STEEM + Poloniex: The end of the story

in #steem2 months ago

Ten months ago I wrote a post. It stated that I had a negative experience with the Poloniex exchange. I made two deposits but they never got credited to my exchange account. I ended my post with a warning to be careful when dealing with Poloniex, as the depositing system apparently crashes from time to time.

How did the story end? Maybe someone will be interested.

I admit, I wasn't too worried about missing some STEEM. It is not about big money. One transer was at 22 STEEM and the other at 81 STEEM. However, because of these two cases, I was afraid to use this method of withdrawing money. Because of this, I wrote to support and informed them that there is something wrong with their system of crediting STEEM to customer accounts. I received an automatic response that they are considering my application, that I am very important, etc.

After that there was a long silence. I said goodbye to my STEEM and forgot about this incident. However, in the future I used another method of withdrawing money.

Five or six months later I suddenly received a letter saying that my deposit had been credited. But that's not all. I tried to transfer STEEM again to my Poloniex account and it turns out that they have completely redesigned the depositing system. From now on, immediately after you send your STEEM, you will receive an email that the exchange is processing your transfer, with a specific amount. Now you know right away if you did everything right. After a minute or two, your deposit will be credited. If earlier it took different periods of time for deposits to be credited - from 1 minute to several hours, now the credits are always very fast.

Since then, I've been using this STEEM withdrawal route continuously for six months, and there's never been even a hint of a glitch. So I can say that you can safely transfer your STEEM to this exchange without worrying about the safety of your funds.



That's great...

Time to celebrate! How about treating us with some of those missing steems? A burger or a pizza, perhaps?

A burger or a pizza, perhaps?

😄 Will have to send by mail.


There are always some other ways...

Jokes apart, it's a good thing that you got your steem back. It's not about the amount (in this particular incident ) but the peace of mind whenever you are making the deposit.

but the peace of mind whenever you are making the deposit.

You are absolutely right! It's somehow much calmer to transfer money when you know it won't get lost 🙂.

Я вже було подумав, що ваші стосунки з Poloniex завершилися розривом 🤣. Але це просто інформативний пост, що все працює, то ж добре, що все добре. А я і досі користуюся Binance - це теж інформативний коментар 😉.

А я і досі користуюся Binance - це теж інформативний коментар 😉.

Я колись користувався Binance. Потім біржа захотіла верифікації. Я завантажив документи, але не зміг пройти крок розпізнавання обличчя. В мене був старий телефон і очевидно роздільна здатність камери була недостатньою чи що. Я більше цим не заморочувався. Тепер при бажанні я б міг закінчити процес верифікації, але якось потреби в цьому немає.

Це теж інформативний коментар 🙂.

Хм, а що Poloniex не вимагає верифікації? Наскільки я зараз це обов'язково чи не на кожній біржі, я зареєстрований на доброму десятку криптовалютних бірж 🤪

Хм, а що Poloniex не вимагає верифікації?

Вимагає. І мене вдалося її пройти без проблем ще багато років тому.

Although it took a long time, I'm glad to hear that it finally ended with a happy ending. :)

Yes, a little thing, but it's nice that the issue was resolved positively 😃

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