Weekly report: How much STEEM is stored on the exchanges? - August 9, 2018
The charts below show how much STEEM is stored on each exchange where STEEM is listed.
Rule #1 in the crypto world: Don't store your cryptocurrencies on an exchange!
STEEM stored on all exchanges

STEEM stored on Bittrex

STEEM stored on Poloniex

STEEM stored on Binance

STEEM stored on Huobi

STEEM stored on Upbit

STEEM stored on Bithumb

STEEM stored on Openledger

STEEM stored on Gopax

How much STEEM is currently stored on each exchange?

Exchange | STEEM |
Bittrex | 24,497,009 STEEM |
Poloniex | 10,194,336 STEEM |
Binance | 7,788,945 STEEM |
Huobi | 3,579,668 STEEM |
Upbit | 500,719 STEEM |
Bithumb | 1,498,932 STEEM |
Openledger | 565,118 STEEM |
Gopax | 437,858 STEEM |
Total amount of STEEM stored on all exchanges: 48,960,831 STEEM
Total STEEM supply: 273,201,927 STEEM
Liquid STEEM: 79,458,213 STEEM
- 17.9% of the total supply is stored on the exchanges.
- 61.6% of all liquid STEEM is stored on the exchanges.
I find this number incredible in particular: 61.6% of all liquid STEEM is stored on the exchanges.
Thanks @penguinpablo for those regular informative stats!
Is that mostly steem owned by the exchanges themselves? It doesn't make much sense to me to hold your steem off this steem site until you want to sell it
You may hold active orders on exchange.
Does not make tons feel to me to keep your steem off this steem web site until you need to promote it
It seems t like the increase correlates well with the decrease in prices as people send to exchanges to sell out of positions.
Awesome charts :) tipuvote!
This post is supported by 0.56 SBD @tipU upvote funded by @cardboard :)
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Wow did polo really froze funds for several months? ! No wonder nobody Wants to trade their anymore!