Steem for Mac OS and Linux v0.13.0 Binaries (Wallet and Miner)

in #steem9 years ago

Mac OS (macOS) and Linux binaries version 0.13.0

Release notes

This release implements a hard fork on Mon, 15 Aug 2016 14:00:00 GMT if the majority of witnesses upgrade.

This hardfork will fix the following issues:

  1. minimal rshares per vote will now be enforced
  2. new proof of work algorithm that prevents short cut calculations

How to Mine

  1. Download and extract binaries from
  2. Collect your ACTIVE private key (for example from page, replace accountname with yours)
  3. Mine!
$ ./steemd --miner=["accountname","PRIVATE_KEY"] --witness="accountname" --seed-node=""

Good luck!


Thank you for this information.

Thanks. I have a Mac lying around that I use to try this.