RE: [Discussion Post] What's coming next on Steem?
Thanks for doing this, I wish I had a good idea on what is going on. However basically the only things I have to go off is the work being done on github. For the most part that development is slow compared with how quickly Tron seems to move on other things. I am not sure why that is or what to make of it. It seems there is basically one or two developers doing the work as it relates to STEEM, why? These sort of actions lead me to believe that Steemit (and hopefully STEEM) will be but a small part in Sun's broader ecosystem. Which is a shame because he should be posting on and promoting it but he is doing nothing with it, which again is odd. It's also odd to me that the TRX people will receive from posting is equivalent to .2 per 1 STEEM. Shouldn't it be the other way around with the price of STEEM more than 8x the price of TRX? Unfortunately I have a lot of questions and not many answers. Would be nice if they would say something about what is going on here.
I was hoping the power down was going to be used for liquidity pools relating to justswap as much of that steem that was sent to binance eventually went to Poloniex. We can be fairly certain he is not planning on dumping that steem on poloniex given how thinly traded STEEM is on that exchange. However, there is no guarantee that is what that STEEM will be used for.
One thing that gives me some solace is the price action. There has been and continues to be some large bids that continue to sit there on STEEM. If STEEM was truly dead those bids wouldn't be there. They have been there for months and I assumed were Justin Sun or his team. If they are going to support the price they must have a reason to do so. Hopefully that plan involves increasing the price at some point.