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RE: Crunch Time! For Steemit, Devs, and Witnesses.

in #steem7 years ago

The Top 250 you speak of will be the result of better quality posts on Steemit rather than the quantity.

And I believe Steemit is being held back with duplicate content from the other Steem Interfaces such as Busy, eSteem, PeerQuery etc.

Fixing the Canonical Link issue must be a priority if we are to take the next step.

Alternatively, Steemit could begin to filter out other platforms content based on their primary tag and begin to look more like a Medium.

Does Zappl, chainbb, steepshot content really belong on Steemit?


Identity crisis I guess. Personally I'm into Medium-like / content. But then I also like the charm of well-thought out short content / curation as well. I'm not sure about SEO stuff, but duplicate content on the web will score worse?