How to make money in cryptocurrency; how to trade for profit . . .
Firstly cryptocurrency works like the real stock exchange. People invent rumors or offer expert advice or whatever to get other people to listen to them.
You must understand money is money and everything ultimately ends with money. Do you think your stock broker is advising you because they are your friend? They are there simply to take your money. Any financial adviser is a fraud, think about it; you know how to make money . . . You will share that information with others for a fee, how stupid is that ?
These people are con artists, think; you are making good money on the stock exchange or in cryptocurrency. Your results are awesome ( my early trades are at 100 % success rate out of 29 gambles ). Sure it is only 29 gambles but I like the 100 % success rate, I have my system and I am making money and I am NOT sharing. Financial planners who know how to make money are not oversharing, they are independently retired on yachts in the Caribbean. I am making money, and no i am not telling you ! ! !
How financial consultants can sleep at night is beyond me, they take and lose 95 % of the money people give them, they do not care if it is pension funds or collage education. Simply they would dig up their dead grandmother and sell her liver for a fast Benjamin. So now you know anyone telling you they can help you is a ripoff. Sure the business-suit or website or card says something, but a snake is always a snake even if it is a lady type person.
Next is online advice, people manufacture stories they plant on the internet or newsletters or whatever. The sole purpose is to alter the flow of money so they can make more money for themselves. It is essential to their success that they get your money. If they are making a profit it is because someone else is making a loss, anything about insider information or a developers tip or anything is false. If i know what the market is going to do I am damn sure to keep it secret information and away from you ! ! !
You are not my friend when it comes to money, but if you gamble your money that is your business and I will take it with a clear consciousness that you knew you had that money as spare unneeded money you were prepared to risk and give away. I could never sell you some tip for a fee and then watch you lose money, you can try and beat me in the marketplace, I risk my money just like you risk yours; so try and take my money . . .
People will always tell you about their successes, remember my trades are at 100 % success rate. People naturally want to be the man of influence and importance. They will tell you of the five trades that made them impressive profits, they will not share the 6,095 trades that lost them money. After all who wants to advertise the fact they are a failure ?
So that is how to trade, read all the strategies and tactics about how to trade. Talk to NO ONE, never seek or listen to insider advice or tips. This is more secret than selling defense plans to the Chinese ! ! ! Never follow experts or new currencies or unknown things hoping for a fast win. Never risk the 95 % of your losses, yes ultimately other peoples money must come from you ! ! !
Never keep large sums of your wealth on one trading platform, this is about money. Only gamble or risk whatever you do not ever need; you play this game you will lose. You must develop your own system, try it out on paper as a strategy plan to see how the tactics play out over weeks before you put up real money.
This is economic warfare, this is Rambo territory; everyone else wants your money. Your mission should you decide to accept it is to take their money. Another thing this is risky, never sell off a loss. The market place needs people to follow the herd mentality like sheep to panic and sell off to try and save some small percentage. Never sell off, period ! ! ! That is a professionals or experienced traders tactic like short selling etc.
You must learn to crawl before you walk, watch the money go down and up as you read and learn, listen to no advice ever. Remember the only reason these people are into cryptocurrency trading is because they were to dishonest and shady for politics ! ! !
If you sell off a loss , you lose a solid practical learning opportunity, if you can find someone you can trust a mentor is great. But ultimately this is about money so if you can find a person who cares more about open honesty than money please work to elect them into Congress. Patriots always try and elect honest people . . .
Start small like I have, slowly learn and educate yourself in how the process actually works; never listen to anyone else opinions about the best most stable reliable websites or past performances. Learn the system for yourself. This is election week so this is a perfect time to grab some paper and experiment as you learn, but make no trades nor take positions before the new year ! ! !
The election and Christmas is going to make any trading crazy, above all; listen to no one, ever ! ! !
... Except me ; )
You want me money ? see you on the trading floor, luck has nothing to do with this : )
Let me give you one more free BIT of advice; its a question actually . . .
Question : What is the worst chemical to have when trading stocks or shares ???
The answer is below : )

Answer, Testosterone; males are useless at it, to much ego and other emotional baggage make men useless at trading. The main reason the pictures of stockbrokes are always men, is because the very few females allowed are to busy making money instead of seeking photo opportunities ! ! !
A staggering 90 or 95 % of males fail at long term profitability in unknown marketplaces, This compares to the female success rate of approximately 40 % of women are successful over the longer term. Put another way, women know how to make money; men know how to mouth off; its a boys club, the stock-market.
Think about it, to make money you need 90 % of other people losing money ! ! ! Testosterone = a five percent success rate, estrogen = a 40 % win rate; that is why females are kept out of these money making fields, simply they are to dangerous to have around.
Put another way it is probably easier to get a teenager to take a shower than to get female to risk money, males do not care they always believe they can just make more ! ! ! Females understand they have three friends in life, diamonds, horses and MONEY ! ! !
Didn't know women were better traders, that's good to know.
I think females are far more cautious before they risk money, this they make fewer silly tradings.
Males let to much image or prestige or competitiveness into the equation. It is a bit like the flyweight boxing champion of the world stepping into the ring with a professional heavy weight fighter.
Sure the lighter smaller boxer has more titles within his competition class but that does not mean the bigger stronger heavyweight fighter is not going to punch him into oblivion.
Never underestimate a woman when I comes to money, my life partner is the ultimate money freak; she is American (always obsessive about money), Female (always obsessive about money), Jewish (always obsessive about money), and ; A Lawyer (always obsessive about money) . . .
Thus I can clearly prove my opinion has credible real life factual experience behind it ...