STEEM PRICE TO GO UP IN 2018 - I know users of steem are maturing. That is helping everything!

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

As users get more experience with steem, collectively we are gaining experience and trust in this blockchain. The good news is that in 2018, the price of steem could increase quite a bit.


The signs of the price of steem increasing to new highs in 2018 are everywhere. @ned knows already too I bet..

Can't see it?

Ok, let's look together..


Youtube like system called DTube comes to steem August 2017

Now watch the first sentence of that DTube announcement:

"I am really excited to finally bring this project to the public"

It clearly reminds us that it takes time to build awesome apps like this, and it was done while most people didn't even know it was being made.

While you read this, other things are being built for the steem blockchain RIGHT NOW and you won't know about them until the next few coming months either. Keep in mind there is only 4 months left of 2017.

You can fully expect that in 2018 we'll have all kinds of neat steem-related apps and features to explode this blockchain even more. What happens as a result of that? more demand for steem. higher prices for steem

But there's more...


International Business Times reaches over 55 million people every month in seven global editions and four different languages. International Business Times is owned by Newsweek Media Group

A recent story written by Leigh Cuen titled "California Lawmaker Targets Sexual Harassment Among Venture Capitalists" (link) quotes Leah Stephens which is @stellabelle on steemit:

"Stephens said Steemit co-founder Dan Larimer took action to create solutions on his tech-centric social media platform after women reported the abuse. Offensive content was flagged and abusive users muted then shunned. “People with high reputation in [the] community can change things,” she said. “I see the entire issue as a problem of economic power. When women don't have economic freedom, they don't have a voice."

Well congratulations to all of us for these reasons:

  • Steemit user @stellabelle was quoted on International Business Times
  • Co-founder of Steem, Dan Larimer was also mentioned in the article
  • News stories like this have the potential of reaching 55 million people in a single month

Steemit users and steem is being mentioned on mainstream media

This is just getting started!

What do you think will happen as 2018 approaches? We're a noisy bunch. This whole platform is about creating content, writing content, and publishing content.

Want to know some other "content rich" places?

  • Facebook
  • Reddit
  • Twitter

Ever hear of those? What do you think is going to happen as more people hear about steem and steemit?

QUESTION: Ok, what if people don't hear about it often enough on mainstream media?

ANSWER: They are still going to hear about it by word of mouth. How do you think this place got this busy already?

...and also:


Special thanks for this post goes to experienced steem users @stellabelle for being noticed by as well as @heimindanger for DTube.

What is the benefit of having an experienced and maturing community?

  • They believe in the system and hold instead of selling everything
  • When price dips, experience shows users it is time to buy
  • Our bottom lows are going to keep incrementing higher each time
  • Experienced users put forth greater effort in participating and engaging
  • Mature users will spread word-of-mouth advertising
  • These same users can help onboard new users, and the cycle repeats.
  • They attract followers, and media of all types has no problem quoting them as important figures
  • Experienced users help curate content which is scalable and works for minimum cost.
  • They keep the place alive and attract developers who want their attention
  • The investment opportunity increases. So does the price, and the long term value for everyone

I'm on day 5/30 of my positivity challenge.

So I ask you:

STEEM PRICE TO GO UP IN 2018? Sure... of course it can and I personally think it will!

SO HANG ON TO YOUR STEEM. Only sell what you absolutely need.


Great post, refreshing to see a bunch of real reasons for why Steemit price might grow instead of brainless shilling.

You have my full UV!

@intelliguy I saw from your wallet that you're lending out about 1000 of your 1500 Steem power. Why do you choose to do this? Where do you go to lend it out?

Look at my blog. It's only 4 or 5 posts down that explains everything. Read about @voiceshares. I even explain how to do it.

"You can fully expect that in 2018 we'll have all kinds of neat steem-related apps and features to explode this blockchain even more."

Do you know which apps these will be? How did you get this information?

BeyondBitcoin show aka Whale Tank put on by @officialfuzzy every Friday. I know what people are working on. They often discuss it after the show during the afterparty.

