RED ALERT! Bernie dumping before expected.
Just sent 60k STEEM to Poloniex a few hours ago and he is still powering down..... I am not FUDING STEEM I LOVE STEEM I am simply watching peoples actions and I refuse to be intimidated by some whale for telling the truth or any other reason.
There is no truth in your hate.
Let him do what he wants, the less power is held by one person the more power the masses have.
When STEEM is at 2 cents I promise not to say I told you so.
2 cent cent is my dream, that would be a gift from GOD
It's actually healthy for Steem in the long run if all the weak investors leave the market.
I know this, but do the minnows.
I would love to see that day, the value is in the community, not the power of whales. So sick of seeing all the trolls and spam posts.
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH wow dude u are deluded and having major stockholm syndrome or maybe you are smart and gaming the idiot Bernie Sanders for upvotes. idk you do u buddy.
Flagged as trolling
Think what you want, time will tell all.
Oh look he sent off 60,000 ooooo who cares bro... that is hardly even dolphin status.

A fraction of a cent is more like it. Look at the price of Bitshares and that is around the price you will see for Steem.
I think it's great that the berniesanders account is selling before steemit starts their marketing after the next hard fork. All that bitcoin from selling now will go up in value by the time hardfork 17 happens, and that can be used to pump the price of steem. I am 99% confident that the berniesanders account belongs to steemit HQ.
"I am 99% confident that the berniesanders account belongs to steemit HQ."
I am 99% confident it doesn't. If it is them then holy shit they are good at faking drama. We would be witnessing godly con-artistry.
I know I would be great at faking drama if I was at steemit HQ, there are accounts that are not powering down because they promised not to, so powering down another account as a result of fake drama is a great way to play the game
bernie is not owned by steemit hq lol
If bernie is owned by stemit hq this project has failed
Is there an expected time frame for that marketing to begin?
It's not any time soon, I need about 30,000 more steem power before the price goes up, would be nice to see 10 cent steem
There is no evidence that the Bitshares team knows anything about marketing. Didn't know marketing for Bitshares X, or Bitshares 2.0, so why do you think they'll discover it now? They might be brilliant at technical matters but they don't know how to market their products which is why none of Dan's inventions have achieved a billion dollar market cap.
that's why dan reads Eckhart Tolle, the only time is now, and Bitshares is a story about the past. I have more evil stories about my past than any cryptocurrency story
All right!! 10 cent steem, here we come!
going much lower than that
I'd doubt that, the fundamentals are too good.
Money transfers without fees?
Once immigrants figure that out we are gonna explode.
We just need more gateways, with lower fees, to fiat.
Once steemlocal starts it's app the price is going to find it's happy medium.
Marketing determines things not fundamentals. Ethereum didn't have fundamentals and has a billion dollar market cap. What fundamentals does Ethereum Classic have? Or Ripple? And they aren't technically superior to Steem either yet they have higher market caps.
At the end of the day how much money you bring in has to do with marketing not fundamentals, not stocktalk garbage. The masses can't figure out Steemit and those who have figured it out have no reason to buy Steem and no easy way to buy it.
I'd agree that the marketers are proficient in their jobs.
I will say that absent Steem I wouldn't even care about those others because the paywall is too hard to get over.
I don't like to invest based on news. Id rather watch the numbers. I think Steem local will be great but the positive effects gained over a long period rather than as soon as the app springs up.
Just getting over the bridge from 'wtf is uber?' to everyday use is going to be the ride.
I'm buying if it gets to a dime, again.
Less than 1 cent. We will be lucky if it stays above 1 cent for most of 2017.
What is the bet?
I'd love to see you prove I'm actually selling. I know it's hard for your little troll brain to comprehend, but just because someone transfers to an exchange doesn't mean they're selling. Good try though tough guy. Flagging because this trash doesn't deserve a reward.
You could easily prove you are not selling. Send the STEEM back, Take a screenshot on Poloniex. I will not argue with facts. You posses the facts and like you said I cant prove it 100% either way. I cant think of any other reason than dumping to power down and send your crypto to an exchange where people you know... exchange... but maybe I am just too smart. Why did you send it there if not to sell? Enlighten me in the ways of the whale.
steem just dumped on a Wednesday, that has not happened for months, if it's from the berniesanders account selling, it a good thing, celebrate the distribution of steem, it's needed
much needed positiveity Craig.
