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RE: Steem Investor "Pitch Deck" Presentation (Feedback Requested)

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

I think most of your slides provide good information. Different than a lot of users, I think that a lot of information is better than less because of your target audience.

In the comments, you mention that your audience is hedge funds so you have to consider that many of these funds hire full time researchers. Suppose they did research on the Steem ecosystem - what would be one of their first discoveries? Review your slides and make sure you have and address anything they'll discover early in their research. For an example, when researching Steem is DTube one of the top projects in the Steem ecosystem? Have you independently researched this with friends (be careful, Google will taint your searches based on your history, so that's not an independent review).

You definitely want to address what they will find, along with any possible critiques. I wouldn't leave it to chance that you'll have answers, especially if they catch something on the spot.

One slide I see missing is the change in Steem's economics. A few internet searches shows that Steem had a different economic model in the past - why did it change? Hedge funds will be thinking this and wondering if you will address the fact that it changed and why it changed. Think of it from a hedge fund's reason: if Steem has changed its economic policies in the past, what certainty do they have it won't change in the future?

Finally, I believe that a Chinese agency had a positive review about Steem, so I would add that. They assessed a few projects and Steem was an overall positive in their review. This might be worth mentioning.

Overall, I think your presentation is worth listening to based on your slides and contains information I'm sure they'll find helpful.