Let's vote for Steem to get listed on Netcoins! [Eng, 中文]
Hi dear Steemians🌹

I think many of you have noticed that people are resteeming the posts of @oracle-d (here) and @acidyo (here). So what happened? Netcoins has recently announced that they are going to list a new coin on their site, so they are inviting us to vote for the coin we wish to be listed. If Steem is listed on Netcoins, it means:
- Steem can be sold in 171,000 retail locations in over 53 countries across 6 continents
- Press releases and media exposure on financial sites and crypto sites (Nasdaq, Globenewswire, Coinmarketcap, Coincodex etc…)
- Global OTC desk availability
How amazing!! All you need to do is to vote through this link: http://contest.gonetcoins.com/
So what are OTHER BENEFITS you can obtain by voting other than those mentioned above?
Leave a comment on @oracle-d's post with your proof of vote. You can also include a link to your post introducing this contest (like this) in the comment. Also, please resteem his post. Your comment and post could be upvoted by @oracle-d. Please be noted that your screenshot should NOT have VOTE number lower than 1209:)
Leave a comment on @acidyo's post with your proof of vote. You can also include a link to your post introducing this contest (like this) in the comment. Your comment and post could be upvoted by @acidyo. Please be noted that your screenshot should NOT have VOTE number lower than 1532:)
Your proof of vote (screen shot) should look like this:
Steem is currently on the 4th position. Let's push Steem to the top!!!! I nominate @deanliu, @rea, @joythewanderer, @kona and @catwomanteresa to participate in the voting!! :))
相信大家最近看到好多人都在resteem @oracle-d 的文章 和 @acidyo 的文章吧?到底發生了什麼事?原來,Netcoins正準備選一個新的幣列入它們的交易所,所以他們正在舉行公開投票活動。如果我們的Steem被選上了,這就意味著:
- Steem能在6個洲、超過53個國家的171,000個零售點進行交易;
- 獲得廣大傳媒及金融網站的報導,包括Nasdaq, Globenewswire, Coinmarketcap, Coincodex等;
- 可以上Global OTC desk
多好的機會呀!我們只需要通過以下網址投票: http://contest.gonetcoins.com/
投了票後還有什麼其他的好處嗎? 當然有了!
在 @oracle-d 的 這篇文章下 留言,同時上載你的投票截圖。你也可以自己寫一篇活動介紹貼(就像我現在這篇),然後把連結貼在留言中。然後,resteem他的文章。你的留言和帖子可能會得到@oracle-d的點贊。不過要注意的是,你截圖中的票數不能少於1209哦:)
在 @acidyo 的 這篇文章下 留言,同時上載你的投票截圖。你也可以自己寫一篇活動介紹貼(就像我現在這篇),然後把連結貼在留言中。你的留言和帖子可能會得到@acidyo的點贊。不過要注意的是,你截圖中的票數不能少於1532哦:)
現在Steem雖然排名第四,但讓我們一起把它推上第一吧!!!!我提議 @deanliu, @rea, @joythewanderer, @kona and @catwomanteresa 參加每日的投票!! :))
What is voing? 🙃
Posted using Partiko Android
hmmm.... probably. Or she could mean something else ... like voice.out-ing? intriguing ....
It means Very Original & Incredible Netizens Goawaylayou 😠😭
又被你抓到小辮子了!哼哼!Posted using Partiko iOS
非常有趣, 让我笑 !
好的好的 !
Hahahhha 🤣🤣😭😭😭
我先去睡了..... zzz ZZZ
Posted using Partiko iOS
Done! Thanks.
Posted using Partiko Android
Thanks for your support!! :)
Posted using Partiko iOS
你那里天气如何?来 @steemgg 玩游戏吧,决战到天亮如果不想再收到我的留言,请回复“取消”。
예, 감사합니다 :)) ㅋㅋ
You got a 50.63% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @susanlo!