A positive attitude can save your life.
Maybe saying that a positive attitude can save your life seems like something very fantastic, but if we analyze it, attitude is what makes the difference and at the end of the day it can save our lives.

A few days ago my wife and I were watching a series that I recommend by the way: "Emily in Paris", and this series helped me understand many things, especially the positive attitude of the main character and all the results she gets. Although it is a series, analyzing it is very similar to what happens to us daily, when we have a positive mentality, everything we do, think and say is oriented towards solutions and not towards deepening the problems, enlarging them or going around in circles without meaning.
When we develop a positive mindset we always know that we can find a new option, a new way to move forward and achieve what we long for, a positive attitude allows us to focus on all the good, just as there are people who always see the bad things well Or the glass half empty, since this is learned we can also learn to see the best in people and circumstances as well as the glass half full. Definitely having this type of mindset contributes to good health and a long life, we are not so worried and anxious about what will happen in the future so we do not express ourselves as much as if we were focused on the worst that could happen all the time.
It is also important that we understand that where we put our gaze, our attention is where we will be able to see these types of opportunities, it is very common that when a woman is pregnant it seems that suddenly there are many women who are pregnant at the same time, when you were thinking about a red car, because it is the one you like and the one you would like to buy, surely on the street you see many more red cars than normal. This is simply because our reticular activating system focuses on what we want to see and it seems that we see more of that, imagine now that if you are focused on the negative, what will you observe most of the day? In the same way if you have a positive attitude and develop the habit of seeing the glass half full oriented to all the problems that arise to solve it, I am sure that since your gaze is set on the solutions and on all the positive aspects of things, that is what we are going to be experiencing most of the time.
This does not mean that accidents, adversities, complex and difficult situations, etc. will never happen to you. The important thing here is to know that in any situation
we can develop a positive mentality focused on resolving any inconvenience.