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RE: Upvoting Yourself

in #steem9 years ago

Upvoting yourself. Means you agree with what you've written, and you'd like to promote your own post.

I understand why you didn't upvote this one though. Talking about licking your balls, is crude. Then using profanity unnecessarily to get your point across is also crude.

I don't like your writing style in this post. I'm not going to downvote though. Word of advice, to go a little further, try to write a little cleaner. You might get more attention that way.


This is the best reply on all of Steemit combined!!!!! Seriously. THE best. Thank you @intelliguy! Made my day.

i didn't see anywhere that you can place a down-vote.
I have only seen up-voting.
Where is the down-vote button ?

Top of the post or any comment, a little white flag turns into a red flag.

Use it wisely, and only downvote someone by leaving a comment as to why.

Be also ready for retaliation when you downvote someone. If you are higher reputation they can't hurt you as much as you can hurt them.

It's unfortunate, but downvoting someone causes instant anger. I often give the person an opporunity to correct their mistake and I'll remove the downvote. But if they insist on continuing, well it's going to be their loss, because other people will eventually downvote them too if they keep up the behavior.

The most common reason for a downvote is when someone is obviously cheating the system. Reading through my blog I've given numerous posts over the last year that gives advice on what good things you can do... and what bad things not to do.. it's a worthy read.

It's a bit of a bummer, because by that logic a good post that no one bothered to upvote (because there aren't many users / they didn't see it / they already saw many posts by that point and are kind of tuning out etc.) comes across the same as something that someone "downvoted" i.e. ignored. It would be interesting actually to give posts a rating rather than upvote only. So like when you mouse over it comes up with 5 stars, and you can set your upvote rating to anywhere between the 5 stars. In the end you see the average ratings. That would be pretty useful I think.

But definitely I applaud someone thinking up ways to discourage downvoting save for actual abuse of the system, or awful behaviour. It's the same on Reddit but people do use the downvote button as a "disagree" button. Upvote isn't meant to be flat out agreement either, but a blanket "this is a good post, it added something worth thinking about to the discussion" whether you personally agreed with it or not. I'd say upvoting the posts/comments you felt compelled to comment on is good form, as by your own admission it's worth saying something about / in response. Unless you hate it and want to trash it lol.

i did it just because im annoyed about all these people that instead of helping each others, are remaining selfish.
I like to keep writing this way, because nothing else is working for me. Look's like whales hate me, so i decided to change my strategy.
Check out my first post, and look what reward i got for that kind of effort.

I'm new but here's my strategy, I've got to get to a position here on Steemit and in life in order to help anyone as much as I really want to help them. I upvote freely to anything I agree with, that includes myself. I also bumped my sharing temporarily to grow myself faster, because I truly believe in a way we would agree. To help others maximize their potential I too need to maximize my potential. I'll bring it back down shortly, but this isn't necessarily unethical or selfish with a long term plan. On the other hand if you look at upvoting percentages, I feel similarly but have noticed big fish throw lures to minnows. As in the upvote a lot at 1% fishing for a lot of upvotes at 100%. That's selfish. It's also tricky jicky and should be talked about often. Bring that up.

Do you think it makes any difference if you up-vote a popular post, compared to up-voting an unpopular post ?