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RE: Important Changes to and Wallet

in #steem6 years ago

Some are apparently seeing ads, I don't, because I use Brave Browser.

So for users: go download Brave Browser.
For Steemit, Inc: get yourself verified as a Brave publisher :-)

Screen Shot 2019-04-03 at 00.23.15.png


Please all who check out the Brave Browser remember that it so far is a fairly centralized situation with requiring the user to sign up to only one choice of exchange. I wish more people would be vocal about this. Can be a huge thing for cryptocurrency if they would decentralize what they are doing.

Very valid point - but due to the nature of advertising and the TPS required it will be very difficult for them to decentralize the whole operations IMHO. Few months ago there was a discussion with the founder over twitter on the same lines.

Decentralize the whole operations? It feels as though it was a choice somewhere during the creating to have the coin checkout through exchange only and give no other options. Everything about it is fishy that it is an open source project that everyone is on board with all transactions being funneled through one source that I know I had not even heard of before the Brave Browser. My opinion comes from being a verified publisher within the browser ( ) who loves the project but find it damn near impossible to fully even recommend others to use it in it's current form. It is absolutely nuts to me anyone into cryptocurrencies, not just a mere 'digital currencies', but he good true crypto kind that we control. Browser is really amazing otherwise, but this blockchain is only as strong as it's weakest link and this is a huge weak link.

All I can do is when I see the browser brought up in places I'm reading and can leave a comment, is to at the very least just leave the comment and hope others research further on this issue. I do hope the founder is taking what is going on into consideration, as at the moment I know there is somebody profiting fairly nicely from being the only way you an use the Brave Browser (bye bye decentralization).

Or use steempeak.

Or just come onto DIscord @steemspeak NOT steempeak
or here is the direct discord invite

You gotta put some Respect on our necks

we are not steemPEAK its steemSPEAK a discord server, other only one people use when they have problems.... one of the only live 24/7 support discords, unlike most other steem discords where people are bored are are not there, but theers always someone on steemspeak

EOS has actual Hip Hop music videos , unlike steem where I send the money to pay for one and never get one.


Why like this?

Because he put a wrong link. The correct one is: (without additional "S" in between Steem and Peak).

No you dumb bitch, its a discord server established years before steempepak, ytou stupid bitch its just a fucking discord server, dont be afraid, here its not a security risk either @dayshot

its @fyrstikken 's discord STEEM SPEAK not Steempeak u dumb bitch

Oh, come on - there is really no need for such language, I really thought it's just a typo.

Well now you know that you arent always right, and yes this is the Internet a BOYS club where we did ALL the work and then you girls want to just come in one day when you see theres some money to be made, and you wanna co0me in here and tell me about langauge on a free speech centered blockchain?

Seriously this is not twitter, and you need to remember steemit is not gonna just coast along ...

your gonna deal with me and any other voices in here because this is steem, and il fucking pay to push this comment to #1 on steem for a week if i want

These are words, text, and if your offended by the 5 letters B I T C H then fuck you, i dont care, stop offending yourself imagining me yelling at you, im just pushing buttons and you are just reading squiggly lines on a screen

none of this matters while we are bleeding users and investors to bitcoin, steem is not gonna go up with bitcoin unless poeople can actually signup

ned hasnt even sponsored the creatoion of a instant account faucet so peopel can sdignup same day liek if they have reddit or facebook accounts

Also a good suggestion. For now Google search and other ‘links’ often point to though, so I still use it a lot :-)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Could also open the post from google and then use the amazing @steem-plus quick switcher function to easily switch interfaces :)

I agree, Steemit should become a verified publisher. It’s relatively easy (a lot of verification steps) but once you’re set up you’ll be able to collect monthly payments/tips from users of the brave browser. Highly underrated, I’m glad I took the time to add it to my own site! Brave ads in the future will allow users to opt-in and then we’re off to the 🌙

Posted using Partiko iOS

Great pro tip regarding @steem-plus @khaleelkazi! Another one many Steemians might overlook :-)

Yes, Brave/BAT might go big and it would be super cool of a website of the size of would be one of their early adopters, right? Shows we want and are able to look outside of the box :-)


You’re exactly right! Us crypto projects ought to band together, brave/bats success would =’s success and vice versa! Good publicity is always good publicity, I would think that brave would be stoked if Steemit joined the ranks and brought some major traffic!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Good thinking!

