Steemit - Looks perfect, unti you know it better....

in #steem8 years ago

You know when you just meet someone/something and it’s just too perfect to be true? That was my feeling first time i’ve saw steemit. And i still have that same feeling with me, but it’s fading away. Not because now i’m sure steemit is perfect, but simple because i’m starting to accept the flaws.

Accept the flaws? I want it perfect!!

Yeah, that is what some users are saying right now(including me... but i’ll change that). Saying the system sucks and the whales are controlling it. But for those who say that i have two questions:

  • Do you have a better system?
    Well, i don’t have... that’s why i’m questioning it right here. I had some ideas but for sure they would all have other problems to deal with.
  • Are others social medias diferent?
    The main problem( as i can see from the complaints) is the whale control. One vote and the post become “hot”. Everyone is Always searching for a vote from @ned @dan @dantheman @berniesanders @blocktrades and others.

Don’t get me wrong, this isn't a post where OP tries to make everyone “swallow” the hard pill that steemit system is, i do want it to get better. But one specific post caught my attention - it was from @johnsmith - and made me think about why i were complaining.

Do your part to make it better.

I’m a facebook user and a twitter user for years... never made any money with facebook (a few bucks in twitter), and i'm here in steemit for a few days and already made some. If i want to be a whale that wont come in one day and i will have to work hard for it, so move on! Keep posting and if you deserve, at some point, whales will recognize your posts and upvote you.

As said by @johnsmith, dont lose your life trying to make the perfect post, trying to make tons of Money in a few hours... when you don’t expect anything, you don’t get disappointed. If you post simple because you like(exactly like you do in facebook and others medias), anything you earn will be good and you will be always happy.

Profit is always profit.

Best regards,

#steemit #blog #motivational #tutorial #newbie #expertise #travel #whining #life #word #whalecall #life #philosophy


Absolutely spot on. I'm perfectly fine with whales having more power. Most of them were either there from the start, put the most work in, or risked more than anyone else. Anyone can join Steemit and turn their FREE signup money into millions.
Don't like it? Don't use it. Have fun on Facebook making Zuckerberg rich.

Great article!! I wrote a comment here but its gone, I dont know why! But i wanted to say I agree with everything you say and hard work will eventually pay off :))

you are not being intellectually honest,
namely, you know better than this,
still, upvoted

You can't say things like: "when you don’t expect anything, you don’t get disappointed."

Then say: "Keep posting and if you deserve, at some point, whales will recognize your posts and upvote you."

Because what you're doing is introducing expectation for newbies.

I think this is the worst platform to post on for value and intellectual satisfaction, subreddits are far richer in content.

People are here to make money, so perhaps you should recommend they leave.

Anyone who doesn't leverage automation or isn't well connected will suffer from frustration.