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RE: Moving to hive

in #steem6 years ago

Except they are, except they aren't, amiright, Mr T?

I think this is what we call optics issues. Or was it marketing issues, or leadership issues, crap, I kinda forget now, but while I may not have the stake of you or NGC or others, I can tell you I've bleed and risked and invested pretty much all of my waking minutes for 19 months and a good bit of my available money to risk and for that input, and effort to keep the place useful (things ive helped build or built alone), helpful (charity on the chain), relevant (endless outside 1-to-1 promotion) and users from leaving daily (community and 1-to-1 teaching, training, personal coaching, convincing users etc) it's cost me as much or more mentally, physically and emotionally for being here as it has anyone.

So yep, I'm a bit bitter and hurt right now by the BS we see from the not-the-leader leader, and let's not even get into synapticad/syncad/pumpkin/freedom "centralization", eh?
