RE: I Am New Steem member please help me
It takes time to build steem power, which is required to earn money on this platform. It is a good idea to do a short introduction post so people know a little about you. I always like to here where a person is from. Also knowing your first language helps (i use translation software and respond in the person's native language as well as English). The following is a good online translation app: Even though it says Spanish it covers a lot of languages.
Take a look at for ideas on doing an introduction. It does not have to be elaborate. Some people go back and do another introduction when they are more familiar with steemit. It took we a few weeks before I did an introduction post.
I recently read an article that would be perfect for you to review for newcomers. Check out:
Check your wallet on how to power up steem.
Wow great translation.
Thank you for help me.
I remember you how long i stay at steeemit.
again thanks for your respons.
i feel so happy . @r2cornell
Be sure and run @trendo 's post through the translation software. @trendo offered wonderful information for you and others.
Thank you so much sir
What is your native language?
i am from bangadesh and bangla is my mother tongue @r2cornell
I had to use Google translate to find Bangla. I have interacted with other's from Bangledesh, but never asked
about language. The script is beautiful.
Well met! I wish you well in this journey. I will watch for your posts. Remind me when you do post. Sometimes with the number of followers I have I miss their posts.
Let me know if this translation is okay.
আমাকে বাংলা অনুবাদ করতে গুগল অনুবাদ করতে হয়েছে। আমি বাঙালিদের অন্যের সাথে কথা বলেছি, কিন্তু কখনও জিজ্ঞাসা করিনি
ভাষা সম্পর্কে স্ক্রিপ্টটি সুন্দর।
ভাল দেখা! আমি এই যাত্রায় ভাল আপনি চান। আমি আপনার পোস্ট জন্য ঘড়ি হবে যখন আপনি পোস্ট করবেন তখন আমাকে মনে করিয়ে দিন কখনও কখনও অনুগামীদের সংখ্যা নিয়ে আমি তাদের পোস্ট মিস করি।
এই অনুবাদটি ঠিক কিনা জানিনা।
Āmākē bānlā anubāda karatē gugala anubāda karatē haẏēchē. Āmi bāṅālidēra an'yēra sāthē kathā balēchi, kintu kakhana'ō jijñāsā karini
bhāṣā samparkē skripṭaṭi sundara.
Bhāla dēkhā! Āmi ē'i yātrāẏa bhāla āpani cāna. Āmi āpanāra pōsṭa jan'ya ghaṛi habē yakhana āpani pōsṭa karabēna takhana āmākē manē kariẏē dina kakhana'ō kakhana'ō anugāmīdēra saṅkhyā niẏē āmi tādēra pōsṭa misa kari.
Ē'i anubādaṭi ṭhika kinā jāninā.
Never to say ,you are just awsome @r2cornell.i am bangladeshi but i understant english,some time i help from google transtulate.But i didn't good skill of english.In steemit platform you are just very good helper & honest teacher.Your learning system is excellent.I feel so proud of you.Please teach me & i am interested of you. @r2cornell
your artical are so great
Thank you
you are welcome.where are you live sir @r2cornell
In the USA. In the northern panhandle of the state of Idaho. It is about and 1.5 hour drive to the Canadian border.
oh good!!i am now so interested of your lifestyle.please tell me about your family member & your main carier. @r2cornell
These look like Moss Roses. I have not grown them in many years.