Can you tell me the ones you have heard about already?

I bought a whole bunch of steem a while back because I wanted to blog a lot on this platform. Recently my investments have been taking higher priority but I believe in this platform nonetheless.

I think that for the next major Steem price pump, Steemit has to become simpler to use and have a user friendly mobile app which is fast.

With the value that Steemit provides, the rise in price of the Steem token is inevitable.


You said your "investments have been taking higher priority", but isn't your Steem you bought to blog here also an investment? I'm confused. Or I suppose you meant the straight up "trading"type of cryptos, like when you buy an ICO and hope to double /triple that within a day, then sell it for some quick cash? (Or buy and holds, either way).

Steemit and its very core is easy to use, but when you want to do some other things like un-delegate (not sure if that's a word?) Steem Power, it's really tough to figure out! After trying everything I finally wrote a "Help!" post about that yesterday and got the answer.

Using fancy markup, while it isn't "hard", also isn't exactly dead simple to do - like posting on FB or Reddit - and takes some practice as well.

I'll stop rambling... my point is that while it's easy to jump in and start swimming in the Steemit pool, there is a bit of a learning curve to truly master the platform.

Yes it is an investment in Steem. I expect the value of my Steem to go up in time whether or not I post. The value of all my other investments will not go up if I don't work on them.

I invest in ICO's, have some long term holds in undervalued coins and also do some scalping.

I know the fancy mark up in annoying, takes a while to figure out. When this learning curve is made smaller for newcomers, as in a LOT smaller as it should be, then I foresee that to be a big step forward.

For sure, agree re the learning curve. The trend seems to be the simpler, the greater the mass adoption. I hope that day comes sooner than later.

Best of luck to you and your ICO/long term holds!

Oh they know. They're doing it. Stability, security, and performance always comes first. Then UI and features come next.

haha as long as it comes at some point :) works for me!

I'll convert a bit of SBD to Bitcoin once in a while, but Steem Power is a long-term hold and acquire.

Golden words.

I agree, Steem is going up in value in 2018!

And beyond!

nope its going down
its a scam

remlor- why in the world are you downvoting everything?

cause i can
trying to show everyone this is a utter farse and its flawed
it wont last

Why are you flagging me, I have never done you any ill, I don't want to get into any flagging wars with anyone

hahahah shows the crappyness of this joke of a platform
the very fact that people can do this shows it is a scam!

So you downvote my comments as well, in the future please avoid my post, don't want that kind of vibes around me...if you think its a scam, then leave why go around downvoting power stuff, I don't even know you or I have ever downvoted your stuff, so please take that vibes somewhere else

Well, you gotta do what you gotta do.

With the price this low use the opportunity to accumulate more steem over time ! I believe LONGTERM steem will top $50,000,000,000 marketcap which would prep only 10% of FACEBOOK! As the platform of steemit grows improvements to the platform will act as catalysts to push the share price higher and higher. If you missed buying Facebook when it I POD at $37 this is your Second chance! I buy accumulating more and more shares as the price is low will pay off exponentially as as the price increases !

Mining Steem is also possible and less expensive! But definitely, if the owners know how to enter Wall Street, this could be a great chance to do what we did not do with Facebook. But buying shares is one thing, and investing on the coin is another thing. Right now, with the growth of cryptomoney and its different variations, I would not dare to buy shares of a new company if I can go to invest in ICO.

I think this year we see steem up 3.10 $

so great! I am going to also invest money on Steem because I know it's going to succeed!

combination of crypto and social media it's genius!!!

My last post was about achieving success through an optimistic approach and this is exactly what I meant. You have given it a new meaning in a beautiful form full of hope.

People complain about low earnings but they do not see the value of Steem and neither the massive appreciation that it will go through in the coming year. It is poised to rise especially with a mass validation of what it has to offer the world through Steemit, which is an amalgamation of a content system and a social platform.

Thanks for the great post!

Steem+mass adoption=wealth in my pocket.