The Speerit of Steemit – How Global Consciousness Makes our World Great

in #steem9 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemians! My name is Andrew and I was introduced to Bitcoin in 2012 and I’ve been obsessed with cryptocurrencies and the blockchain ever since. The way millions of people around the globe can contribute to transparent systems which can have viable financial, legal, and spiritual implications fascinates me.  

I say spiritual because the concept of global unity can have staggering effects on a global scale. The internet has opened our eyes to events unfolding around the world daily and allowed us to share information with one another instantly. It is important for us to know what is going on in the world if we want to make life on earth better.  

There is a theory in the realm of spirit science that every living thing has an energetic aura; so animals, plants and even planet earth itself have this aura. This aura has been depicted as ley lines surrounding the living entity.

According to the theory, these lines represent the energy that flows through the entity. The points where the lines meet are energy centers represented as Chakras; just like in yoga! Sacred historical sites happen to be located at these centers. 

If all living things on earth are happy then the planet will be content because the collective positive energies will affect each other; like when somebody puts you in a good mood because they have a good vibe about them. The inverse is also true and I believe that the consequences of our actions on earth are responsible for the issues we are faced with today. All in all we have to work together and make compromises to better the state of our planet.

Blockchain based systems understand this concept and integrate it in networks controlled by nodes that are spread out around the world. The collective agreements of nodes on the network will justify if an action is taken, or not, for the better of the network. Bitcoin and Ethereum, to name a couple, are going to revolutionize the traditional financial and legal networks in place today by shifting power to the people instead of the big banks and corporations.

Media is shared instantaneously throughout many platforms on the internet, Reddit and Facebook come to mind. However these platforms are becoming increasingly censored and centralized. Steemit sets itself apart from those internet media giants because it gives their users the power to influence the content in a rewarding and mutually beneficial way.

Steemians post content and decide if it is worthy of being exposed for the benefit of everybody on the network. If Steemit continues to be updated with quality content then the network will prosper. So if you want to make the world great then stay involved in these revolutionary new technologies, up vote and post quality content and keep up the speerit!