I'm Starting a Curation Service! Upvoting at ~$62 - Submit Your Posts for a Chance to Be Featured!

in #steem7 years ago

Hey again! I've recently been pondering the creation of a curation service for all of my followers. My idea as of right now is that 3 of my followers' posts will be featured each day and each featured post will split my 100% upvote (33% each). I've also got my good friend @dividendgrowth on board to match my upvote (33% to each of the featured posters).

At 74,183 SP My 100% upvote is currently: ~38
At 44,870 SP @dividendgrowth's 100% upvote is currently worth: ~24

So How Does it Work?

This whole thing is brand new for me, so please bear with me as I try to set this all up and find the best way to do everything. Also, if you have any suggestions for making this better, please leave them in the comments or in the new discord channel!

All you have to do to get featured is the following:

  1. Write good content (bad or plagiarazied content will be removed from the list)
  2. Include the tag: #tkc in your posts. This will help me find your posts and include them in the drawing each day (TKC stands for The Kazi Collective. Do you think that's a good name? Let me know if you think of something better! 😉)

That's it! 3 articles will be chosen and featured each day and receive a 33% upvote from me and @dividendgrowth (approx. $21 upvote value) AND you'll be featured in a daily curation article that I will post on my blog @khaleelkazi.

OPTIONAL, but helpful steps:

  1. Be followed to me, @khaleelkazi
  2. Upvote the daily curation post (totally optional, but helpful in spreading awareness and greatly appreciated!)
  3. Also optional is to join my new discord channel. If you'd like to keep up with everything and chat in real-time, here's the link: https://discord.gg/DqgdQsD

The first curation post will be tomorrow, January 5th! Don't forget to post some great content with the #tkc tag to get your name on the list to be featured!

Why Am I Doing This?

I understand the struggle of not getting your content noticed on Steemit and I want to do my part to help promote great content on this great platform! I also read through many of your blogs when I have spare time and have found some amazing talent! I would love to get you guys more money and more exposure on Steemit for your hard work!

Again, please bear with me as I try to set this all up, if you guys have ideas to make this better, please leave them in the comments below or in the discord group. I want this daily curation to feature high-quality content and give the highest possible value back to the Steemit community.

My Steemit page started out as me just ranting about random subjects, and I want to keep doing that, but I also imagine this page turning into much more than just a blog. I imagine it as being a large community, full of great thinkers who share their insight and educate the world. I think this could be a great leap towards that vision and I hope you join me on this mission!

I hope to see you in discord! https://discord.gg/DqgdQsD

