Is Steemit A Rigged System Ready to Fall? Why Should a Person Have More Votes Than You? Or Downvote?

in #steem7 years ago


Now dont go crazy and name call, down vote or throw a fit. However, as a financial analyst and business person, who does not hide behind a screen name, these observations have so far proven accurate. Can anyone explain this? Also, I am starting to understand why nobody uses their names in this site. There are some very crazy people in here and there is  no way to block them in steemit.

My research is showing that those who have STEEM POWER can act correctly, or they can abuse their power and turn the site into a NAZI style Police State pulling all your votes and money, then flagging your entire page....this is going on here...and then there are those who call people wild names and are rude. there is no bocking these people acting like little Steemit Fascists. The Steamit founders know this is happening for a long time now and yet they will not stop it. There is not real free speech. it is like being in North Korea....if you question the government they will kill you...if you tell everyone how great the government is then you are rewarded....not a good business model for Americans....the Steemit founders need to change their business model or frankly, Steemit will crash as nothing more than a scheme for the founders to obtain your Bitcoins, and give overwhelming power to unvetted NAZI Police types on the site to crush anyone who questions anything.....also, I find it interesting from a business fraud standpoint that anyone can buy Steem Power, then SUPER VOTE money for themselves, which misleads others where the majority of the steem dollars came from. A person should not be able to vote for their own article at all. Also, the down vote tool is being used for nothing more than to control topics and content....there is nothing free market or free speech about Steemit that i have seen ad they advertise at all...

No country has a DOWN VOTE system.....this Steemit Downvote is merely a way to give the site a hidden police state power that many do not realize is going on. One person, one up vote, or no vote at all...that is the American way...anything else fuels corruption and bullying to fall in line with the minority not to upset the few.


I think it's important to ask the question of, what is the goal of steem ? My understanding is to promote content that is most relevant to users. The way that you describe the challenges of power abuse is the nature of any network that depends on influence, and it's a common network model for many other legitimate networks that are not on the blockchain.

Steemit admits that if people stopped buying Steem Power, then the site would they give Steem Power owners massive over voting rights to boost up money for articles and to promote more people to buy Steem...the more people who buy Steem or Steem Power, 15% of the spread is paid to the Steem Power owners. Thus the more Steam Power you have? They more you can help to CRUSH people....hardly a free market market to share quality content and new ideas with because some of these Steem Power people are abusing their power and down voting....down voting or giving one person the power to remove say 50 to 300 votes of other people from an article is anti is Anti freedom.....I have even read blogs where Steemit users call this site the new Marxist Model of the world and they support communist models.....yes, these people are posting such things...

So I am trying to understand this Steemit model considering that I "offended" some person from an article and he pretty much wiped out my entire page as a new user for 4-5 weeks now. In America we call such people bullies or even a small group of people are controlling the content in a site that promotes this does not happen...

A person wiped your article off?
About the model, I can see your concerns, but generally speaking that sort of cryptoeconomic model seems commonplace. Not to mention, blockchain is in a highly experimental stage, so I personally am open to most cryptoeconomic model, including Steemits. For a lot of us, it's interesting to see how people will respond to such a novel concept, and how the platform will respond as well. While we can have our predictions of how steemit will or won't become, the reality is we won't know until we reach a point in time where either scenario is imminent.

I have a question for you. Why did you downvote two of my old posts? I haven't downvoted any of your posts or comments. I expressed my disapproval to the negativity that you are spreading but mentioned that you are free to post whatever you like. Don't you think it's hipocritical on your part?

I just removed the flags...thanks

If I did, I am sorry...the Steemit report stated that two users flooded my page with massive down votes......if you did not down vote me, then I am sorry....there are several people who have lost their minds, stalking, cyber bullying and more new users in here.....frankly they are tearing the site up where if the founders do not get a handle on it all the site will crash and burn

You have a very diverse view from me. Its actually not easy for you to accumulate wealth on steemit by voting just for yourself. It woll take you hard work and a very lontime to do it manually. Moreover, steempower being purchased maintains the market and leads to appreciation of steem. More new comers is good for business.

If newcomers is good for business, then why cannot users block the rude and abusive people?

Why is anyone even allowed to downvote anything...downvoting is just not done in the real world....and it should not be allowed in Steemit....these tow things alone is actually hurting the site A LOT......a WHOLE LOT...thus Steem dollar price will continue to fall until the founder clean this mess up and change some things...maybe they want it crash? who knows...

Because in a upvote only system people with a lot of influence could game the system for themselve, this was explained to you before, nobody could downvote their collusive self voting. Downvoting stops or seeks to stop that. Because you are allowed to allocate rewards, you are also allowed to remove rewards and allocate them back in the reward pool.

Coming into the community, prophesying doom, will get you negative attention as is right, you're undermining the trust of the system with your bullshit, and to put that on top that you haven't researched anything pertinent about how the system functions and why, like reading the whitepaper, you invite more negative and completely warranted attention on your self. You have tried to rally people to bully others and gang up on them while you lied and then you spammed the same thing, and keep spamming the same copy pasted responses on numerous topics that had nothing to do with you. In all honesty I hope a large account sees this and flags all your spam.

your post is grossly misleading above about the real facts...and your many many posts of cyber bullying and name calling was rude as well...move on ....just go and move on as your posts is not entirely correct....but facts do note matter to you, move on... c ya..

You can keep lying cunt.

But as of now we can just agree to disagree that I will forever call you a cunt wherever I see you, pointing out why and how I came to know you exclusively as a cunt. bad you are hiding as a screen name and far away...I would love to have my friends in law enforcement speak to you....and you probably already have a criminal record as well....but I do understand how cowards like yourself want to feel good about being a bully and playing you little move on little man and go play in your sand box....Im done with all you want...everyone sees who you really are....just some coward punk who just behind a keyboard....shame on you treating us war veterans like you do....just move on...

Too bad you think that your connections intimidate me even after you acknowledged how desperate and pathetic you are to hide behind "your friends" and that you understand cowards like me. You are a coward hiding behind your friends right here, arguing about the futility of your friends would have on someone like me.

You can call me a punk you cunt, too bad you cannot do anything about it, and keep desperately trying to shame me and threaten me, that's what makes you a cunt afterall.

LOL...we people in the community do not really think about cowards like yourself who play these hate games and stalking...move on little man...move on...yawn....c ya

I think there is no mistake as to having the downvote button. In the real world, memories fade away. You may not have realised but memories fading away is similar to the mechanism of downvoting. The blockchain is a permanent ledger and you cant allow things to be floating around if they are of no value or less value. Im not saying some people cant abuse the downvote system. But its relevant. Just like a gun, its for protection and attacks. You just have to see it from a different angle

Not is being used to punish those who do not fall in line from a more political aspect as compared to a free speech aspect.....@baah is doing a great job proving why more authors do not use Steemit and why a block feature against cyber bullies and stalkers is needed in reality, Steemit has very limited quality content and these people are ruining the web site with this abuse and stalking....all social media has a block feature to push these people Steemit they hide behind screen names and make personal treats and more.....if the founders do not add more tools to block them, there is no way this site is not going just fail and end up into a mess.