STEEM TO BE $18.60 ON 7 AUGUST 2018!
I have been inspired today...
Firstly inspired by a month old YouTube clip which I accidentally stumbled upon today, by our very own Jerry Banfield @jerrybanfield.
Jerry says similar to:
"To control the outcome of your own investment you must promote it - in our case this is promoting STEEM - we all need to do our part."
"... the top investors in the world exert work, effort, time and energy into promoting their investments - not just passively buying and holding."
Then motivated again by this post he made 2 days ago.
We are now at 300,000 Steemit accounts!!
This is right. We are now over 300,000 Steemit accounts and this is double what it was 3 months ago.
So could we say that Steemit accounts are doubling every 3 months?
Sure we can!
This seems to be the indicative of the numbers and charts our mate and Steemit's master statistician @penguinpablo is producing.
(New account creation chart pasted below)
So we are currently at 300,000 accounts and at the continued rate of growth (doubling every 3 months) we will be at 600,000 accounts come 7 November 2017.
What will require - 25,000 new accounts to be established each week! Can we do this? Well our best week thus far is about 19,000... but... YOU BET WE CAN!!
I am telling more and more people about Steemit every day - how about you?
So what is an account worth?
Well market cap $320,000,000 and 300,000 accounts currently - so $1,067 per account - let's just say $1,000.
Now I am told that the market is always right. I don't believe this for a second. (Just look at the price of silver - supply drops by 30% and the price drops. CRAZY STUFF!) However, the amount of time, effort, monies that most here now have invested into Steemit - a $1,000 average account value is probably a good reflection.
Now keep in mind that more STEEM is being added to the pool - say 9.5% over the next 12 months - the numbers run as follows:
Date Accounts Value/acc Market Cap STEEM# Price/STEEM
07/11/2017 600,000 $1,000.00 $600,000,000 245,700,000 $2.44
07/02/2018 1,200,000 $1,000.00 $1,200,000,000 251,400,000 $4.77
07/05/2018 2,400,000 $1,000.00 $2,400,000,000 257,100,000 $9.33
07/08/2018 4,800,000 $1,000.00 $4,800,000,000 258,000,000 $18.60
The call for this time next year is: 4.8 million steemit accounts and $18.60 per unit of STEEM with a STEEM market cap of $4.8 billion!!
Sure - the value per account should be discounted as time progresses - and sure we are probably not set up to establish the 200,000 accounts per week it will take to meet the 4th quarter growth target... but I will remain positive!
So I know that the guys and girls producing the accounts WILL keep up with this demand for new accounts - as I know that they are some of the best in the business. And... the rest of us will do our best to get as many new people as we can on board the STEEMIT riches train and we will show them as much upvoting love as we can!!
So go out and tell everyone $18.60 STEEM this time next year. However... remember ladies and gentlemen - you heard it here first!
I am... SirKnight!
#teamaustralia #steemlords
PS. Sorry to the wonderful Ladies and Lord of 'Lord of the Steem'. The Quest Master has taken the night off. Back tomorrow to read your latest tales.
Thanks again Jerry.
As always PP - love your work.
Silhouette dancing pic:
This is the sort of positive vibe that our community needs right now. Upvoted and resteemed SirKnight.

As always I just love your work Community News. There is just something so familiar about your writing style but I just can't place my finger on it.
Nice initiative too.
There's no news like good news! I'm telling everybody!
Ball hard and steem on!
Upgoat & Resteem
Cheers! from @thedamus
Good stuff thedamus - you tell everyone - I will tell everyone - this place will be chockas before we know it. YES!
Hoot! Mon
Actually - for you too the damus - it is getting even more exciting with Hardfork 20 on the way - the Steemit Team are talking millions of accounts!
Very Inspiring...
You bet hms818 - and with Hard Fork 20 on the way - we are gearing up for MILLIONS!
Great post, upvoted - back to work!
Thanks @najs1crypto! SK.
I think all of us here can agree wholeheartedly that we all hope you are 100% correct. However a little part of me hopes you have grossly underestimated the price. Nice one SK
I hope so too TP. By the way - will need to put the Steem Lords post off until tomorrow night. MrsSirKnight has me promoting my hard fork...
omg sorry...
that came out wrong.
Meaning she wanted me promoting this hard fork post tonight... created by our latest subsidiary @velocity
The Steemit Crew want millions of users onboard next year - we MrsSirKnight and I are going to help them.
Incidentally - this all came to me after our chat.
I'm not sure I'd say the market is always right... and the silver market is not a free market. It's manipulated. But a truly free market, while not always right, will self regulate and correct. And I think Steemit qualifies as a pretty free market. The future here is very exciting! Thanks for this encouraging post!
Thanks for the comment @geke. I agree, silver is not a free market. Manipulated? Absolutely! Not quite sure that Steemit is a free market yet - not whilst they are giving out free Steem anyway. But yes, it certainly could be one day.
The future is very exciting - especially with Hard Fork 20 a mere month or two away!
I made my own projections in my post and it would be more around $4-$8 next year in august basing it around an increase of 2000 members joining daily.
18$ would be extreme overkill and would hurt the platform in the long run.
Hi beyondthecrypto - thanks for the comment. Yes if you assume that we grow at 14,000 accounts a week you are probably right. That would take us to 1,000,000 accounts in 12 months - if we started now.
However - think Hard Fork 20 Velocity.
The Steemit crew are talking million(s) of accounts by next year.
Now the realist in me says you are right. But the 'starry eyed optimist' in me hopes that I am.
Following you!
It would be nice if steemit grows to at least $10 by next year. that would be really nice :)
We will see where it goes ;) it's not a competition though :P Thanks for the follow :) same for you friend great post :)
This is great to know that more and more folks are joining steemit. And why shouldn't everyone. Its a great place to begin with. Way better than facebook where for doing the exact same thing, Facebook gets paid and all we take home is the satisfaction of the likes we gain at the end of the day.
and kudos on the article by the way, you definitely have done your homework.
take care :)
I am hearing you speedracer - it almost makes me sick logging into my Facebook account now - knowing that Zucker is getting rich off my efforts and is selling my personal info.
Mate, I am doing a little promoting tonight - same topic as this being the Growth of Steemit. Hard Fork 20 is on the way - here is a link to some information.
It is sure getting exciting.
lets hope your right champ, I'm predicting $10 by end of the year. So this does work in with your $18 by next November theory.
Hi there Gohba - $10 or $18 doesn't matter to me - I won't be selling. Enjoying it too much. BTW...
check out
Millions of users by next year is the plan under the new Hardfork.
I belive all this is possible. Steemit is growing every day and it will only grow faster in the future.
Thanks for the post.
Thanks for popping in rcartax. It is definitely possible. Consider Hard Fork 20 and what this might do to help in the growth of Steemit.
If you click on the SteemitBlog link you will note that they have said: