in #steem9 years ago (edited)

 Success isn’t preserved for a precious few. It’s within reach for us all, and may just take a few tweaks and mind set shifts to plant itself firmly in your lap. Here are 5 sure-fire signs that success is on its way for you:

  1. You love what you do! People who love what they do can find the motivation and energy. To dig deep when the going gets tough. Few people find superb success doing something they dislike or find boring.
  2. You don’t even class what you do as work sometimes! It’s almost a way of life. Work is not necessarily a place you go to, but is more about who you are combined with what you do. Success doesn’t always come straight away so living and breathing your passion is often needed to help you hang on in there.
  3. You believe that you will be successful and you believe in yourself and your business. Success comes to those who believe in themselves. Points of doubt and feelings of uncertainty have a knack of holding success at arm’s length.
  4. You know what success looks like, sounds like and feels like. If you are reading this, then you are likely to have also read blogs and articles about how to achieve your goals. It often starts with defining exactly what you want to achieve. Achieving success therefore starts with defining it in terms of what you will have when your now you have achieved it!
  5. Achieving success is a priority. It matters. If you don’t care whether you are successful or not you might find that the same lack of care is taken when the Universe hands out success! You might be lucky or you might find yourself at the back of the queue. A sure sign that you will be successful is that you treat the achievement of success as a priority in your life, and alongside other important things.

 I truly hope that you are enjoying success right now in your work, business and home lives. If you aren’t, then maybe revisit each of the signs listed above and reflect whether there is a mind-set shift that you could adopt that will help success to find you again. 

I want to finish my post with a sentence from one of the richest person on the planet

Good luck to all of you!!!

I wanted to share you this article that I found because it shows exactly what you need to reach success

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I just wanted to share an article that I found about the steps to reach success...

Some people have fear of success... And many sabotage their own success....

We have to start to believe in ourself... and stop listening to people that wants us to fail!!!!!

Stay away from negative person and close to positive people who wants the same thing as you..SUCCESS