Creating an Attrative Article Display Photo || Step by Step How-To Guide
Hello everyone and welcome to another how-to guide :)
I thought I would share a step by step guide about how I go about deciding on a article display photo.
I have put great effort and a lot of editing time has gone into this article so I would greatly appreciate an upvote at the least, thanks :)

1. Google Search for a Photo Relevant and Suitable to Your Article
Step 1 Notes: Make sure the photo you choose is a large size so that you are able to resize it later on. 1980 X 1080 is a nice size to use but anything above is more than fine, just not too far smaller than that size
2. Edit Your Chosen Photo
I used paint in this edit because I wasn't creating anything complex, so paint worked fine in this circumstance.
I simply added the article title to the photo as well as a sub heading to give readers more information about what to expect from my article. I also included my tag in the corner as a watermark.
I then saved the image.
3. Resize the Image, if Necessary; Create Image URL
The website I use to resize images is:
This website is quite easy to use, you do not need to make an account or pay any subscriptions.
I usually just type in the new dimensions I want to resize my photo to then click resize.
The website also has options to compress, optimize, and convert images.
Generate an Image Url
Many people are not sure how to do this so I will definately make an article dedicated to it in the future.
This website is really well designed and simple to use, so I would recommend that users check it out:
In a few simple steps, you have a URL ready for use on steemit.
4. Upload Your Image Link to Steemit
Copy and past the link to the top of your article and you are done :)
If this article helped you, let me know in the comments! A simple upvote will help me a lot thanks :)
Beautiful my friend.
Keep up the quality information =)
Thankyou very much sir! Definately will be! Follow me to see my next posts :)