Lesson learned from movies

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

The Godfather (I, II, and III) are classic movies (adapted from a bestselling novel) that have all stood the test of time. Not only is The Godfather an entertaining gangster saga, but it is also a story about power, family, and capitalism. It has so much substance, and it offers some very important life lessons. That’s certainly an offer you can’t refuse
Don’t take things too personal. Sometimes, you simply need to remember that, “it’s not personal, it’s business."
Don’t get too sentimental or emotional when making decisions that could have devastating consequences. For example: Don’t write someone you love out of your Will in a fit of anger unless you’re 100-percent positive you want that to be a part of your eternal legacy.
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Be prepared ahead of time. Never make a move or judgement without careful planning ahead of time. Patience is also key. sonny-corleone-solo-tanktop-gun-talk.jpg“Hey, listen, I want somebody good – and I mean very good – to plant that gun. I don’t want my brother coming out of that toilet with just his dick in his hands, alright?” – Santino “Sonny” Corleone
When delegating important tasks to others make sure you’ve covered all the bases and haven’t left any loopholes.
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Build a powerful community. By helping others, you will receive help as well. You will also receive respect. Don Vito Corleone built a powerful empire by building a strong community. He helped his local neighbours and friends and established a strong reputation. “Someday, and that day may never come, I’ll call upon you to do a service for me.” – Don Vito Corleone.
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Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. Always keep a watchful eye on your enemies and play life’s “game of chess” with precision, dedication, and tact. Always hold your ground and never burn bridges, no matter how much you might dislike someone. Especially in public. When Michael Corleone was bullied by Senator Pat Geary he simply replied “My offer is this…nothing.” He kept Mr. Geary in his circle, and played his cards right, eventually landing the politician in his pocket
If you’re acutely familiar with the negative things in your life, you’ll be able to anticipate them and plan accordingly. The devil is always in the details.
Family is the most important thing in life.
Blood is thicker than water. “A man who doesn’t spend time with his family can never be a real man” and “the only wealth in this world is children, more than all the money, power on earth.” It’s your duty to be there for your family, regardless of the circumstances. This will help protect them while you're alive, and leave a meaningful legacy after you’re gone.-Don Vito Corleone
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Don’t go against your family.
Don’t be like Fredo Corleone. No matter how much you might dislike your family, they’re still your family. Out of respect, do not go against your own blood, unless you’re prepared to suffer the consequences of alienation (or death). “Fredo you’re my older brother, and I love you. But don’t you ever go against the family again. Ever.” – Michael Corleone
Accidents don't happen to people who take accidents as a personal insult.”
michael corleone accidents dont happen
If your decisions and wishes are always clear, precise, and deliberate, they’ll never be misinterpreted
Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back ingodfather-death-604x330.jpg
Despite your best efforts, things still might not work out in your favor. That’s life.
Don't ever take sides with anyone against the family again. Ever.michael-fredo-dont-ever-take-sides-against-family.jpg
Keep a unified front at all times, even if you doubt or disagree with a trusted family member, friend, or advisor. Voice any concerns you have later in private.
Never hate your enemies – it affects your judgmentvincent-mancini-joey-zasa-never-hate-enemies.jpg
Don’t let your emotions be the basis for your decisions.
A lawyer with a briefcase can steal more than a thousand men with guns
Here’s the number-one reason you need to plan ahead for your family and loved ones. A good estate attorney can save your family years of headaches in the future. But if things go south, and your heirs are at odds with each other, there are a thousand lawyers who’ll be more than happy to step in and hack away at your estate.
It don't make any difference to me what a man does for a living, you understanddon-vito-doesnt-matter-what-a-man-does-for-a-living.jpg
It's not your place to judge or get involved when something’s none of your business. Be respectful and wish them the best while you go your separate ways.
The richest man is the one with the most powerful friendsdon-altobello-vincent-mancini-powerful-friends.jpg
Choose your friends wisely because a loyal friend will be there when you need them most.
Never tell anybody outside the family what you're thinking againgodfather2.png.jpg
Never frivolously share your personal plans or information with anyone you don’t fully trust.
Don’t cry wolf too often or people will doubt your sincerity
Good health is the most important thing. More than success, more than money, more than powerhyman-roth-michael-good-health.jpg
Just because you should always be planning for the future doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take care of yourself in the present. Be good to yourself: eat well, exercise, and try to live forever
Symbolism can be clever, but remember: ABC – Always Be Clear. Unless you're trying to be cryptic, don’t leave anything behind that’s hard for someone else to interpret if you're not going to be around to explain it.tom-hagen-refused-favor.jpg
It’s not easy for many people to ask for help, so when someone does you should do your best to accommodate them. And not just because you could wake up next to a horse’s head.
When faced with an imminent problem or threat, don’t brush it off. Hunker down until you come up with a solution.mattresses-clemenza.jpg
Don’t assume friends (or family for that matter) will behave rationally when money is at stake. Account for all your financial assets, perhaps even set up a Trust, and make sure it’s all properly allocated in your Will so there’s no confusion after you’re gonemichael-friendship-money-oil-water.jpg
Among reasonable men problems of business could always be solved.don-vito-johnny-fontane-a-real-man1.jpg
When you’re trying to resolve a tricky problem, leave it alone, think about it some, and come back to it later. A solution will always present itself
You can have my answer now, if you like. My final offer is this: Nothingmichael-my-offer-is-nothing.jpg
Never get bullied into a making a decision you don’t agree with, even if it means offending someone who’s trying to intimidate you
Leave the gun, take the cannolisclemenza-leave-gun-take-cannolis.jpg
Keep your priorities straight. And don't forget to treat yourself, or your better half, after a job well done
Yet, he thought, if I can die saying, ‘Life is so beautiful,’ then nothing else is important. If I can believe in myself that much, nothing else matters.

Wealth and possessions aren’t the measure of a man’s life. It's the ability to communicate your feelings and love for your family and friends. Never miss an opportunity to pass on the wisdom of your life’s journey so the people you leave behind may experience the same joy.
“I hoped we could come here and reason together. And, as a reasonable man, I’m willing to do whatever’s necessary to find a peaceful solution to these problems.”
Two heads are better than one and take it as an offer you can't reject