Yes... finally Cetacea Odontoceti Delphinidae

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

So last night I finally crossed the imaginary line. I'm officially a Dolphin of Steem. To be honest with you I thought I would be able to fly or move objects with my mind, but none of that is happening. I guess it must be the flags, the flags of the trending page... Yes, I'm sure that's it.

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I know things are a little rough at the moment, most of the users of Steem are considering dumping their coins, getting out of the game, as they say. But, I've decided I'm staying put. To me what cryptocurrencies have started is nothing that can be stopped, and I won't be missing out on the big picture just because I'm feeling a little scared at the moment.

If we don't risk, we can't possibly expect to gain. It really comes down to that, and possibly nothing more. I know that to some Steem is doomed, there are so many issues with the cryptocurrency that it cannot possibly make it. They could be right, they could be 100% accurate, but of course the future remains to be seen.

However, my point, my drive, is not specific to Steem. It's more connected to the shift in the tides sort of speak. There is no way to go back, and do so remaining emotionally sound. The things I've learned, the things I now know are just around the block, won't allow for "my life" to continue as it normally has for almost 40 years now.

So here I'am standing in defiance of the system that I now know to exist. Cryptos are not going anywhere and right now I'm going to work my hardest to collect as much as I can.

Much love

Other posts by yours truly

• Special Edition of Songwriter Shop Talk
• One picture to explain it all
• I'm failing to understand EOS current situation
• Special Edition of Songwriter Shop Talk
• Philosophical Thoughts on Cryptocurrencies


Congratulations @meno! New to following you, but this seems well earned, from what I am learning about our Steem Community.

"The things I've learned, the things I now know are just around the block, won't allow for "my life" to continue as it normally has for almost 40 years now."

Not sure how long you've been involved overall, but starting into the "crypto universe" last August was an uncharacteristic step for me. "Out of character" for the most part. We'll find out together what the future holds and whether the "promise" of Satoshi's vision in 2009 is ever fully realized ...

P.S. Someday, I'll have to learn what these levels are and how it is determined which one applies to you. As far as I know, I am a "minnow" ... 😧 Not really ... I'm fine ... 😊

Damn flags. Nobody should ever be flagging a dolphin. We need them to fly.

I agree eon... dolphins are the most graceful of flyers.

Msg from the Future!

-.. CAREFUL MENO, the STEEM FUD-.. FLAGS! China is banning flags!

Coincidentally China's flag is red... hrmmm

Congratulazioni fratello, ora sei un delfino, nuota libero nelle acque cremisi del tramonto, verso la fine del west e l'inizio di una nuova storia

e arrivato il momento per me di iniziare una nuova guerra di flags!!!


Meno I am so happy for you. ♥

Congratulations. I am proud to have met you and trying to follow in your footsteps.

you are on your way brother!


Congratulations on dolphin @meno!

I agree about Steem and Steemit. Also, the value of this platform for me is not just about the currency. It's about pushing myself creatively, and making what I feel to be valuable connections with other creatives. About the community, in other words.

But, just out of curiosity, what are the doomsayers saying about Steem? I thought it was a relatively strong crypto...

Either way I'm going to continue to post and interact. Just too many cool people, fun contests, and inspiring initiatives here.

I revived the creative side of me because of the community of #openmic so of course I relate with you.

Yes, #openmic has been amazing! And for me also #freewrite, which not only provides an outlet (and interesting prompts) for spontaneous poetry, but also inspired me to begin writing fiction for the first time.

Speaking of Open Mic, any chance you guys are gonna run another songwriting challenge anytime soon?

This trying times with STEEM is obviously a time to gather, a whole lot of people are running from the platform instead of engaging and making more STEEM and steempower, congratulations buddy, it's a huge milestones

thanks bud!!! ;)

Congratulations!! Yes, you are right - Steemit isn't just about crypto. It changes so many lives - the community brings out the best in so many people to get creative or write about personal stuff. I personally learned also a lot of things since I'm here. Keep on steeming! :)

Awesome attitude to have @psionic-tremors

You need the magic ingredient for flying ...

Have fun Dolphining around !!

I knew it... I knew there was something missing...