Steem reflections | I'm an author, a curator, an investor and value bringer. Or am I not?

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

View this post on Hive: Steem reflections | I'm an author, a curator, an investor and value bringer. Or am I not?

Dear reader - Steem has been renamed to Hive since May 2020. My content therefore has moved with me to Hive, and I hope to see you there:


I really like your post, especially laying out how important it is to provide value in order to get recognized by whales. Probably will do a similar post soon.

Posted using Partiko Android

Nice! Please plug the post here if you will so I can read it :-)

Sure! :-)

Posted using Partiko Android

Curating at the right time is good but upvoting to show you care about someones work is amazing. Keep up the good work and keep on steeming.

Thanks - I've done so for 1,5 years and probably will do so the next 1,5 too :D

Keep up the good work and keep on steeming.

You do the same! :D

I would like to be an author, but have trouble writing.
I try hard to be a curator, but need more work at writing comments.
I power up almost all my earnings, but occasionally by SBI.
I do my best to engage with others, is that adding value?

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As far as I can see it you're working hard - and as mentioned in some other comments - everyone who is here is adding value in some way or another! I see you even joined #seven77 and doing your part in that - I love how Nathan made it so that people can work on Steem without the need to make a lot of content - I actually wish less people thought they needed to be content makers to add value here ;-) Keep on being you @mytechtrail!

Thanks for noticing. I guess I am bothered by all the posts that claim only quality posts should be here.

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I believe we need quality people more than quality posts - I'm hoping that Steem can become a blockchain for people who in a wide variety of ways can add 'value' by following their interests and engaging within their niche interests/communities.

Thank you, happy to hear that and I agree. @pixiepost turned a thought I have about STEEM communities into the following image:

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Posted using Partiko Android

I did see @midlet's post. And did think about it, I think that for right now to many things to think about, so i'm in a sort of holding pattern and no drastic change pattern waiting to see what HF21 brings. I am one of those people that like and don't like change. Change for the sake of change sucks, change because of stagnation can be good, but if the reason for the stagnation is mis-construed then the change can lead to disaster. But out of disasters often times comes great change, it is the waiting that is so hard to do. To know change is coming, is fine, but to know change might be coming kind of sucks, that 'might be' part, after all HF21 may or may not happen. The did reject one HF before after all.

All that you say is true :-) Change can bring other change as well - that's the interesting part. Even a 'bad outcome' might lead to 'something better' - so that's why I tend to wait and see. Doesn't mean it sometimes gets me emotional/enthusiastic/involved/curious haha - it's a rollercoaster on here sometimes. I'm curious to see if most are going to accept HF21 - for now some are 'testing' and I know of at least one top20 witness that is in doubt about HF21. I'm going to wait it out and am sure I can adapt - and hope most others will/can too. As always I'm mostly scared for the little ones and how we can keep them motivated.

I really like this post. I have to circle back around and figure out the same thing. You ask a lot of good questions here! When I have time I shall :)

Yes! Or take one or two of the questions and write about that. I just started writing and some of these popped in my head immediately, so just freewrite and see what happens :-)

Thanks a lot @soyrosa for the mention. I have read the post in its entirety and, once again, in my opinion, you are a valuable steemian. For all the reasons you give.

I like how you put it that some users like to support more the people and not the content. The same happened to me after spending that wonderful week in Krakow last November. Bigger than that was the feeling of being amongst people that were so aligned with my way of thinking, it didn't matter I was just a minnow and most of them were orcas or whales.

Which takes me to the painful question of are you receiving too much or are they receiving too little?, and to me, the answer to the question relies on all you have done in the past that has taken yiu to this point.

In other words, you have invested in the platform and on yourself, therefore you are reaping what you deserve for the value you bring.

But then again that's just my point of view.

Wish you all the best, and please continue with the great work


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Thanks @greencross - loved your post and as you can see it was still on my mind today ;-) So there's a bit of proof you're adding value to this place as well ;-) In the end we're all engaging here and talking to each other all the time so if one adds value then surely it makes someone else adds value after which someone else might perceive to receive value and so on and so on...

I'm sorry we didn't get to talk at SteemFest but maybe we have a chance this year? I was still a Minnow at SteemFest myself and never felt excluded either. That's an amazing thing, once you get offline and not perceive the Steemians just as a range of numbers (SP, REP, VP) it's just that... a bunch of people loving and engaging with the same thing.

Cheers and thanks for your post and for all the nice words above!

I love this post - Will do a similar one for my two year anniversary in a few days. :)

Thanks! Please do! Would love to read how you define/reflect on yourself :-)
(Good on you for being here for 2 years already!)

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Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvoting this reply.

Glad you enjoyed the post. Some thoughts on value.

Not all value is quantifiable. As you mentioned, explaining things to noobs on a platform like this is extremely valuable, since everything is so hard to understand, but this sort of thing won't have a dollar sign associated with it. My love for my family can't be expressed in dollar figures, but it's the most valuable thing to me.

It gets confusing if you try to think about it in a black and white, quantifiable way, but it's quite easy when you think in the abstract macro picture. Are the things you're doing making Steem and it's experience better or worse?

I think it's pretty clear where you land on that scale :)

Not all value is quantifiable.

Absolutely. Which is why our 'content' is often only a 'carrier' for upvotes which reflect how people view us. Some content is of average quality but people upvote it because the person might have done something for the that day - or some content is really good but it's an exception in a series of shitty content/behaviour :')

I think it's pretty clear where you land on that scale :)


Know that you're adding value to my Steem journey, I only recently 'discovered' your content but I appreciate both your art as well as your Steem reflections. Let's keep adding value to this messy place :D