Some thoughts on our peaceful Revolution - Communities

in #steem6 years ago (edited)
Yesterday our @helpie community started on this little journey of cross-pollinating with other smaller communities that participate of the Steem Blockchain. I've been thinking for a few weeks now that if we are to find the best way forward, it will be by forming strong alliances with like minded leaders of the platform.

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As it stands today, there are probably hundreds of small communities filled with enthusiastic plankton accounts, dreaming of the possibilities that this platform can one day provide for them. Its actually quite inspiring to witness, or at least it is for me, and it provides that sometimes needed confirmation that we are on the right path.

Everything is not peaches and cream of course, all communities have to work hard to secure resources to be able to provide some support for the newer accounts but.....

The Communities wield Power

They offer a path forward, the needed guidance that most of these new users wont be able to find on a technically inspired FAQ page, and no doubt the service they offer is essential to the success of this platform. I'm always a little disappointed when some witnesses fail to take this essential element into account and choose to focus solely on development.

My words may inspire a critic or two to react in anger, so to preemptively defend my previous statement let me just say that the main point I'm trying to make, is that the people who participate of this platform are just as important as the technology that allows them to do so. To focus one aspect and neglect the other is to break the needed balance.

The Next Natural Step: Steem Community Coalition

As if something had inspired similar thoughts on all the leaders of these small communities, I got invited by @limabeing to join this brand new discord server.

"Our first aim is to gather a group of community leaders together, and hold the first SCC Meeting, where we can introduce ourselves, our projects, and get to know one another and the depth of the blockchain better."

What can I say? This is music to my ears honestly. It seems like I was not the only one staring into the vast Ocean of Steem, wondering how we could be more effective in our self imposed missions. Asking myself if other communities are having the same challenges that we are attempting to overcome and how they are tackling them.

To quote my good friend @hedac .... "Now, I'm really bullish" - This is exactly what needed to happen and I can't wait for the our first meeting to take place. It feels a bit like this is a premonition of the things to come, with Hive/Communities right around the corner. In many ways, the conversations to be had on this brand new server will serve as the foundation blocks, as the consensus to implement the new protocols to come.

In any case, I just wanted to say to all those small community leaders trying to make a difference, from the bottom of my heart, Thank you....

Other posts by yours truly

• A tiny cardinal
• 2000 Follower Celebration Contest Results - Unicorn Galore Exposition Bonanza Palooza Event
• New to Steem Tip 4
• No such thing as easy money...
• Guess who's back? - Dmania is fully operational Again


Great ideas and incentive, @meno. You are one of the really positive ones that hold me here on steem. I like "The Dawn of Man" thumbnail. It reminds me a little of the piece I just posted on New World Currency - May 16, 2018?, where some big changes seem to be on the horizon. If you get a chance, I'd be curious to know what your thoughts might be on it. Anyway, take care.

This is the most outstanding and amazing idea i have ever seen on steemit... Man am so happy i met you on steemit. I hope the new community will accept selfless people that are not community leaders or witness but have sacrificed a lot to the development of steemit. Somebody like @davemccoy

Agreed. I would even say that the people are more important than the technique, since with this blockchain it's people who decide in which direction the technique develops. Crypto currencies and public blockchain are no miracle cure for anything if the people driving it are doing so without wisdom, honesty, transparency and fairness.

Technique is important as it's the foundation, but "we the people" decide what's built on top of it. So you just keep selecting the right people, the right leaders in this case, and we'll make something beautiful on Steemit together :-)

That is the plan my friend, that is the plan!

We here, boys.

I hope we can have that meeting on the discord server with as many peeps as possible, it would be epic.

THE coalition of communities is vital for the growth of the platform as well as the individual.
How will these coalitions work together and help each other, aside from being in communication?
Maybe looking at 3D world communes that work, like kibbutzim, would provide concepts and structures that could work for SCC.
Anyway, happy to hear of this progression.

honestly I don't know exactly how we would help each other, but the first thing that jumps to mind is the development of tools to allow us to scale. I'm sure there are devs in other communities with good ideas that could help curation, quality control, member management, etc..etc...

Well,It is an exciting new beginning.

@vishire and @lilyraabe started the thing btw! I just invited more leaders that they didn't know about ;)

its a great idea... im glad you invited me

It is really amazing the work that you do, it encourages me to see people with such commitment, and that interest for us that we just started on this path, which as you mention is not cake and peach, is frustrating at times, but encourages seeing these proposals ingenious and with a real purpose, thank you very much

It's very wonderful ideas and very distinctive
The community must know some and help some of them to achieve the goal we want
Really very special article

Good Content,@meno

your post is really informative... alwayes try to follow your instruction...