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RE: We can't edit posts older than a month? Steemit's weird user anti-patterns :(

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

what makes steemit special is the commitment you have to give when you click submit a post.

Everyone here whose having a good time is well aware of this feature that we love and is probably one of the biggest reasons, aside from the rewards, we are here.

You are more than welcome to edit posts within one month. I edit my bad spelling and grammar and mistake usually within a few minutes or hours after posting. Sometimes, rarely i go back a day, and fix things. I do this, as do almost every steemer, to every post we write.

If your post is more than a week don't expect anyone to look at unless its being referenced in a current post.

If you regret what you posted months ago that sucks but that's your commitment. If you were unaware of this feature before you posted than you should have looked up about the platform a little more because "no erasies" is not a secret.

Did you also know that the the version you wrote before the edit is also on the platform forever and people can see what you've changed and how it was before? So it really doesn't matter for older posts.

I can assure you, I and many others, have a bunch of posts we would like to remove from history but them's the breaks.

So always check your editing and content quality before you post. And then re read and check again right after posting, pay attention to the comments for the first hour in case someone makes a comment and you need to defend your post or say thanks for compliment.

IF you want to change and control history steemt is not the place. Try fb, twiiter, MySpace or what was that other one called .

Some people were straight up cheating and copy and pasted or claimed photos for as there own and made tons of money. Than one day some people whet snooping and discovered some user for months and months of cheating the game.
The cheaters tried to erase history but made themselves a FOOL as it only worsened things.

Not being able to erase is one of the features that helps keeps the rewards secure from cheaters.

Don't worry about any posts you have older than a month, really, no one else is looking at them and gonna vote 99.999% of the time.


Actually I think you're wrong. Dead wrong.

I think that @bluechoochoo is totally right. She's quite aware of what a blockchain is, and how posts on one are indelible. She probably even knows that steemit saves just diffs in the casess of edits, which is actually another strange anti-pattern as saving the diff only causes all kinds of wierdness for coders trying to extend steem/steemit.

Anyway, here's what I think her point is, and certainly what my point is: just because a post was a certain way in the past, and you considered it perfectly fine that your post was indelible, doesn't mean that it should be that way today. This actually matters a freaking ton. Now, remember-- it's a blockchain-- there's no way to delete stuff even if the UI here says it is deleted. It's not. It's simply not shown, is all.

@bluechoochoo is worried about her posts older than a month, because she makes frequent, sequential posts and might want to use some of her posts as a reference point online. God knows I want this, too. If such features were implemented, steem would look much brighter as a tool for professional bloggers, even if it was just another publishing avenue and a long-term datastore that their database or static site generator tapped into.

Let us not forget: Every post stored inside that there blockchain contributes to the value of the currencies.

well, i don't think I am dead wrong because i and others feel and or know what i said is their feeling or thoughts too. I have read past comments and posts over time. But I understand why you disagree.

You added a lot of information in your comment she didn't post about her reasons. So if I had known why she wanted to edit her much older posts maybe I would have said something a little different. BUT i still stand by my original comment.

Really it would be nice. I'm certainly not oppose editing older posts. Got a few on my mind now I'd like to "update" which I think is what she really wants to do and not simple change her opinion which is what i thought she was aiming for.

Well, even if she was aiming for that it would be impossible. Blockchains don't make changes in that manner. It'll always be there, as long as there's a network of nodes, anyway.


this is really a dangerous situation if you look at future possibilities.
suppose someone starts creating virusses or malware on blockchains!
( and probably this is allready happening as I write this, mark my words!)

That would mean it will be impossible to get rid of them.

In fact it is allready possible to use ethereum as a coding platform to create socalled Dapps ( distributed apps ) that exist on a lot of ( distributed) places on the net, which means the apps cannot crash or dissapear: they will be allways here.

Sound a bit like a new lifeform....

Homo Sapiens will die, Homo Dapp will live forever!

As I type this I am constantly aware that everything I type here will exist on the blockchain forever, even long after we are all dead!

Maybe Homo Dapp will be able to delete the then outdated content that is no more of interest for.... Who?

I agree completely. I made a post and stated the wrong age in the headline of the child I was referencing and now can not change it and I send people to that post so I look foolish. It is an inconvenience to not be able to control the content of what one blogs.

Thats dumb, thats how inaccurate information gets stuck on the internet. Filtration is good