Who sells STEEM?
This post is purely informational in nature and is intended solely to satisfy my curiosity. No one is accusing anyone of anything here, and no names will be named here.
For several weeks now, I've been watching my friends struggle unsuccessfully to keep the platform clean. They find spammers and fraudsters, warn them, give them downvotes. The effect of this activity is limited, because the scale of spamming and fraud on the platform is impressive.
Why are my friends doing this? Because they believe in justice. They believe that rewards should go to those who put in the effort to create quality content, those who want to share something with their readers. In addition, milking the platform will sooner or later lead to its decline.
I don't help them much since I don't spend much time online these days. However, I believe that they are doing the right thing and it is desirable that more people are engaged in such activities. At the same time, I became interested in how large-scale withdrawals of money by fraudsters are. So I did a little research.
I chose a period of 5 days when the price of STEEM was high. This is from December 1 to 4, 2024. I analyzed all the transfers made during this period to exchange accounts and divided the users who made them into certain groups:
- bid bot user - people who receive profit thanks to the support of various bots;
- bot - accounts belonging to bots;
- drugwars - accounts that receive profit thanks to drugwars;
- inactive - users who have done Power Down and no longer show any activity;
- nice user - 🙂 users who write posts and support other authors;
- spammer - users who write low-quality posts, use AI, vote only for themselves, etc.;
- trading bot - the name speaks for itself;
- witness - here too.
So, let's see who was withdrawing STEEM on the exchanges between December 1 and 4, 2024:
These results are not representative and do not prove anything, but still give some information to think about.
I will not draw any conclusions, I will give you this opportunity. I will only say that 490 556.029 STEEM were withdrawn during the specified period.
And one more thing, if you single out symbionts from among the good users, the distribution will look like this:
These inactive accounts - I know that some of the people who are no longer actively blogging themselves have delegated their SP or are paying for bot services. Of course, they wait with possible sales until it is worthwhile in terms of price. It would be nicer to reactivate them, wouldn't it...?
Not all of them have previously created valuable or at least unique content. So it's hard for me to say how much we've lost because they're no longer active. 🙂
I wonder… with the ‘inactive’, what is their “make up”. For example. I know that many scammers use a dormant “transfer account” to simplify withdrawals. How many of these “inactive” accounts haven’t posted for many years? (Similar to my previous example). Whilst “nice user” at 2% appears to be positive, is that reflective of only 2% of Steemit users being nice?
Which category would my current target fall into? Scammers, or bid bots?
Most of these users have Power Down, sold STEEM and have been inactive since then. But there are those who have 0 SP, but transfers sometimes come to them and from them.
I analyzed only the last two weeks, more time would be needed for more detailed research. I think the percentage of those who have been inactive for many years is very small.
Spammers and bid bot users often engage in similar negative activities. It's just that spammers don't have enough money to use bots yet.
I noticed an interesting detail. If you filter transfers to exchange accounts and select those whose amount is less than 1 STEEM, you will find a large number of users milking the platform. They are easier to fight because their posts earn about 15 cents each.
There are also many spammers among bid bots users. You can go through the list and in just two or three minutes you will come across one. I don't know what is more interesting for you, big or small fish? 😄
LOL, which bot(s) are you following? Two or three minutes - sadly this is nonsense. You find one (them) immediately... 😔
Mission Impossible? NO, Mission "We get em all!"... 😎
It's the bitter truth, but I played it safe and gave him more time. 😕
I like your tenacity. 😀
I told you, you are too friendly in your following post... 😂
Without this, I might have “survived” on this platform for a year. Possibly.
“Survival” through adaptation also works, of course (as the system teaches us). “Survival” through adaptation has never been my thing...
But times change. At some point, you will be able to “survive” through your achievements and status alone. But at some point, you won't want that anymore...
I think there is something else. Everything is much simpler. In my humble opinion, you are still here because among all the garbage, spam, plagiarism and automation there are still crumbs created by real people and for real people. There are still people with whom it is interesting to communicate (sometimes more, sometimes less 🙂).
