Cranking Out Mass Amounts of Hand Made Sustainably Sourced SteemGear for SteemCreators Conference In Vegas This Weekend!

in #steem7 years ago

Hopefully by now you know Steem Creators Conference is this weekend in Vegas and I am the Keynote Speaker. I won't say anything more about that now as I have posted about it many times. 

Because this is a Steem inspired conference and everyone in attendance will be either an already existing Steemian or looking to become one!

So mass amounts of SteemGear are in order!

For anyone who does not know I have designed and created more SteemGear than anyone in the world, but it gets a lot better than that. Its all hand made one of a kind and sustainably sourced!

On top of that I/We accept Steem and other cryptos as well as standard currencies in exchange for these one of a kind Epic SteemGear creations!

Investing in one of these is a very wise move as not only do you promote this revolutionary community/platrom every time you wear it but you are also sure to get more support from the community which results in higher post payouts because you are representing in epic fashion!

You can find a gallery of 25 of the most successful SteemGear items of the 50+ that have already been created here on our SteemGear Web Page! 

Every item in this post as well as more are available for Steem, other cryptos, credit cards, PayPal and more. 

We are creating a real world market use for Steem and promoting our beloved community at the same time!

We are increasing the value of Steem every day and you can be a part of that too!

So while I have posted about it quite a few times again the reason for cranking out a mass amount of SteemGear right now is because of the Steem Creators conference in Vegas of which I will be Keynote Speaker and fo which is attend by passionate Steemians! I am quite sure almost all the wise Steemians will want to invest in this world class unpreseidnted SteemGear

I will be posting videos/photos/artiles from this epic experience. Below is the copy from my last post about the Steem Creators Conference. 


Just 3 more days until I will be in the Steem Vortex in Vegas for The  Steem Creators Conference!

@everlove @saramiller and I will be flying out Thursday morning and meeting up with a whole conference full of Steemians coming together for our passion for Steem and to upgrade our Steem Powered Success!

There will be some Steemians there we already met in the flesh, but most we only know from our online interactions via Steem. Its strange because I feel like I know so many of them so well already. Its amazing how much can be shared these days via the inter web portals. 

I will be giving a 1 hour keynote presentation on Friday about the revolutionary potential of Steem and how it can be utilized in many ways by almost any type of person. 

I will also be doing a 3 hour private immersion sharing my 2 years of day in day out living and breathing Steem. The ins and outs, successes and failures. Maybe more importantly the social/political nature of the Steem community and how to not commit steemicide, but instead find a home in the community. 

Its still not to late to get a ticket and I am sure since its Vegas there are plenty of reasonable flights available!  There are also plenty of hotel rooms close by if the main hotel is sold out or to expensive for your taste. Go check out the web site and invest in a more successful Steem Powered Future!

You can get $25 discount on your ticket by getting an @quinneaker ticket and I will also get a small commission which will help me cover flights, hotel, food, travel expenses etc.

Special thanks to @steemcafe & @ogc for having the vision and the dedication to make this event a reality for the betterment of us all here on Steem!

You can find the video I posted on Dlive announcing my Keynote spot in this Steem Creators Conference here. 

I have been living and breathing the SteemPowered life for 18 months ever since the very first day I ever heard about Steemit.I have invested thousands of hours buildings SteemPower including 12-16 hours a day for the first few months.As with all things in life, greatness does not usually come easy, nor for free. If you come here to Steemit expecting to get rich quick.... It is possible, but honestly it's not likely. Unless you have a close friend that is a whale who chooses to support you, building a rep here takes time.

That is the purpose of this conference, to help activate and accelerate Steem Powered Success within everyone who attends, noob or veteran alike.Not only will it be a great opportunity to meet and network with other passionate Steemains, but the conference is specifically designed to share experienced tips and knowledge from established successful Steemians.There are so many facets to Steem that even some people who have been around for a long while still don’t understand how it works and still find it hard to succeed.We will come together for 3 days to learn, share and activate our SteemPower within, as well as have a lot of fun!