I believe Brave (and BAT) has a bright future ahead of them, can't hurt to use what they are offering!

I will be reaching out to people behind brave to form some kind of collaboration with our Blockchain

Great idea! When i jusread the terms and conditions it says i need a new wallet. Would be nice to be able to use my Steem wallet!

Would be great to see that happen!

@nathanmars : good idea .. they are verey responsive over Twitter

Yes a bright future for MEOS browser and hopefully a steemk browser like @eesteem.surfer to completly copy and anihilate OR, Brave HAS to conmvert to EOS as i believe they will be anyway

but steem coul dhave a browser, i dont see why we cant start replacing ALL google ads wioth steem based ads, from and we can replace google if everyone stops using chrome and uses or steem based bowser... or brave.. which i just started trying today... i cant complain when a browser helps me make crypto... needs to be eos based tho now .... and steemians need a browser to compeet with brave

ned needs to support that Worker proposal when i make it to fund a brave browser alternative that uyses steem and that has just limited steem functionality so we dont sacrifice steem... it can be just a brave browser clone but with steem and with all the steem dapps built in etc . can load emn on a Steem Pi Rasberry pi by default

HEY IF STEEMIT INC doenst have to fix THEIR mistakes, Why should i fix my typos?!!?!?!

:( :( IMA GO CRY IN THE POOL NOW :( ;;;........

Oh well, it was handy having that wallet built right in there. Reminds me of when messenger split off facebook and everyone got pissed!
All we need is a link back to our blog from the wallet and I would not notice any difference.

I still prefer Firefox over Brave due to customization and add-ons. There is also the Vivaldi web browser which is almost as flexible as Firefox.

@ackza I don't understand what you mean... Are you in favor of change or not? :?

no one ever does

They bait and switch you as a publisher. They confirm you are verified, then a week later they come back asking for even more information for Uphold. Sure it's a great idea, they are implementing very poorly with the bait & switch.

yes offcourse brave is a great browser tracking adds and also sppeed up browsing and the BAT is also intersting

Lot of us have been sending tip to steemit but so far they are not setup (AFIK) to receive Brave payments. Perhaps steemspeak can take advantage of Brave + BAT.

Thanks for the heads up @soyarosa, I use ad blocker so don't see anything. I'm just gutted that the whole reason Steemit was set up in the first place has been thrown away.

I wonder if they've had the goddamned common decency to at least take out the bit in the Whitepaper where it says Steemit will not be like the others and won't exploit you by making ad revenue on your content.


It's good you write down your thoughts here @cryptogee, I'm sure all input is monitored as for now they are experimenting with ads to see what it does financially and within the community. If they appear to be counter productive I'm sure they won't stay :-)

If they appear to be counter productive I'm sure they won't stay :-)

They will make money for Stinc so I'm sure they'll stay...

I'm sure all input is monitored

Monitored and ignored.

Anyway I'm excited about Dan's - the father of Steemit - announcement that he's writing Steemit 2.0 for EOS and it will be bigger and better!

Good to chat, hope all is good :-)


I get that advertising is oversaturated and people are ignoring them now, but I feel a lot of people are being overboard about this. Advertising is a natural and necessary part of an economy. You can't just put up a website and tell nobody about it, you would go out of business in no time. Any form of self-promotion, getting the word out, or buzz is indeed a form of advertising, and its a good thing.

Economies are a system of constant circulation, like a bicycle wheel, and advertising is like greasing the wheel so that it circulates smoothly. Active circulation is healthy for interdependent monetary systems and unless all essential things become DIY, well, self-promotion still needs to exist.

