Ditch 2.2.7 release from Steepshot team. New operations and more news.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steem8 years ago

Hi Steem community!
Ditch lib development is still on and we are here today to announce a new release.



The essence of the library is to generate a transaction according to the required operations (vote, comment, etc.), sign the transaction and broadcast to Graphene-based blockchain. For transaction signing we announced earlier our standalone Cryptography.ECDSA lib which is being used by Ditch lib for the signing purpose.


Github link

Release Notes

  • GetActiveWitnesses - Displays a list of all active delegates.
  • GetMinerQueue - Creates a list of the miners waiting to enter the DPOW chain to create the block.
  • GetSchema - Return a JSON description of object representations
  • GetSavingsWithdrawFrom - Returns the output data from 'SAFE' for this user
  • GetSavingsWithdrawTo - Returns the output data from 'SAFE' for this user
  • GetWitnessByAccount - Get the witness owned by a given account
  • GetWitnessesByVote - This method is used to fetch witnesses with pagination.
  • GetWitnesses - Get a list of witnesses by ID
  • LookupWitnessAccounts - Get names and IDs for registered witnesses
  • GetWitnessCount - Get the total number of witnesses registered with the blockchain
  • GetOrderBook - Gets the current order book for STEEM:SBD market
  • GetOpenOrders - Get open orders

Supported chains

  • Steem
  • Golos

Developers make implementations based on our lib!

  • Ditch has already been downloaded from Nuget 1441 times.
  • During the recent Imaguru Blockchain Hackathon in Minsk, Belarus a team of programmers developed an application using our Ditch library. With this application, you can publish information about your commits on Github directly to Golos blockchain using CLI.
    Links to the DGVC:

.NET dev status

Lib nameDescriptionAct. version
Cryptography.ECDSAImplementation of ECDSA for transaction signing2.1.2
DitchCreate and broadcast transactions to blockchain2.2.7

Team progress on .NET encryption & signing


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I don't understand all these comments about an application and app store. This post is about a C# library right?

Maybe not the time this app can run normally, then help with your enlightenment to solve it @jefpatat

I'm going to be honest. You've been on this for almost a year now and it still sucks. Its buggy, it close by itself, can't setup where my photos are from, no sharing features...I just wish someone takes your concept and beat you to market.

Thank you for being honest.

Could you clarify, what do you mean by "can't setup where my photos are from"?

We are aware of bugs and auto-closes and are working on them.

I agree too. I take photos and they get posted horizontally, the photo library doesn't update on its own, and comments come through sometimes. Too many bugs to be released to public. Tried it today and still getting sideways pictures.

I completely agree. This app sucks.

Ditch is not an app, omg

steepshot is a product of them. In november 2016, they talk about building their app and got funds from cyberfund to produce it....the delivery is terrible.

Hey, guys. Your @steepshot app is no longer in the iTunes store. What happened with that?

When I went to look for it in the App store I got this message: "The item you've requested is not currently available in the U.S. Store, but it is available in the Belarusian Store. Click Change Store to view this item." Go-Go Belaruse Steepshot App!

Yes, I got the same message. But it wasn't in the other store either.

Greetings. The iOS application was blocked by the Appstore due to the new rules into the Apple`s policy. It was unexpected and strange, we are trying to resolve this. Therefore, not yet done any announcements. We hope, this issue will be solved in the near future. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Thanks for the update!

any update? it's been four weeks?

This content is really great. Thanks

this post is very nice