
Buenas noches amiga, tu comentario me hace pensar en la propuesta de @kouba01 hace algunos meses, podría ser un buen punto de partida comercializar la educación

Oh gosh! I missed this post!
Thank you for bringing it to my attention. 🎕

Education is everything! I don't think there was one business where I was involved in business rescue that did not have a problem with staff not knowing:

  1. The product
  2. The vision and mission
  3. What makes the business tick, and
  4. What is expected of them

This is always where I started my investigations, staff, and education.

That would be great if @kouba01 developed that idea for teaching on Steem.

Steem definitely has great untapped potential as a platform for educational delivery.

A few attempts have been made but I am very surprised more has not been made of this.

With a few extra tweaks and modifications Communities could be very useful for delivering courses...

I agree 100%. Some changes would be required.

It would be awesome if there was a place or method where we could "store" these courses, as a lot of effort goes into them.

I wrote 10 posts on how to start your own business two years ago. It was read when it was published, but now it is nowhere to be found on Steemit.

I found them searching on Google.


However, no such luck when I search for posts on Steemit with the exact same words.

Maybe an upgrade to the search facility can do the trick.