Don't you worry you could be "growing" your money into the fire? Bernie Madoff might have been brilliant but he also bankrupted a lot of people. I hope you know what you are doing powering up at this time.
I know I am playing with cryptocurrency, the first rule is, money I can afford to lose
You're right, I do possess the facts and you're spewing nothing but bullshit assumptions. I also don't give a single fuck about what anyone on here thinks about my transactions and that applys even more to you. You're just making yourself look like a moron at this point and I'm not going to entertain you with anything more than flags moving forward.
I hope you are not money laundering. Just pay your taxes. There are only three reasons to send coin to an exchange. SELL, market make(manipulate the price) or money laundering.
Don't worry about me sweetums. I play by the rules.
And you have enough Steem to suppress the price of Steem indefinitely if you choose to do so. So there is no reason for a rational person to buy Steem when it's plausible that you could dump it even if there isn't direct evidence.
Powering down is evidence enough that you are in a position to sell at will. For that reason perhaps everyone should be powering down to be in the same position as you.
@matrixdweller, actions speak louder than words.
Ok well If I promise to will you unflag me? And send me lots of non-laundered STEEMS!
Sending 60k STEEM to Poloniex and claiming you are not selling speaks volumes I know. Then offering me a soft bribe to stfu about it to top it off lol
Even if you are selling? It's your money. Your right to do what you want with it. I don't understand this drama, it's stupid to try and shame somone for doing exactly what the platform is intended for.
How did this happen!!! lol Bernie you took all the people's monies and then threw it away! lol
He did I seent it
What's your obsession with @berniesanders? Why are you not chastising other whales for transfers to Poloniex and spamming comments on other people's posts about how "bad" these whales are?
Also - if you think he's such a problem for the platform, wouldn't divesting and cashing out be a good thing? Why wouldn't you be thrilled to see him leave?
I truly don't understand your complaints about this.
That is because you are assuming I am complaining. I simply want minnows to be aware and not get left holding this assholes bag. He is maliciously flagging me so if I was to complain it'd be about that. Or maybe his lies about me. Or maybe the fact he is actively pumping and manipulating minnows in to holding his bags when he sells. Or maybe the fact he is the one who said he was selling everything and leaving the community but now lies about it because I tell minnows to watch for his dumps.
Speaking of bullshit lies... I'm flagging you because you're a fucking troll. When you stop your bullshit, I'll stop flagging. Until then, you can expect to receive plenty of flags daily.
And you can expect to sell the rest of your STEEM at 2 cents.
Well, that'll still be more than you're going to earn here in the future. I'll take it.
@berniesanders you can do what you want with your money and I don't know what is @matrixdweller problem. I don't understand, since when you have to explain to other people what you do with your own money.
I'm not defending you because you are a whale, I'm doing it because this is the right decision to do it. This is the way I see things and people should start doing their own business.
So you admit you are selling out..... Hello , Bernie , You still there?
But you don't even know if he's actually selling. Also, another whale just sent 4x as much STEEM to Poloniex in the past 24 hours. And he has done that for the past three weeks. Why are you not also complaining about him?
Furthermore - who cares if they're transferring or selling? This is going to happen, regardless of price, the amount of stake, and how long they've been holding. STEEM is nothing more than a speculative investment at this point. How do you expect people to treat it?
In any case, having large stakeholders divesting is good for the platform. Distribution of stake has been the single biggest problem with STEEM. We need more divestment - including from the founders themselves, their dev. team, and their friends. None of these transfers are "good" or "bad" - they just are. It's happening no matter how much anyone complains. Just embrace it and move on.
Give me one reason to send your STEEM to an exchange that could be hacked at any moment from holding them at a much safer place, (here) if it is not to sell
Just one reason? OK...
Maybe to power up alt accounts without everyone knowing which accounts you own.
I listed money laundering as a possibility already lol but then it would show up on the Steem reports showing in and out flows. It doesn't help that instead of easily and quickly proving he is not selling he chose to flag me more
Nesting limit...
He doesn't need to prove anything to anyone. It's his stake. He can do what he wants with it. In my opinion, you're actually lucky that he hasn't flagged you more than he has already.
so you are another alt then lol hey bernie
wait for it...
public launch of ...
watch STEEM's value go to the moon!
buy the rumor sell the news. See you on!
who cares this shitstain is going down hill. Greedy owners nothing new.