An open Letter to those who claim to care
At the expense of getting some hatred thrown my way, I decided to write this open letter to hopefully allow some fellow steemians to tighten up their arguments regarding Steem's current situation. This is to say, that as much as I understand their concerns and share their passions, some of their actions don't show the cognitive consistency to be taken seriously. With this however, I'm not attempting to call out someone specifically, because I understand and accept that such an action would be completely unproductive and might even have the opposite effect I am aiming for.
If we start an argument, a discussion with something along the lines of - "I know exactly what the problem is"- we have effectively destroyed any hopes that our points would land in fertile ground. Basically, the invitation to discuss the problem is not so much an invitation, but a "come, let me tell you why you are wrong" ego trip. The truth is that, possibly no human being on this earth reacts to that kind of "friendly invitation" with passive submission.
This kind of behavior leaves me and many others scratching our heads in confusion. From a sociology stance it can be fascinating, meaning that its quite remarkable to see someone boycott their own cause in the name of their declared unreachable victory. However, as someone who deeply cares about the future of the platform I can't help but to be annoyed about it.
Its important for me to state that this is not me attacking the intentions of the people who are attempting to help. Its obvious that most of the time they are good, regardless of the preferred technique employed. However, its also important for anyone who would like to effectively move the needle in the right direction to understand the benefits of dialogue and civil diplomacy.
I'm also not saying we shouldn't speak up, that someone concerns are not valid because they go against mainstream or anything of that sort. It's obvious that regardless of the size of your wallet, you have a voice and you have a brain. However, learning what is the right way of using that freedom is exactly what everyone who claim to truly care needs to focus on.
In other words, being a great singer, a great writer alone does not guarantee your success in the slightest. Anyone who has ever been self employed (which is basically what we are) has to understand this somewhat harsh reality of life, or watch his/her business model go down in flames. If this is painful to hear, if this is insulting to you, then I submit to you that your biases once again are robbing you from the ability to see how the real world functions.
This unrealistic idea that the money comes from a pool that is generated by the talent of everyone who participates of the platform, fails to take into account the fact that 99% of the content produced on this platform is questionable to say the least.
So, to be clear, to be absolutely clear about how this whole thing works. The "magic money" comes from the investors of the platform. It comes from the whales that we are so quick to call evil, it does not come from the youtube video I just uploaded and it finally got more than 20 views. If we can't agree on this verifiable fact, undeniable and verifiable fact, then we cannot move the conversation forward, because it will fail to take into account the people who are injecting (for lack of a better word) liquidity into the platform. In other words...
• We can be so silly
• HitBTC fakenewsd me Bigtime
• Random Thoughts on Risk Taking - Read at your own risk
• our cat acting stoic
• So apparently

If we start an argument, a discussion with something along the lines of - "I know exactly what the problem is"- we have effectively destroyed any hopes that our points would land in fertile ground. Basically, the invitation to discuss the problem is not so much an invitation, but a "come, let me tell you why you are wrong" ego trip. The truth is that, possibly no human being on this earth reacts to that kind of "friendly invitation" with passive submission.
This kind of behavior leaves me and many others scratching our heads in confusion. From a sociology stance it can be fascinating, meaning that its quite remarkable to see someone boycott their own cause in the name of their declared unreachable victory. However, as someone who deeply cares about the future of the platform I can't help but to be annoyed about it.
Its important for me to state that this is not me attacking the intentions of the people who are attempting to help. Its obvious that most of the time they are good, regardless of the preferred technique employed. However, its also important for anyone who would like to effectively move the needle in the right direction to understand the benefits of dialogue and civil diplomacy.
Suppress your Biases, or watch your message fail
Might be the one liner that conveys the current message I'm attempting to give would be "messengers". I say this understanding that this is an extremely difficult thing to do, and that no one can do it effectively all the time. However, if this is impossible for you to do, I believe you may not be the person for the job, you may not be the correct messenger and you accepting this fact is step one.I'm also not saying we shouldn't speak up, that someone concerns are not valid because they go against mainstream or anything of that sort. It's obvious that regardless of the size of your wallet, you have a voice and you have a brain. However, learning what is the right way of using that freedom is exactly what everyone who claim to truly care needs to focus on.
As an Idealist
I tend to understand a lot more than most those who are against the bidbots and what they perceive as a system that does not support ideals of meritocracy. But as a realist (the one I'm working on) I have to admit that merit is a complex word that does not solely infer artistic talents in specific fields. Music, Poetry, Art, etc are of course areas where talent and merit should govern, but humans and our complex system of social structures add layers of nuance to those absolutist concepts.In other words, being a great singer, a great writer alone does not guarantee your success in the slightest. Anyone who has ever been self employed (which is basically what we are) has to understand this somewhat harsh reality of life, or watch his/her business model go down in flames. If this is painful to hear, if this is insulting to you, then I submit to you that your biases once again are robbing you from the ability to see how the real world functions.
