How did video games conquer the world ? part 1

Some time in your life you have asked yourself if a video game can become a sport?... Well, the answer is "Sure, yeah!”And is currently known as “eSport”.
Then the real question would be... What the hell are the eSports? But do not worry that in this post you will discover everything about them, and you will see that a simple video game can win the hearts of millions of people. Come on!

Starcraft 2 IEM Katowice 2017 - Grand Finals
What is an eSport?
The term eSport comes from "Electronic Sports" this term is used for tournaments organized on a global scale for a mostly competitive video game. In it, certain rules are clarified and players face each other in consoles or computers to achieve the only objective they dispute: Fill glory and acclaim the title of the best in the world. Today there is a controversial debate about the identification of these players to call them athletes but the experts agree that they are. The big governments like the United States or Germany recognize that professional players in video games are considered as athletes and the South Korean Olympic Committee has taken it for granted that even Olympic-level sports players can be called esports.
The concept of effort is unique with electronic sports because it requires a high mental and physical knowledge as well as normal sports. The discussion between this concept is reflected that esports can have an equality with chess and poker since they are considered sports and now you can find them virtually, there are even examples of Olympic shooting or billiards, where the mental factor is what makes the difference.

Wings Gaming crowning themselves as champions of The International 6 in the decisive match in the finals against Digital Chaos.
Another issue that also makes possible about the equality that sports share with eSports are fans worldwide, the fame reached by some players and teams can be compared with stars of the NBA or NFL, including marketing as shirts, accessories, among other products are sold to support the favorite franchises of your choice, the economic figures that have acquired video games in the last 5 years, show that they are a very dominant economic sector and of course with a source of millions of fans around of all the world. More than 36 million people watched the final of the 2016 League of Legends World Championship, adding to the people they witnessed at the stadium, surpassing sports such as basketball, as the NBA Finals audience was 32 million. the last game that same year, and with this is more than enough the potential that esports currently possess. The common practice of users of all ages to these video games has consolidated a very powerful audience.
According to a study by the Newzoo Company: “The eSports could get to surpass in spectators and final revenues like the Super Bowl or the Champions League of soccer in less than ten years”.

Nearly 21,000 people attended the final of the League of Legends World Championship in 2016 at the Staples Center.IGN
Where are these tournaments broadcast worldwide?
ESports events are mainly followed by, a relay platform through the network. It is a form of communication totally separate from the conventional. They already have more viewers than important American television channels (many more than any Spanish channel) and more than 80% of their traffic is related to esports. The online sales company Amazon acquired for 735 million euros in 2014, since then they have only grown at a dizzying pace, currently with more than 100 million viewers and counting.

Currently the most played games in the eSports tournaments are the League of Legends and the Counter Strike.Wikipedia
What video games are considered eSport?
Not all video games have the rank of electronic sport. In fact, among the millions of games there are, just a dozen are considered eSports and all of them must meet a series of specific conditions that, in essence, are the following:
- The game allows direct confrontation between two or more participants.
- The players compete in equal conditions, being the victory exclusively determined by the ability of these.
- There are leagues and official competitions regulated with rules and formed by teams and professional players.
- It enjoys popularity and being competitive. That is to say, it has thousands of people playing and the media retransmits the competitions.
- It must promote the desire to excel.

List of existing eSports (2015) Fuente
It may be difficult to quickly understand how eSports inspire and form a fundamental part of the lives of millions of people. It is not a simple sports movement. They are part of a revolution that has affected the media since the appearance of the Internet. Since its inception eSports have not appeared in traditional media, have not been present on television or radio, which explains why much of the public is still unaware of its existence. The growth of this industry is surprising, more and more people enjoy watching these competitions. Tension, extreme concentration, unimaginable strategies, inhuman reflexes ... all this makes electronic sports one of the most exciting spectacles

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