Aceh In the Past And Now

in #steem7 years ago

mesjid baiturrahman banda aceh Before the tsunami

#Kerajaan Aceh began to experience the golden age or the peak of power under the leadership of Sultan Iskandar Muda, which is around the year 1607 until the year 1636. At the time of Sultan Iskandar Muda, the kingdom of Aceh has increased in various fields, namely in the fields of politics, economy-trade, international relations , strengthening the fleet of war, and able to develop and strengthen the life of Islam. Even the position of the Portuguese in Malacca was increasingly pressed due to the rapid development of the Kingdom of Aceh under the leadership of Sultan Iskandar Muda.

Sultan Iskandar Muda expanded its territorial sphere and continued to increase the spice trade into an export commodity potentially for the prosperity of Acehnese people. It was able to control Pahang in 1618, Kedah in 1619, and Perak in 1620, where it was a tin-producing region. Even during his leadership the Kingdom of Aceh was able to attack Johor and Malay until Singapore around the years 1613 and 1615. He was also given the title of Alexander the Great of the East.

Progress in the field of foreign policy in the era of Sultan Iskandar Muda, one of which is Aceh who mix with Turkey, England, Holland and France. He once sent his envoy to Turkey by giving a gift of sicupak pepper or pepper sack, then replied with the Turkish sultanate by giving a war cannons and armies, to help the Kingdom of Atjeh in war. Even the Turkish leader sent a star to the sultan of Aceh.

In the field of literary and religious sciences, Aceh has spawned several prominent scholars, whose essays are the main references in their respective fields, such as Hamzah Fansuri in his book Tabyan Fi Ma'rifati al-U Adyan, Syamsuddin al-Sumatrani in his book Mi ' raj al-Muhakikin al-Iman, Nur al-Din al-Raniri in his bookSirat al-Mustaqim, and Shaykh Abdul Rauf Singkili in his book Mi'raj al-Tulabb Fi Fashil.

In economic-trade relations with Egypt, Turkey, Arabia, also with France, England, Africa, India, China and Japan. Imported commodities include: rice, jars, sugar (sakar), creamy sauces, , white and black tin, iron, cotton textiles, mori batik cloths, dishes and bowls, fans, paper, opium, air roses, etc. mentioned in Aceh Traditional Book. Commodities exported from Aceh itself include wood sandalwood, saapan, gandarukem (resin), resin, gum, medicines.

Under the control of the kingdom run safely, peacefully and smoothly. Especially the port areas that became the main point of the economy of the Kingdom of Aceh, starting from the west coast of Sumatra to the East, to Asahan which is located in the south.Hal this is what makes this kingdom to be wealthy, prosperous and prosperous people, and as a prominent center of knowledge in Southeast asia.

lokasi aceh pidie jaya

may the present government imitate the system of ancient rule.