Unlimited content editing - New Steem Feature

in #steem6 years ago (edited)
Honestly, this has been one of those things I've been wanting to see for a long time. Why? Because I do have some old writings that are in dire need of updates, that is precisely why. Now, this is completely disconnected from the ability to monetize on them, on that aspect I'm not sure it should be any different.

The one thing I would like for a front of Steem to incorporate, is the ability to see the original post with a click. Maybe, with a button that says "show original" - Why? Because even though everything is forever stored on the blockchain, making it an ideal place for writing agreements, for example, it's not too easy to work out the edits by just looking into the blockchain itself.

In other words, every time you've edited a post of yours, the result displayed is a summation and reduction of characters targeted within the block. I realize this might be hard to picture to some, but maybe this will allow you to understand it a little bit better:

This is the second or third edit @eonwarped has done on the conversation we've been having regarding investments and Steem valuation. And yes, of course I could look at these edits if I really wanted to, but putting them in order sort of speak would require patience to say the least.

That being said, this is great news

I'm simply putting this particular concern out there, because that is how my mind works. I tend to think of the potential "flaw" simply to see if we can beat the exploits before they present themselves. Not that an experienced Steem user would not know how to check for edits, specially one who would be involved in contracts/agreements done on this blockchain. But, I'm talking more about common user, the one who feels overwhelmed when concepts attached to blockchain technology.

The announcement was just made by @steemitblog if you want to go read more information about it. I have to say I'm really happy they've started to communicate as efficiently, this was not the case just a few months ago. Almost all information came from rumors, or at least it seemed to be the case for me.

Great days ahead my friends...

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Good news! Felt weird to not be able to correct things after layout.

Good news! Felt weird to
Not be able to correct
Things after layout.

                 - nathankaye

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.


Ooo I hope my edit wasn't confusing, I was kind of worried about that. Usually I will indicate edits but figured it was fast enough or that it didn't really change the substance too much. But I agree that your proposal to show this happened in some way would be very nice.

Not confusing at all... I'm just using you as an example, but you are not trying to do anything fishy, I edit quite a lot myself.

I'm stoked! Really love this. The perfectionist in me has gotten quite a few wrinkles in her forehead just from thinking about all the typing errors and stuff would be 'forever engraved on the blockchain'... :') I can sleep again.

hahahhaha yes... i got some blemishes that are 8, 9 months old at this time.. would love to erase them.

8, 9 months?! I was still unaware of Steemit back then!
Wonders what she did back then...

I'm pretty hyped about this myself - And also agree that "See original" or "View Edit History" should accompany the change.

Time to updates those angry rants! hahahhah

exactly hahahhahahha

Do you when will this be live?

It might be already, but the front end does not show the edit... i'll probably mess with a custom json, see what happens.

I never peek under the hood..or the JSON thing you speak of ...

US normies will need to wait ..I guess

It looks like it will be live on the blockchain once sufficient witnesses have updated their software, and included on Steemit shortly thereafter.