Poloniex Have Disabled Withdrawals Of STEEM & SBD....AGAIN!
I'm just glad that I got my STEEM out of Poloniex with no problem as soon as I saw that they enabled withdrawals.
I just wonder what the problem is and when will it finally be resolved. I almost kept my STEEM on the exchange to trade with but I thought I would power my skinny ass up a little, which I did of course.
It really is a joke though. I just want someone to put out a more detailed message but that seems to difficult to do nowadays.

They're far from the only exchange who appear to be 'locking' or 'disabling' wallets these days and I have to wonder why.
I'm sure there are some vague reasons for this in their FAQs but does this seem to be happening more frequently if late?
I have to wonder if it's something to do with the influx of new investors over the past couple of months, which has certainly slowed down their verification processes. A friend of mine has been waiting three weeks to get verified on Kraken so far!
The support on the exchanges needs to be improved a lot if the crypto space is going to scale.
Yeah I read a comment last night, I'm sure, regarding the exchanges and how if crypto is to go mainstream then it has to sort out these issues with exchanges. In a way it's still border line amateurish.
Can you imagine what would happen in a mainstream forex exchange if they froze wallets/accounts of individuals/traders? It would be the death knell for the exchange!
Completely agree, the potential for these businesses is huge, especially being in there early with the opportunity to create client confidence, but they need to up their game significantly to keep the business.
There are multi-national companies, such as Barclays, starting to show an interest in this space. At the moment, should I have a choice between Barclays and Bittrex, poloniex, kraken, etc, it's a no-brainer which I'd choose.
These exchanges have an opportunity, for a time, and they need to take it.
Aw it would be carnage if a forex just froze!
That's the thing though, they don't seem to realise that they are in early, so sort this nonsense out because they are earning enough money from all the trades done each day.
The Poloniex exchange has something mad like $50 million dollars in their STEEM wallet and it's not even a top 10 crypto on their exchange so it really is no excuse which doesn't give me confidence in their ability yet alone trust them with this type of money.
I understand what you are saying about Barclays and this is what we are trying to get away, the centralised banks, yes it's an exchange but it's still a bank, but I could see people flock to them pretty easily.
Just sort your shit Poloniex!!
Steemit friends
Greetings from me, my origin from indonesia
i just bought 149 steem on poloniex and went to withdraw and i see they disabled steem again :(
I know first time poloniex disabled deposits/withdrawals because of a hack in another exchanger. I suggest you Bittrex :D
Yeah defo Bittrex!
I've bought and sold a little on Bittrex and, whilst I haven't had any bad experience with wallets being frozen, I'm not a big fan of the interface itself (a subjective view obviously) . They have a wealth of different trading pairs on there, but the UI and order types leave a little to be desired. They don't offer FIAT pairs either, although they have recently added the ability to see values in USD amounts, which is a step forwards.
My exchange of choice at the moment is Kraken. Fewer trading pairs, but they include USD, EUR, GBP and a couple of other fiats. The Cryptowatch graphs are as detailed as you could ask for and you can include MACD, RSI, and other toys to make it look like you know what's happening :) Their default charts are rubbish, but the Cryptowatch ones are good, if buried away a little on the site.
Good options for trading orders too, including conditional orders. Maybe give it a look and see what you think, although I think verification times on most of the exchanges at the moment are pretty long.