I use ublock on chrome. It works pretty well for youtube.

uBlock does a good job (on my Firefox) also. :)
I had it activated before but deactivated it for it blocked some content at @steemillu.
I will probably retrieve my rewards via from now on.

My laptop is just 4gb ram. Twice I've installed brave browser, and it made my laptop very slow so I had to uninstall both times.

I run brave on a machine with only 2 gig of ram and it works fine so it’s weird that you had that problem. Brave uses less internet due to all the scripts it bypasses and it protects your privacy as well. I find it’s great. Have you tried searching for the reason it ran slow after brave install?

I've not really searched, I lost interest after the second attempt. Will try again today.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for that addition. I was already eager to give this browser a try but my machine may be too small then too.

I hear there's a new version so you could give it a try. I tried it a while ago and I'm yet to try the new version

Posted using Partiko Android

They recently launched a new version of their browser - it replaces the 'old' one. Don't know if that helps!

Would certainly give it a try later in the day. Hope that one really works

Posted using Partiko Android

same problem I have with my old android phone . it lags too much when using Brave.

Seems like there are new versions now, so maybe you should give it another try

Posted using Partiko Android

Does Firefox make your computer slow like Brave did? I tried Brave, Vivaldi, and other web browsers but I prefer Firefox. I use it on Ubuntu (my OS).

I've switched to brave since reading about it months back, and its usually smooth, was using firefox but decided to support brave and bat so I switched and only sometimes I need to use chrome for certain things.

Bro, v@ned should have already made a partnership with Brave, OR found a way tpo support @esteem.surfer more to make iut a fuill browser, we should all have steem email addresses and we shoudl all be using our own steem browser, replacing all google ads with steem ads from @dclick i mean we could replace adsense ads for all of our users.,.. steemians are ready to use a steem browser... and Brave is a Proof that yes you CAN make a new browser.... i mean chrome is all based on what was once all open source stuff anyway right? Where is our Steem Browser... well I mean they cant even make an App... Why cant Steemit fire everyone and pay contractors who knwow hat they are doing?

All @ned has to do is spend the money on an actual consultant and app developer who knows how to actually develop a nice app... honestly Ive seen developers come into steem and basically learn everything in a few weeks and then build something in a few months.... developers LOVE learning steem when they are real pro FOSS and are the types who like using GIMP over Photoshop

steemians are the types who dont mind putting up with a few extra steps. So we really should all be uysing a steem version of brave...

OR AT LEAST we should just use Brave, and with that $70 a year we can earn , estimated $200 they can make next year...and then use that to buy steem... I feel like theer are dozens of things everyone looking for work at home gigs could use, and pI think there's a way for everyone to earn an extra $1000 a year to be saved in a nest egg.... Godang imagine if your steem Wallet actually helped you save money and had pop ups showing you hoiw much you COULD save etc , id love constant reminders on my wallet showing me how much I could have if i save a certain amount oif steem every day ...

I believe Chrome is based on Chromium which is still out there and is still separate from Chrome. Yeah, more people should work on independent open source web browsers. Yeah, we should work on email systems if we have not already, like Proton Mail which I use. I still use Firefox for its customization options and add-ons and bookmarks and everything.

I don't have a problem with Firefox, and I've not used the others before. It's just brave I have a problem with

Posted using Partiko Android

Brave seems to be harder to use for me too. But I hope it gets better in the future.


Posted using Partiko Android

I'm using latest version of FireFox (66.0.2) and I see no ads.

Yep, gr8 call Rosa. I hold BAT as I'm pretty confident that they're a crypto project that has a very strong future application. I can see them possibly becoming a competitor or even replacing Google, long term. They solve a real issue with the way they tokenize advertising attention.

Brave and steem should 100% work in tandem. I'm not sure if it is possible for content creators to opt in to advertising to earn BAT yet, this is something I need to look into. I am using brave browser though, and have been for a few months now 🙂