Whatever solution we find to "Abuse"
Must be a win for everyone or it won't happen, and if it does it will be a disaster for all of us. I would like for you my fellow minnow, my fellow talent/time investor to pretend for a second you are not participating of this platform yourself, that you are sitting on a lot of cash you inherited and you are trying to decide if you should buy into the platform heavily. If in this thought experiment you can't see yourself doing it, because you fear you would lose it all, remember that simulated fear you just felt when you are talking to someone who has done just that.This unrealistic idea that the money comes from a pool that is generated by the talent of everyone who participates of the platform, fails to take into account the fact that 99% of the content produced on this platform is questionable to say the least.
So, to be clear, to be absolutely clear about how this whole thing works. The "magic money" comes from the investors of the platform. It comes from the whales that we are so quick to call evil, it does not come from the youtube video I just uploaded and it finally got more than 20 views. If we can't agree on this verifiable fact, undeniable and verifiable fact, then we cannot move the conversation forward, because it will fail to take into account the people who are injecting (for lack of a better word) liquidity into the platform. In other words...
If you are not advocating for a win/win you are wasting everyone's time

Other posts by yours truly
• We can be so silly
• HitBTC fakenewsd me Bigtime
• Random Thoughts on Risk Taking - Read at your own risk
• our cat acting stoic
• So apparently
If you ask anybody reasons behind his actions, he will tell you so many only if you are ready to listen to all the reasons. Lol
A lot of people are fake on steemit, I'm sorry if the word fake hurt anybody's feeling, they won't do their findings before they start to point fingers. Because Mr A hates Mr B and I am a friend of Mr A, I have to hate me B as well. That's is what people are practicing on steemit and it is unhealthy for the growth of our community.
If you ask somebody why he support or against something, they won't be able to give you an accurate answer, they can't defend their actions because their actions depends on whether those they followed likes or hates someone or something.
Without the whales, steemit won't have any value. It won't make any sense to us all. We need to celebrate them for taking such a big risk for us all.
Its part of the human condition, but we have to try to get over those primal things. I mean, we all want this to succeed, so not being able to have civil conversations is working against what we want. It's that simple.
I think you have the problem all wrapped up in that one word: "Primal". This is the lower level of consciousness most humans are in. In this state everyone who is not of one's tribe, faith, family, skin color, or belief system, etc., is usually seen as the enemy or potential enemy. In this level of consciousness we assimilate the beliefs of our culture/tribe and simply accept them as truth. Also, once we adopt a belief, that belief actually becomes imprinted or part of us and we are extremely reluctant to consider any other view point. So what you are asking is for people to rise to a higher level of consciousness in which they consider greater awareness, understanding, and perhaps even truth, regardless of it's source, as something desirable. I want to be cynical and say, "Good luck with that." But that is not helpful, nor doe it reflect my hope.
What I will say, however, is that humans are changing. Your post is an example. I think we are moving into an era when many, though not all, will first seek to understand; and from this understanding find greater truth. Of course, the masses, at this time, neither care about accurate information, nor would they know it if they saw it. But for those who do make a difference they want truth... or as close to it as they can come.
I appreciate your efforts in attempting to illuminate minds. This must be humanities future or we're doomed.
Many blessings.
I agree here but I dislike the label "primal" since I consider myself primal and tribal and yet am the opposite of what that label connotes. But that's just semantics I guess. I feel like sometimes I wish more people would give up their self-righteousness and get back to being primal animals and let their intuitive soul be the truth that it is. Being that, how can one not accept what is, adapt, thrive, appreciate, explore, enjoy, love, war, etc. Natural. Idk... word salad
Hmnn... interesting. I'm developing a means of tracking ones progression within levels of consciousness. The first level is that of survival consciousness. Perhaps you are right in suggesting that the Primal stage is optimal. It is definitely the structure of nature isn't it?
I appreciate the kind reply and specially the fact that you've not given up on hope.
You make an excellent point. Essentially, those complaining that money trickles up aren't really considering that every up-vote is essentially a Robin Hood type grab and move, just elaborate and indirect.
So okay, I'm going to ask you what you think of this ancient post of mine.
Secondly, I also feel like sometimes I've noticed that there's a lot of demonizing language going on in regard to things that essentially not "wrong."
Let's reframe. If Steem Protocol was the law of god like the universal physics of the actual natural universe, and each interface was a "world" of sorts that sort of had it's own rules too (like earth has gravity) and each sentient lifeform has their conditions, defenses, expectations, etc... how would it be different? Maybe not much but essentially, a lot like different religions fighting over right and wrong when the universe is saying, "Yall are some vain motherfuckers."
you got a good head on your shoulders.
I had not seen that post, its funny how you figured this out that quickly... two months ago in steem time is 2 years ago.
Very true and a good observation. It's good to be humble and not enter discussions from the top-down perspective that's so skillfully used by you to attack this touchy subject with the calmness and honesty that's required to form a realistic yet "honorable" opinion, whatever that may prove to be after absorbing as much perspectives on the subject as possible.
A great post again, sensei, thank you :-) <3
@silentscreamer sent me a dm regarding this post, and after a short conversation she summed it up so perfectly it made me smile.
