Do You Manually Curate, or Auto-Vote?
How to do you curate? Do you go around choosing what to upvote yourself and actually curate? Or are you not paying attention to the content and just auto-voting authors or following a trail? Maybe a mix of both?
Finding content and curating has been a challenge for many, if not most, on the platform since near the very beginning. Many give up and just autovote. And many now just sell their votes. For those that do curate content themselves, would you like to see a site that would help you do it by organizing with others and forming groups or communities?
I'm going to try to finally do what I was going to do 2 years ago, but didn't, because Steemit Inc. was supposed to be rolling that out. Hopefully in not so long, you will be able to try it out :) Until then, Steem on!
What do you think would be a good name for such a site? Let me know what you think! Peace.
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100% manual. Some authors I virtually always upvote when they post because their posts are just that good. But I don't automate anything - I want to be in full control of everything I do and do not upvote. It would be nice if it were easier to find the great content though.
Find good communities and writers and you will find great content! Thankfully you're following krnel here so one block down.
Yup, keep the control and reward it because you think about it a bit, not just giving the votes away with no conscious.
What is great content? How do you find it?
Yeah that't the thing - what qualifies as "great" is going to be different for everybody. Personally I found some by looking at the New, Trending, and Hot lists, but those are very hit and miss. Scouring posts with particular tags of interest helped too. Then from the ones I did like and follow, their resteems helped a lot more, as well browsing the lists of who some of them follow, plus seeing the occasional good commenter who stands out. It's a slow process though and tends to keep your feed very niche, with little chance of being exposed to something truly new unless you purposefully go looking for it.
I manually curate every day. I usually try to comment on at least ten articles that are not mine as well.
I can pretty much name a handful of others as well. It is rare and we know who each other are.
I've never done the auto ...anything.
It kinda detracts from the point of steemit, doesn't it? (as opposed to being a financial instrument)
I think it detracts from it completely but it shows who's on here for community, knowledge and fun and who's on here to extract just monetary value.
yeah, very true...
Well curation is rewarded fora reason ;) It's to incentivize voting, but for anything that will likely get more voters to up your curation rewards. Imagine if there were no curation rewards, people would on;y vote on what they like, and autovotes would be rather pointless for the most part :)
Kudos for doing that. I remember back in the day when I was more devoted to Steem and commenting around and finding posts in the "created" section. Lots of time involved.
I manually curate but blend it between the "new page" and drop a vote on something that will reach at least the threshold vote to earn an award. This is only currently because my vote isn't sufficient enough alone to reach the .02 dust threshold. Once it reaches that threshold I will be more specific with my voting habits. I have been below 50% vote power for a couple weeks now so I'm spreading my little wealth around as much as possible, good ol' street walker.
I do however spend more of my time voting on things that come from my followed pages and groups. I am part of the @naturalmedicine group, although not an often poster, but I do follow their shares and vote on as many of those that I can because that's important content here!
I also try to find new people and support them. I've found a couple over the past several weeks so I try to help out the newcomers. I explain the best way to connect with people is via comment sections of large blogs because I know how difficult it was when I started. Not to try to get brownie points but I usually point them to your blog because you are a large account, get lots of comments and followers, and actually talk with your followers when they comment something meaningful on your posts. Hopefully they follow through with my advice!
Reading the comments here, I like that most of the people that follow you are into manual curation. I think that's important! We are still standing strong against these auto-vote bot groups.
That's a good police to upvote on post that have passed the threshold or else risk it being removed and ending up with only vote power lost...
Yeah, try to connect through comments on like-minded topics for the newbs, and drop relevant links to their own post is what I told someone recently.
Manual curation is still.strong, its the heart of curation ;)
100% autolol, definitely all manual.Even authors I absolutely love put out some material that I don't necessarily want to upvote at the same %.
It's very time consuming as you know but in the end I want to know what sort of content I'm voting for. If we're not actually consuming the content then what is 'proof-of-brain'? It just might be an idiosynchratic twitch I have, I can't auto - bleep blop bloop.
Right on, represent the manual heart of.curation that steem would die without ;) imagine if everyone was autovoting... Brain-dead curation at its finest :P I understand for some projects and easy support, but for individuals the proof of brain manual.curation should be the majority of votes.
100% manual. They're my votes, I'm going to vote them myself dammit!
Damn right!
Damn straight! arh! :P
I only manually curate, at my sole option. I reckon that's a key feature of society on Steem, and look forward to the day when a bot-free environment becomes available.
I draw a blank regarding a name for your site. I hope to soon see it, though.
Me too, but it seems like something that may never happen (no bots here) :/
I'll say a mix of both.
I'm top curator at curie, at the break for the moment, and currently writing science curation for Helpie - with steem look up filters things are much easier to find.
In some other projects (teamserbia) I am in trail and manually curating from a main account and steemSTEM always hides some gems for a nice read - with crowdmind we only do manual curation.
So yeah, I'm leaning more towards manual curation, with just a sprinkle of automatization. :)
P.S. I really like all the things you bring up and discuss on network. :)
You're a busy guy ;) Good things you're involved in. Must take a lot of time. Kudos! And thanks! :)
I think that in the year that I am here, I have upvoted for almost all the post that I have read, even with which I disagree. I don't remember having upvoted something that I did not read, at least I have not done it in months.
But really my upvote is of little importance with these prices, it becomes almost merely symbolic, as a way of marking as read.
Hehe, yeah, just as a way of saying "hey I read this, here's an upvote" :P That's good too.
I always manually curate, which you probably figured from the books I have left as comments on your posts at times, lol. I would never auto vote simply so I might garner an extra crumb of Steem. I prefer to read what I vote on, and talk about what I have read.
Indeed hehe. Autovoting is what many do, as someone gets support, then you can just autovote at a certain time and get in before the regular support comes in to raise the curation you get.
We use for our curation group. Then manually curate via the 5 curators we have.
I usually read someone's entire post before I curate it.
Personally for my account(truthforce) I have it follow the Informationwar curation trail on Steemauto at 100%, because I usually browse/read everything from the informationwar account anyway.
We are totally open to using a service that is better and I actually have some ideas on what such a site would need. I have suggest improvements for Steemauto before but they were not implemented.
Autovoting is helpful to lend automated support to a group or community, like IW. But even then, I like to apply a % I want, and I don't agree with all the votes given by IW curators at times, and don't vote at all. I've seen some 3 paragraph posts, or some things that were bleh... and everything gets the same vote applied, right?
How I see it for the IW is that we want to get a lot of people involved in it. The majority of things that go trending on reddit/twitter/facebook aren't very long usually, but can get a ton of people talking about something important. Every post someone makes is more information stored onto a blockchain(text at least is), and I think that as long as that post is IW related it should get some kind of upvote. With the overall goal being that we are creating a library that people are contributing into that would be very hard to delete.
For shorter "ok quality" posts it is supposed to be a lower vote. Longer posts that are quality should get like 20% to 25% usually.
It really depends, it could be a long post that isn't the best quality and that could get 10%. A long great quality post could get up to 20% to 25%. Or we could be at 100% Voting Power like we are right now, and I am going to upvote stuff with a larger upvote than normal to drain it down a bit so the 100% isn't wasted. Sometimes nothing gets curated because it just happens to be the 5 curators are busy at the same time.
I personally don't agree with everything that we curate either. There have been a few times where I took back something that was curated due to the nature of the content and past history with trolls/bad actors who we upvoted. For the most part the curators have the discretion, but they do have guidelines.