Recognition Is it good?

in #steem2 months ago


If we place them in order of importance, the first thing is recognition, this allows for better psychological and emotional well-being, recognition is a basic human need since we all need to be valued, both for what we are and for what we do.

Recognition can come from different people such as friends, family, colleagues or we can receive recognition from ourselves, both the lack or excess of recognition can affect our self-esteem, this means that it can affect our self-perception.


Recognition in the work environment is extremely important since this can make the difference between a productive environment or not. The lack of recognition in many cases can generate different feelings, including feelings of frustration or resentment, this can also lead to depression in some aspects. This is because we come to feel that our effort is useless, has no value, that is why we think that we are not appreciated even when we try our best, our value is questioned by ourselves.

It is of utmost importance not only to learn to receive knowledge but also to give. You may be wondering, how do I learn to receive recognition? This is because sometimes it is too difficult for us to receive a compliment or when we receive it we minimize it or simply reject it, and this is not knowing how to receive recognition, for this we must learn to accept recognition, praise with gratitude and this we must also learn. to do it with other people.


An example: if someone tells you: "that's great work you did," instead of ignoring it or downplaying it, you can simply say: "thank you, I really appreciate it." These small changes not only strengthen the bond and relationship with the person who gives you recognition but also reinforce our self-esteem.

As we become conscious of receiving recognition as well as giving recognition to others, it will become a habitual language. Surrounding ourselves with people who also express recognition is very positive for our development and intra-personal and interpersonal growth. . From now on, keep in mind that recognition is not bad, quite the opposite: it is an opportunity to develop self-esteem and the relationship with oneself and with others, recognition adds value to our lives and those of others. This is also part of what allows us to enjoy a balanced and full life, the first thing is to learn to recognize our value.

