Follow Friday: A little nostalgia

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

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Today I also found this story of someone putting up a bounty to get a MediaWiki extension that would copy pages to Steemit posts. The articles suggests they might want to plagiarise Wikipedia, but that would probably just get flagged. Maybe it's someone with their own wiki who wants to earn from the content, but would they be exploiting others if it was open to a community to edit?

Copying content is not plagiarism. Even editing copied content is not plagiarism. Only when you present copied content as original work (explicitly or implicitly) is it plagiarism.

Edit: The source article is also presenting false information. It's clear they don't understand Steem or Steemit:

That said, Steemit systematically deletes articles that have been copy-and-pasted, so the tool may be useless to plagiarists who are looking to make easy money.

Of course Wikipedia and other sites have a licence that allows copying, but it doesn't necessarily add value to Steemit. I may have mis-used terms. Steemit needs original content. I saw someone say the search engines may value it less as the same posts will appear across Steemit, Busy, Steempeak and others. Not sure if that's a problem.

Well I'm just hodling. Been avoiding as best I can the news and latest prices, intending to check back in a year to see how things doing. Otherwise, my blood pressure would be through the roof.

Many people still don't even know what crypto currency is let alone bitcoin. I rally enjoy this forum and strive to let everyone know what is steemit is and the potential I see in it.

It is just a matter of time before that rise starts all over again. I think the first time was too soon without a clear understanding while we seem to get it better now and a more steady progress is very possible

Actually market cap is playing around the same value as in July 16 which somehow makes me feel positive since this long correction doesn’t impact its market cap in the same proportion as it happened in March 17... and we have to take into account as well that the number of altcoins now is larger than then. We have more competitors around and the total stake is for each of them is reduced, in proportion.
I know you are not a TA supporter but these kind of cycles are usual in any market. 20 USD/STEEM doesn’t look weird to achieve, we just need the whole market finished this long correction.

Steem on

What we need is for real investors to appreciate the technical benefits of Steem. The speculators just react to news (real or fake) and all coins go up or down. Steem has to break that cycle somehow.

Dear @steevc
I fully agree with you. I’m sure real investors will come my friend but tell me, let’s say you are a Real Investor, knowing the technology, would you buy now that the crypto is crashing or would you stay calmed waiting for the best moment to buy?
How would you buy Steem? Buying bitcoin first or looking for a FIAT/STEEM exchange?

Despite I like and fully support your vision, a Real Investor is an INVESTOR so, invest on something which believes will generate a value higher than his investment...
There is no other crypto better than STEEM in many terms and the only one with a fully functional use case.
We just have to keep promoting it, improving it and supporting users as much as we can...while the whole market ends correcting.

Today I also found this story of someone putting up a bounty to get a MediaWiki extension that would copy pages to Steemit posts. The articles suggests they might want to plagiarise Wikipedia, but that would probably just get flagged. Maybe it's someone with their own wiki who wants to earn from the content, but would they be exploiting others if it was open to a community to edit?

I saw that post too, but didn't take the time to read it. I assumed it might be something like everipedia (on EOS), which is a fork from wikipedia, not plagiarizing.

I don't mind having the same price as Dec. '17..
Need to check steem economy..thanks @steevc

I hope the price will reflect the real value of what Steem can do in time, but it needs to reach a wider audience first. HF20 may help

Since Steemit Inc isn't doing any promotions..i think they've left it to Steemians to maydo it instead. We have seen the value going up yes but it is difficult to promote it as people expect a higher payouts when we say posts can earn.

In the Philippines is way better as a dollar is x50 pesos worth. In contrast to UK for example.

Why should they expect to get more? Getting any rewards at all is good and there are few other places where anyone can get paid. If you are willing to hold then what you made may increase in value anyway. I keep hoping StInc will do some marketing

There is if there is better than Steemit right now. Still, crypto, blockchain and steemit are mostly unheard of. So many factors still and yeah MARKETING is badly needed.

Thanks for the mention @steevc 👍

It's interesting to take a look back at the history. Wouldn't it be nice if we got back to the top 3 cryptos? All the potential is there. There are great things happening on this blockchain.

Top 3 would be great, but I'd be happy with top 20 for now. If Doge can do it, then why not Steem? It just doesn't seem to be based on technology, just speculation.

It just doesn't seem to be based on technology, just speculation.

We haven't seen much organic growth in investment in the last few years, it's mainly speculation but i think there has been some.

$3.46 for STEEM, those were the days! I have seen it over $4 briefly but I was a mere pauper then.

Since I started powering up.. its been down down down.. and I have had to power up simply to keep my full vote at the same level.

Wow that is amazing. I didn't realize that Steem was as high as number 3 in market cap. When I arrived just over a year ago Steem was ranked 16. I haven't been watching the ranking too closely but the slip is pretty sad.

I still think lack of quality marketing is a problem. There is too much emphasis on making quick money from posts (which doesn't happen) rather than all the other benefits of the platform.

The trending page is also falsely giving the impression that any trash earns great rewards. This is definitely putting off potential investors in Steem especially those new to cryptocurrencies.

I also just discovered the #nobidbots tag. I think this will become one of my regular tags from now on.

I'm taking the long view. This is still really days and Steemit is still small. There's lots of potential, but we can all play a part in making it grow