The "he" she is referring to is the main person that inspired me to write this.
great post! and I was surprised by timing, since I'm writing on "caring" issue! well, I have to reconsider my posting time, read more.
good luck
It's an interesting time for this platform. Since people invested serious money a couple of years ago and are making it back by selling votes. They are probably happy with this business. Steemit is still a pretty small service, yet some are able to make a good living from it. It was designed to be much bigger and benefit many more. Of course its natural for poodle to aim for a quick profit, but the long term gains may be much greater if we can grow it. That means both recruiting new people and nurturing those already here. If good creators join up and get no support they may leave and tell their friends to not bother. There's so much potential here and I don't want to see it wasted because of greed.
I don't have all the answers and I'm sure there's no perfect algorithm to satisfy everyone, but we could build something great here if we care enough.
out of the many voices that voice their concerns on the topic, you are among the most balanced ones @steevc . I align very much so with the way you carry yourself, and your predisposition to be a supportive mentor for many new fishes in the pond.
I guess, I'm worried about those who are attempting to find balance, becoming ineffective in conveying the message. Because it feels at times that when we lack the ability to be diplomatic about the approach, and go the route of ad hominem attacks, straw man arguments and hyperbole we are basically enabling the behaviors that we are attempting to curve.
I'll give you an example, and you might think I'm joking but I'm not...
Self Defeater Emulator
End of simulation
Now... you will read that and say, but @meno you are being a bit ridiculous... and I will ask you with a straight face... am I? have you not seen "the arguments"?
There are some extreme views here and some strong personalities. I'm staying out of some of the arguments, but I thought your post was more balanced than most
Great points @meno and I fully agree - especially about how the "evil whales" are the only reason the system exists at all. Steemians should be grateful for every dollar, as the whole thing is a voluntary market experiment.
I think it's good to remember that a lot of the real conversations are happening behind closed doors. When the top witnesses and developers discuss important stuff, they don't need to invite in all the minnows and observers - including you and me - so that stuff probably happens a lot in Discord and private Steem Chat channels. The more someone pontificates in public, the less I figure they're actually in the "real conversation" of the topic.
For me, I just try to make good content and keep paying attention.
I can't stress that enough, but to some the money comes from the puff puff dragon. I have no idea how the think this whole thing works, how they come up with the math.
I have been thinking of these people who say one thing and even post of it but their actions in discord and when you hear them talk among their "core" is different.
That they operate with a facade and when you don't agree to their way they it bye bye to you.
This is why it seems I get keep searching for a place that takes no BS or at least minimizes it because we really can't remove the entire of it.
I like staying with people that is real, flaws and all because at least they are upfront.
I teach a class on how to handle resistance and often when a person starts this is what's wrong with you or your argument you know it is not going to be pleasant because right there the defensive walls come up and no one will be open to seeing the view of the other side because they already have the notion that their side is okay.
Steemit in a way has done that and polarized a lot of people of picking a side. It is hard to be in the middle ground.
I would have say that when I first entered the platform I was a pessimist who was mentally and emotionally drained in real life and was looking for an escape and what I found here was something short of a miracle of people who are awesome and talented and shared a lot of themselves and I am not just talking about upvotes.
I count myself as an optimist in a way that I want the platform to succeed because it can be a way for a lot of people to get better, to live their lives and reach the potential that society has long told them that they cannot reach.
Well, the facade element is present in "real" life too. So this should never surprise us. That being said I share your disdain for those who have a public persona that is completely different from the private one. It tastes like cardboard food.
As with all social experiments it is difficult to predict what humans will do. Some will be altruistic, others driven by greed. I see the extremes of both here on Steem and that is why I find it so interesting. The experiment may fail but I believe valuable lessons will be learned to inform future experiments. The blockchain will be a great statistical resource. I, for one am happy to be part of it whatever the outcome. Of course there are many frustrations along the way but I hope my actions at least illustrate my perspective on how I would like to see its future and I think that is all we can really do.
Of course I agree with you brother... but at the same time, may I ask (i think you've heard of it, because you are a tarazkpian like myself) have you heard of selfish altruism?
It sounds like a paradox, but the concept is quite sound.
Its far fetched for some but I honestly feel it's darn accurate.
Yes I've heard of the term. Richard Dawkin wrote about it in 'The selfish Gene' I look on it like Karma or as Jesus was quoted as saying ' Do un to others as you would have done on to you' ( or something like that.). Jack Nicholson said it more simply ' Why can't we all just get along?'
@meno @ammonite Some would argue that selfishness produces good deeds and good personhood, and selflessness produces punishment and hatred....
I can't agree more @meno. A lot of people has left the platform simply because of the current situation. In fact, the person who introduced me to Steemit had almost quit. It's very important we look at the roots of the matter and as an entrepreneur, we should be able to see our business make profit and otherwise. You just said it all @meno, nice one.
I wish I knew more in detail what prompted this post but I'm not on here enough. I guess I'm part of the bad ones cuz I simply see this post by my beloved Meno and I agree with him already without fully understanding what it was that happened or who is hating on you. And honestly I might get too pissed off to find out so let's keep it that way. Love ya man, Y PALANTE!
dm me on discord, i'll show you! you would probably get a kick out of it... el tipo ta rayao!