There's probably a lot of truth in this!
At the moment, I'm targetting the long-term vote-buying-bot-farming group of accounts. He's a stubborn one and rather than stopping, is doing more so I'm rallying more troops to join the downvotes. If I can get a couple more of the bigger accounts to downvote regularly, it'll be enough to move them from profit into loss. If not, I know that my downvotes along are costing him nearly $10 per day so I'll keep chipping away whilst my power increases and his votes remain the same.
Once this user's done, maybe we'll have time to eat a few of the small fish 🙂
I think the statistics only say something about Steem sales. The vast majority of nice users simply keep their Steem, or power up to SP...
Цікавість цього допису змусила піти до перекладача 😂, але це не страшно.
Я не розумію усіх хто написані у списку. Але це виглядає як відмивання грошей 😐
Я нічого з цього мабуть не розумію тому що просто пишу дописи свого життя. Намагаючись поділитися найцікавішим що маю у платформі steemit. Судячи по стім доларах я зрозуміла наскільки перспективна у грошовому еквіваленті ця платформа. Але ці хвилі взлетів та падінь для мене ще дуже далекі до розуміння.
Може я і блондинка але не зовсім розумію як виводять вже майже неіснуюче акаунт steem. Чи це означає що у когось декілька акаунтів і робиться щось неправильне? Чи і тут я помиляюсь? 😬
The curiosity of this post made me go to the translator 😂, but it's not scary.
I do not understand everyone who is written in the list. But it looks like money laundering 😐
I probably don't understand any of this because I'm just writing posts about my life. Trying to share the most interesting things I have in the steemit platform. Judging by the hundred dollars, I understood how promising this platform is in monetary terms. But these waves of ups and downs are still very far from understanding for me.
Maybe I'm blonde, but I don't quite understand how to remove an almost non-existent steem account. Does this mean that someone has multiple accounts and is doing something wrong? Am I wrong here? 😬
Ви недооцінюєте себе, адже все чудово розумієте. Деякі люди мають не просто два чи три, а сотні акаунтів і з кожного виводять гроші. Навіть якщо це незначні суми, разом виходить багато. Користувачі ботів виводять виличезні суми грошей, при цьому в них немає мотивації створювати хороші дописи, бо ботові все рівно який допис підтримувати. Інколи допис, який складається з фотографії вазону, отримує сотні доларів.
Ми всі отримуємо винагороди з одного пулу винагород. Тобто є певна кількість STEEM, яка щодня ділиться на всіх авторів, пропорційно до того, з якою силою підтримані дописи. Чим більше отримують спамери і шахраї, тим менше отримують талановиті автори. Для боротьби з цим існують голоси проти, але спільнота (вся спільнота Steemit) майже не користується цим механізмом, боячись помсти більш потужних акаунтів.
А steemcurator не займаються голосами проти таких акаунтів?
Боти то саме ті яким ми віддаємо частину steem сили та стіми при дописах а вони у відповідь дають нам якісь голоси? Вони якось автоматично запрограмовані в steemit?
Раніше SC01 долучався до такої роботи, але тепер я такого не спостерігаю.
Є різні способи оплати за голоси, але так ви праві - це вони. Це відбувається автоматично. Уявіть, що за те, що ви делегували свій SP, ви гарантовано отримаєте 100 доларів в день. Для цього вам тільки треба написати допис. Причому не важливо який це буде допис, він може складатися навіть з однієї букви чи фото вашої шкарпетки. Для чого тоді старатися і писати щось для людей?
Ну так, не справедливо по відношенню до тих хто намагається написати щось добре, приємне та потрібне у своїх дописах🤔
Hi, @o1eh,
Your post has been manually curated!
Is this the only one ore are there more manually curated posts?
I guess (and hope) all the spam and scam you curate is automated. Maybe you are willing to rethink your concept? That would be great, thank you!