images


Crypto will change the world MASSIVELY. We don't know exactly how yet. Hope your vision is real.

Gonna get to know about this "mana coin", UBI without states is a great idea.

Dude, you are an inspiration. Every day since I started following you-you have injected more hope and insight into the system for me than any article alone. Trust me when I say your words are going further than the feed because every conversation that is centered around this topic is backed by your insight.

It will be a great time to be alive when more people are hearing about the great things that are being funded by fellow Steemians and people within the crypto space. It's easy to say it's impossible to change the system and shy away from it but it takes a true sense of belief and hope to stand behind your views and enlighten others on the right path.

If we all support each other, we will all be able to make waves when the time comes. I can't bloody wait.

Blockchain overcomes many of banking’s current limitations, in the future, blockchain-based projects can help people, but also can bar their way when trying to access basic human rights like getting health care, going to school and getting food.

The blockchain, which hasn't even scratched the surface of its full potential, will one day be utilized for projects like this, but in the meantime those who have already won big are and hopefully will continue to do their part in terms of helping the world, such as you presented in this article!! I hope one day to be in this category bc I really want to make a difference in this world... I think steemit is a good start for me in reaching this goal!!

Regards @conradsuperb

I was talking to a friend today while driving about this very subject. You inspired it in a previous post. We are at the beginning of Steem. There are so many things in the future and the blockchain is opening up like with the subchain generator and being able to monetize other content. I for one will be happy to share the wealth I generate here.

Vote with our dollars....Steem and Steem Dollars that is!

Also, consider the power of a mature Steemian who has the clout of a long time user to pass on meaningful and world changing information using the blockchain.

I think this future is very very possible. Steemians are already sharing abundance with everyone on steemit by upvoting, so when everyone becomes abundant, it's only natural that this form of sharing will have to evolve into funding and donating to various projects and causes.

Yes it is...it is easier because extreme wealth is going to be available to many.

There is no need to cap the amount of money available to each person which means that almost unlimited resources can be used for any project.

This will stimulate innovation especially with the aid of decentralization.

We can at least all hope that people are inherently interested in the well being of others and society as a whole, and that those who succeed the most will spread the wealth among the less fortunate. I believe that blockchain tech will surely help to facilitate charity as a whole as it grows and evolves over time.


I love this point of view, it a wonderful idea if it can come to fruition. The idea though, is hard to wrap my head around. Value is being created by the Blockchain itself and the people who use it. Investors pump price but that is not true value, only speculation on which Blockchain will win in the end. Can more than one win ? Perhaps, but I think in ten years we will have 1st place, 2nd place and many small runners up.

By not being tied to stressful jobs and things of that nature we are more free to think about the need of others and how we can help them.
I just hope we will get there soon.

This is actually already happening everywhere on Steemit. I have never seen so much support for individuals, groups and ideas anywhere in the world. This is why Steem will change the world and is bigger than the internet itself!

I agree with you @flauwy.

There is a lot of support here for others which is truly amazing. People are being pulled up by those who are on here longer. It is wonderful to witness how people take the fortunes of others into consideration.

Many are giving all to giving to others.