Steem new users 12/21/2017
New Steemit users have difficulty adapting and don't know how and where to start communications. Below you can see the statistics of the first posts of beginners.. We can help them via commenting and upvoting

- @tomcio with the article Dtube
- @badword with the article Hi I'm Badword. This is a Short of it.
- @techfarm with the article Whats Up From Tech Farm
- @donalddenzler with the article high-a new kid in town
- @mupsik with the article Bitcoiners hard life
- @mr-bga with the article Is This the End of Bitcoin (Again)?
- @orijose with the article Mi primer post en Steemit... @orijose
- @sara99 with the article Properly Caring for Your Hamster/Gerbil
- @realpups with the article Pups having an amazing time
- @thedailyreview with the article DUNKIRK Written and dirrected by Christopher Nolan a review of.
- @fornever with the article What are your thoughts on Ripple (XRP)
- @uniquejef with the article Hey! I'm uniquejeff- As a full time online business for the past 5 years, naturally, STEEM has caught my eye!
- @ballroom with the article 🔥 This Is My intro video On DTube Steemi, Excited To Be Part Of The Steemit Community! 🔥🔥🔥
- @virt with the article Barbecue * Шашлык
- @aponted7 with the article Mi Primer Post
- @soylent with the article [PL/ENG] Nie zbyt optymistyczna przyszłość Bitcoina / Not so optimistic future for BTC - Why BCH>BTC
- @toulkyceskem with the article Toulky Českem - Hora Říp
- @gabri18ele with the article Top ICO
- @dariya with the article Ecommerce Website: Coding from Scratch or Using a CMS
- @hunt11287 with the article Will Covesting Work?
- @victormoses with the article Santa Claus is coming back again
- @natalaermakova02 with the article Love Letters | Impatience and Manifesting
- @beverlyfields with the article Birthday Quote of the Day - December 21 - Rebecca West
- @srilankaninusa with the article Is Cardano (ADA) a Good Investment?
- @savvytechie with the article Reddcoin or Redcoin? Always use the 3 letter code
- @dalilalore with the article How i was saved from cheating husband by OWLHACK
- @sportupdates with the article Introducing sportupdate: (soccer highlights)
- @drewhernandez with the article Today Lets Talk about Buying Bitcoin the Smart way
- @elibethmeneses with the article Presentacion a la comunidad de Steemit, Dios los bendiga ♥gracias por leerme♥
- @nicholasmartin with the article From Mental/Thinking Reality into the Intuitive/Synchronistic Reality