Has the Trollbox lost it's place?

in #steem9 years ago

Has the Trollbox lost it's place?

www.btc-e.com used to be my favorite place to chat. I spent many hours chatting on there and following the links and stories people pasted there.

The conversation would flow from smiley faces to the latest coin being created and why or why it wasn't a scam, and then onto why religion and Statism sucked or was awesome.

In the early days I never saw anyone banned and the roomed appeared to be unmoderated as far as I could tell.
You never new what was coming next and there where SO many people trying to talk at once that some people found it frustrating to follow.

Unfortunately that frustrated element festered and complained until slowly but surely the btc-e.com trollbox was strangled to become a mear shadow of it's former self.

Today there are limits on what you can discuss, discuss a coin that's not traded on btc and you'll banned. Get into a debate on anything controversial and you can be banned. Get on the wrong side of a moderator and be banned. Very often the ban will depend on who is talking, if you are in the right crowd then you can get away with more. Censorship makes for very BORING content.

But worse was still to come, then they made minimum deposit requirements for chatting so those who wanted to use btc-e simply as an exchange could no longer chat.

The minimum was $100, now it's $1000!!!

This means not only boring censored content but the only people chatting now are the ones crazy enough to trust a group of anonymous users they don't know with more than US$1000. After Mount Gox, Crypsty and Bitfinex, that's just bat shit crazy especially when there are so many better options like Shapeshift.io and there ilk.

As Andreas Antonopoulos "if you don't control the bitcoin keys, it's not your bitcoin"
(remixed by Friends of Satoshi)

So I think the btc-e trollbox HAS lost it's place.

I know I don't hold the keys to my steem currently but since all the steem I own has been a gift to encourage good content I feel it's a step in the right direction and I've started a trollbox on Steemit for btc-e escapees and wanabees
I am sure that your chances of being rewarded for chatting in here are vastly superior and the discussion is open to people who think holding the keys is important.

Looking forward to a censorship resistant future then join me in the steemit trollbox here :)