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RE: That day I got a downvote and turned into a crazy maniac

in #steem5 years ago

Well “show me where it hurt you” sure as fuck isn’t the same as “show me on the doll where they touched you”.. that’s quite a stretch, don’t you think?

“Show me where it hurt you” is often asked when someone acts as if something physically caused them pain and they are being asked where the pain is - “Show me where it hurt you.” It’s also used to sarcastically point out that whatever the individual is complaining about is silly and obviously didn’t actually harm them.

So while I can understand how someone could jump to that conclusion based on some words in common, the phrase you mentioned is not even what I used or was referring to and quite frankly, wouldn’t.


Well, I'm glad to know you wouldn't go there. Some whales who also enjoy downvoting, float the doll meme a lot in the various channels. If I misinterpreted what you said, then I sincerely apologize. If you look at the link below, even the internet jumps to that conclusion, so I'm glad you could understand how I did.

I'll shuffle on now, but I do think if we don't want people to engage in shameless self-voting with massive stake. Then Steem ought not offer massive votes as a reward for large stakeholders. Either that or mod out self voting entirely, but keep in mind there is a cause and effect to everything. When or if you are able to successfully eliminate "abuse," you might also find that nobody is willing to invest. Without the investors, bad actors or good, the rewards in the reward pool would be meaningless because there are no buyers to prop up the market value of Steem.

Have a good day Justine,
sorry if I read you wrong there.

but I do think if we don't want people to engage in shameless self-voting with massive stake. Then Steem ought not offer massive votes as a reward for large stakeholders. Either that or mod out self voting entirely.


Even better..

Give people the power to counter self voting and "massive votes".

Yeah, because flags are a poor mechanism for dissuading people from self-voting and we know how great your grasp of what work is.

I'm not sure you know what my grasp of work is, weren't you the one trying to sell me on UBI the other month. Is that what work is?

I don't, it was a typo, works.

Okay, well flags are a great way of persuading people to sell. When potential investors spot this commie mentality, they won't invest.

Which people? The idiots like yourself who think that self upvoting is the only reason to invest? The same idiots that didn't consider that downvoting nullifies any such "reason", and who also regard rating negatively as "commie mentality", to your idiot self if you can rate something as not worthy of rewards it makes you a communist because reasons and explanations.

Take a look at the numbers, they don't lie. There's only so many active users left, so yeah just try and normalize negative voting, and reap what you sew. Jack diddly shit.

Sure. Exactly why the whale experiment was a failure right? Those numbers when for two months whales downvoted all whale votes and the community was loving it and the price and engagement reflected that. Or now with the EPI and powering up growing and bidbot/cheating almost nonexistent, numbers don't lie. Rating things negatively is socialism after all.

Nah it’s fine and I understand how it could be taken that way. Maybe it’s a regional phrase used here or something, as it’s pretty common here and don’t believe it’s stemmed from the one you referenced, but hey I could be wrong.

I also think there are whales who enjoy them and use them for revenge, it’s why I mentioned the importance of countering those sorts of downvotes and offered my help in doing so.

I think we have along way to go for Steem to be successful and I agree we have to find a balance. The shared inflation pool always seems to add additional difficulties.

Thanks for your comment and for pointing out some important concerns.

Have a good day.

No, that is not a stretch, that is exactly what it seems to be suggesting. @thoughts-in-time is perceiving the point of the tag exactly how I imagine it should be perceived. It certainly comes off as if it was rooted from that phrase used in criminal cases.

You appear to me, from your content, to be a brash individual that enjoys poking at people where you can. So, I imagine the tag was accurately conveying the joke that seems to be intended.

Child rape is no "joke" you sick fuck. But then again neither is posting photos of children like Justine did while wearing nothing but a see through thong with her pussy showing through next to the kids head. These people are about as deranged and sick in the head as they come.

This clown show just gets weirder and weirder. You can't even make this shit up.

Finger yourself on camera for the whole world lately while virtue signaling the little guy Justine? Or better yet.. share images of your twat next to stolen photos of little kids?

You are one sick fucking witch. You will burn in hell.

Well I cannot control how someone perceived a tag, only explain how it was intended.. which I already explained.

Care to show me examples of where I’m poking at people to somehow back up your incorrect perception? As this post was about not making excuses for toxic behavior, as well as offering support to anyone receiving malicious downvotes.. how absolutely horrid of me.

Or was it my last post about the importance of free speech that could be protected on the platform.. or that post I wrote about how amazing the community is.. or was it the cows? Did the cows set you off?

I’m blunt, and honest and after so long of being harassed.. I also don’t take any shit. If you perceive that as me being a brash individual who likes to poke at people.. fair enough, but I’d say you need to work on your perception skills personally, as my actions show nothing of the sort.

Simply saying your actions don't convey it does not make it true. If your behavior signaled to my mind that you are unnecessarily aggressive and insulting then that is what happened. Now, I recognize that some people can be overly sensitive, and hey, that kind of stuff bugs me too.

However, I find your way of speaking "toxic" in the youthful way where young people don't recognize that the world is not black and white and that your words are not imbued with righteousness that can correct wrongs. I was the same, I recognize it in people because I was just like that. Then I read How To Win Friends & Influence People and got over that stage.

Don't misunderstand me, I still rip people a new one from time to time, but still, I try to attack the action, not the person. Your post here derided the human experience of those that differ on the subject of votes than you. If you wanted to be effective, you would have performed better by having a respectful tone, addressing those people's concerns, and suggesting your rationale for having downvotes.

Economics, for the most part, is about * want* with occasional need thrown in. Since Steem is hyper-capitalism tethered to a social network it is likely wise to keep in mind how successful business people tend to approach things. Human experience is deeply respected by the business person. People born with a silver spoon tend to not understand this, but success depends on it.

The entrepreneur keeps a fussy, critical, sensitive mentality when assessing whether to invest in a product or not. This is because they are looking for any possible inconvenience or frustration the customer/buyer might experience that could hinder sales. User experience is king.

Now, why did I say that? You lack that mentality, and it hurts Steem as a product. Steem is a product, plain and simple, and if its user experience sucks it will fail. Your argument is that a good user experience requires a bold flag culture, I can respect you having this opinion, however, it does no good to deride other users that express the flag culture as a negative experience.

What you believe is best for Steem might be true and it might not be. However, disregarding the user experience of others and belittling them is not good for business. Steem is about 11,000+ real users when you discount all the accounts below 500 SP, which means that it is pathetically small. And you wish to alienate users? I encourage you to think that out a bit more.

Maybe you shoulda read the post again, as actually I’m talking about normalizing downvotes and countering (supporting) those that receive them out of malice. Clearly you don’t know what I’m speaking of when I say those who lose it over a downvote are not excusable, unless you think threatening someone’s life is a good user experience?

Again, I think my actions and how I support small accounts as well as how I try to help develop a better user experience are a better factor in determining my goals then your quick judgement. Just because you feel I’m toxic because you read some tone you didn’t like doesn’t really mean much to what the reality of the circumstance is.

You seem to be preaching to me about how I need to accept how others may not feel the same way as me, while also telling me I need to see things your way. Seems we can just agree to disagree.

I think properly used downvotes are vital, I also said I don’t like the way they are abused. If you disagree, write a post about it.

Also, I’m not that young.

Spend some time with trauma victims and you will understand how your words are harmful.

I’ll talk to myself and let you know how it goes. Thanks.

You are a vile nasty sack of shit parent. Of course you know about child abuse. You are guilty of it.