The conference includes many presenters who have established success, as well as planned nighttime outings and more. Not only will I be giving a keynote presentation on Friday, but I will also be facilitating 2 different 3 hour private SteemPowered Success immersions on Saturday. This presentation will be an adaptation of the Steem Powered Success Series that I have been doing as a private tutorial for the last couple months. One will be tailored to intermediate Steemians and the other will be tailored to the highly experienced.I will share my 18 months and thousands of hours of experience of what works, what doesn’t work, the social and political atmosphere and more. You will also get to ask all the questions you wish you had answer to about the SteemPowered platforms.I will release details and how to register for my private program in the next couple days. Check out the event website

The small cost of travel and tickets can easily pay itself off just in the experience of being at the conference, let alone how that investment pays off over time with al the knowledge and connections made at this Steem Powered Conference!

Just one year ago $teem was worth 10-15 cents and today is well over $3. Every day you have and use Steem you are compounding a SteemPowered life!If you’re not yet on Steem its not too late. It has only just begun. If you’re already on Steem the moon isn’t even the limit, so there is always higher levels to reach!

If you are life is not yet being fueled by Steem and your not going to make it to this event you can check out my beginners/minnow SteemPowered Success Series on my web site here which is all the information you need to get on Steem and start leveraging its revolutionary potential for your own success just by being you! 

You can find my entire Steem post about it here for more details~*~

Hope to see you in the SteemPowered Vortex!

If you want to style it up in SteemGear Fashion while promoting Steem everywhere you go, you can find my SteemGear shop here. Each one of these items are sustainably sourced, hand painted, one of a kind pieces of which no one else will have anywhere you go! I will also be sure to bring some to the conference so anyone there can see first hand and make the best choice for them of over 50 different styles!

I am now doing 50/50 payout posts simply because the payout is more valuable that way atm, but I will be converting it all to $teem to continue my perfect record of cashing out ZERO $teem nor ever powering down, thus powering up!

I appreciate your support and welcome your feedback. If you feel am valuable to this community please give an upvote large or small it makes a difference. 



Yes! @quinneaker. Excited is not the word. Really aren't words for this. -resteemed-

Yea baby!!!

∞§∞See you soon in the Vortex∞§∞

You are definitely adding a lot of values to the steemit community, your great work of advertising and promoting this great platform is really appreciated. Keep up the good work @quinneaker

∞§∞So it shall be∞§∞

I like this steemit. I appreciate your blockhain.
Thanks for sharing this post.

SteemGear..!! This is the most interesting news. Sir, @quinneaker thank you so much for sharing this kind of interesting news. Keep it up sir. Best wishes to you..

Your welcome

Sir, if you don't mind, would you like to send me an upvote on my comment on your post.

Happy steemting bro.. it's really nice to have you here enjoy the platform and explore the community.....wish you all the best.. I like your blogs @quinneaker And i always follow you.

YES! I'm in the slow-fashion space. Apprecaite this post! :-)

I was invited to come speak at this.
After much consideration I decided to attend next year instead.
You would have been one of the main reasons I went.
Figured I'd rather catch you in Texas for #hotsorshots
Hope you're doing well bud

Yea man its going to be awesome but it is the first one and will be less awesome than the next.

Appreciate the respect and consideration. Would love to do HotsorShots with you also I/we are having a big festival here at @gardenofeden memorial day weekend for 4 days end of may. Consider that maybe.

I wouldn't mind getting my hands on one of those fedoras.
Hit me up on discord.

Could we do this in Chicago please? I'd LOVE to and I have a market with many people who'd love this.

yea lets discuss.

OK that would be cool, how do we chat via Steemit??

thanks for coming all this way...out west...this weekend! we are hoping to catch you there!!!!! we LOVE ya'll!!!! re steemed!


Activating the Steem Vortex Around the world!